§ 219.24 - Science consistency evaluations.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The responsible official must ensure that plan amendments and revisions are consistent with the best available science. The responsible official may use a science advisory board (§219.25) to assist in determining whether information gathered, evaluations conducted, or analyses and conclusions reached in the planning process are consistent with the best available science. If the responsible official decides to use a science advisory board, the board and the responsible official are to jointly establish criteria for the science advisory board and the responsible official to use in reviewing the consistency of proposed plan amendments and revisions with the best available science.

    (b) The science advisory board is responsible for organizing and conducting a scientific consistency evaluation to determine the following:

    (1) If relevant scientific (ecological, social, or economic) information has been considered by the responsible official in a manner consistent with current scientific understanding at the appropriate scales;

    (2) If uncertainty of knowledge has been recognized, acknowledged, and adequately documented; and

    (3) If the level of risk in achievement of sustainability is acknowledged and adequately documented by the responsible official.

    (c) If substantial disagreement among members of the science advisory board or between the science advisory board and the responsible official is identified during a science consistency evaluation, a summary of such disagreement should be noted in the appropriate environmental documentation within Forest Service NEPA procedures.