Part 1237 - Audiovisual, Cartographic, and Related Records Management  

§ 1237.1 - What is the applicability and scope of this part?
§ 1237.2 - What are the authorities for part 1237?
§ 1237.3 - What standards are incorporated by reference in this part?
§ 1237.4 - What definitions apply to this part?
§ 1237.10 - How must agencies manage their audiovisual, cartographic, and related records?
§ 1237.12 - What record elements must be created and preserved for permanent audiovisual records?
§ 1237.14 - What are the additional scheduling requirements for audiovisual, cartographic, and related records?
§ 1237.16 - How do agencies store audiovisual records?
§ 1237.18 - What are the environmental standards for audiovisual records storage?
§ 1237.20 - What are special considerations in the maintenance of audiovisual records?
§ 1237.22 - What are special considerations in the storage and maintenance of cartographic and related records?
§ 1237.24 - What are special considerations for storage and maintenance of aerial photographic records?
§ 1237.26 - What materials and processes must agencies use to create audiovisual records?
§ 1237.28 - What special concerns apply to digital photographs?
§ 1237.30 - How do agencies manage records on nitrocellulose-base and cellulose-acetate base film?