§ 1228.50 - Application of schedules.  

Latest version.
  • The application of approved schedules is mandatory (44 U.S.C. 3303a). The Archivist of the United States will determine whether or not records may be destroyed or transferred to the National Archives. If the Archivist approves the request for disposition authority, NARA will notify the agency by returning one copy of the completed SF 115. This shall constitute mandatory authority for the final disposition of the records (for withdrawal of disposal authority or the extension of retention periods, see §§ 1228.52 and 1228.54). The authorized destruction shall be accomplished as prescribed in § 1228.58. The head of each Federal agency shall direct the application of records schedules to ensure the agency maintains recorded information necessary to conduct Government business, avoid waste, and preserve permanent records for transfer to the National Archives. The agency head shall take the following steps to ensure proper dissemination and application of approved schedules:

    (a) Issue an agency directive incorporating the disposition authorities approved by NARA, i.e., SF 115s (except for one-time authorities covering nonrecurring records) and the General Records Schedules. Also include nonrecord materials with disposition instructions developed by the agency. Once all records and nonrecord materials are included, this document is the agency's comprehensive schedule. Agencies may also issue other directives containing instructions relating to agency records disposition procedures.

    (1) Published schedules contain disposition authorities granted by NARA for records that the agency continues to create. They include general instructions for transfer of records to a records storage facility, transfer of records to the National Archives of the United States, and other retention and disposition procedures. They do not include nonrecurring records for which NARA has granted authority for immediate disposal or transfer to the National Archives of the United States.

    (2) Comprehensive schedules are formally published manuals or directives that provide for the disposition of all recurring records and nonrecord materials created by an agency. These schedules must cite the GRS or SF 115 and item numbers that provide the legal disposition authority for items covering record material.

    (3) Prior to issuance, agencies may consult with NARA concerning directives or other issuances containing approved schedules, instructions for use of NARA records centers, transfer of records to the National Archives of the United States, or other matters covered by NARA procedures or regulations.

    (4) Agencies must submit to the National Archives and Records Administration (NWML) copies of published records schedules and all directives and other issuances relating to records disposition, within 30 days of implementation or internal dissemination, as specified below. If an agency both prints copies for distribution and posts an electronic copy, it should follow the instructions in paragraph (a)(4)(ii) of this section.

    (i) Agencies that print these materials for internal distribution must forward to NARA (NWML), 8601 Adelphi Rd., College Park, MD 20740-6001, three copies of each final directive or other issuance relating to records disposition and 20 copies of all published records schedules (printed agency manuals) and changes to all manuals as they are issued.

    (ii) Agencies that make these materials available via the Internet or internally on an Intranet web site or by other electronic means must submit one printed or electronic copy, in a format specified by NARA, to NARA (NWML) when the directive or manual is posted or distributed. Electronic mail messages transmitting copies of agency schedules as electronic attachments may be sent to records.mgt@nara.gov. These submissions must specify the name, title, agency, address, and telephone number of the submitter. If the records schedule is posted on a publicly available web site, the agency must also provide the Internet address (URL).

    (b) Establish internal training programs to acquaint appropriate personnel with the requirements and procedures of the records disposition program.

    (c) Apply the approved records disposition schedules to the agency's records.

    (1) Records described by items marked “disposition not approved” or “withdrawn” may not be destroyed until a specific disposition has been approved by NARA.

    (2) Disposition authorities for items on approved SF 115s that specify an organizational component of the department or independent agency as the creator or custodian of the records may be applied to the same records after internal reorganization, but only if the nature, content, and functional importance of the records remain the same. Authority approved for items described in a functional format may be applied to any organizational component within the department or independent agency that is responsible for the relevant function.

    (3) Disposition authorities approved for one department or independent agency may not be applied by another. Departments or agencies that acquire records from another department or agency, and/or continue creating the same series of records previously created by another department or agency through interagency reorganization must submit an SF 115 to NARA for disposition authorization for the records within one year of the reorganization.

    (4) Unless otherwise specified, disposition authorities apply retroactively to all existing records as described in the schedule, including records acquired by transfer of function within or between agencies, as long as the nature, content, and functional importance of the records series is unchanged.

    (d) Review approved schedules, and, if necessary, update them annually. Additions and changes to the GRS shall be incorporated or otherwise disseminated within 6 months of issuance from NARA.