§ 1.672 - Manner of taking testimony.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Unless testimony must be compelled under 35 U.S.C. 24, compelled from a party, or compelled in a foreign country, testimony of a witness shall be taken by affidavit in accordance with this subpart. Testimony which must be compelled under 35 U.S.C. 24, compelled from a party, or compelled in a foreign country shall be taken by oral deposition.

    (b) A party presenting testimony of a witness by affidavit shall, within the time set by the administrative patent judge for serving affidavits, file a copy of the affidavit or, if appropriate, notice under § 1.671(e). If the affidavit relates to a party's case-in-chief, it shall be filed or noticed no later than the date set by an administrative patent judge for the party to file affidavits for its case-in-chief. If the affidavit relates to a party's case-in-rebuttal, it shall be filed or noticed no later than the date set by an administrative patent judge for the party to file affidavits for its case-in-rebuttal. A party shall not be entitled to rely on any document referred to in the affidavit unless a copy of the document is filed with the affidavit. A party shall not be entitled to rely on any thing mentioned in the affidavit unless the opponent is given reasonable access to the thing. A thing is something other than a document. The pages of affidavits filed under this paragraph and of any other testimony filed therewith under §§ 1.683(a) and 1.688(a) shall, to the extent possible, be given sequential numbers which shall also serve as the record page numbers for the affidavits and other testimony in the party's record to be filed under § 1.653. Exhibits identified in the affidavits or in any other testimony filed under §§ 1.683(a) and 1.688(a) and any official records and printed publications filed under § 1.682(a) shall, to the extent possible, be given sequential exhibit numbers, which shall also serve as the exhibit numbers when the exhibits are filed with the party's record. The affidavits, testimony filed under §§ 1.683(a) and 1.688(a) and exhibits shall be accompanied by an index of the names of the witnesses, giving the number of the page where the testimony of each witness begins, and by an index of the exhibits briefly describing the nature of each exhibit and giving the number of the page where each exhibit is first identified and offered into evidence.

    (c) If an opponent objects to the admissibility of any evidence contained in or submitted with an affidavit filed under paragraph (b) of this section, the opponent must, no later than the date set by the administrative patent judge for filing objections under this paragraph, file objections stating with particularity the nature of each objection. An opponent that fails to object to the admissibility of the evidence contained in or submitted with an affidavit on a ground that could have been raised in a timely objection under this paragraph will not be entitled to move under § 1.656(h) to suppress the evidence on that ground. If an opponent timely files objections, the party may, within 20 days of the due date for filing objections, file one or more supplemental affidavits, official records or printed publications to overcome the objections. No objection to the admissibility of the supplemental evidence shall be made, except as provided by § 1.656(h). The pages of supplemental affidavits filed under this paragraph shall, to the extent possible, be sequentially numbered beginning with the number following the last page number of the party's testimony submitted under paragraph (b) of this section. The page numbers assigned to the supplemental affidavits shall also serve as the record page numbers for the supplemental affidavits in the party's record filed under § 1.653. Additional exhibits identified in supplemental affidavits and any supplemental official records and printed publications shall, to the extent possible, be given sequential numbers beginning with the number following the last number of the exhibits submitted under paragraph (b) of this section. The exhibit numbers shall also serve as the exhibit numbers when the exhibits are filed with the party's record. The supplemental affidavits shall be accompanied by an index of the names of the witnesses and an index of exhibits of the type specified in paragraph (b) of this section.

    (d) After the time expires for filing objections and supplemental affidavits, or earlier when appropriate, the administrative patent judge shall set a time within which any opponent may file a request to cross-examine an affiant on oral deposition. If any opponents requests cross-examination of an affiant, the party shall notice a deposition at a reasonable location within the United States under § 1.673(e) for the purpose of cross-examination by any opponent. Any redirect and recross shall take place at the deposition. At any deposition for the purpose of cross-examination of a witness, the party shall not be entitled to rely on any document or thing not mentioned in one or more of the affidavits filed under paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, except to the extent necessary to conduct proper redirect. The party who gives notice of a deposition shall be responsible for providing a translator if the witness does not testify in English, for obtaining a court reporter, and for filing a certified transcript of the deposition as required by § 1.676. Within 45 days of the close of the period for taking cross-examination, the party shall serve (but not file) a copy of each transcript on each opponent together with copies of any additional documentary exhibits identified by the witness during the deposition. The pages of the transcripts served under this paragraph shall, to the extent possible, be sequentially numbered beginning with the number following the last page number of the party's supplemental affidavits submitted under paragraph (c) of this section. The numbers assigned to the transcript pages shall also serve as the record page numbers for the transcripts in the party's record filed under § 1.653. Additional exhibits identified in the transcripts, shall, to the extent possible, be given sequential numbers beginning with the number following the last number of the exhibits submitted under paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section. The exhibit numbers assigned to the additional exhibits shall also serve as the exhibit numbers when those exhibits are filed with the party's record. The deposition transcripts shall be accompanied by an index of the names of the witnesses, giving the number of the page where cross-examination, redirect and recross of each witness begins, and an index of exhibits of the type specified in paragraph (b) of this section.

    (e) [Reserved]

    (f) When a deposition is authorized to be taken within the United States under this subpart and if the parties agree in writing, the deposition may be taken in any place within the United States, before any person authorized to administer oaths, upon any notice, and in any manner, and when so taken may be used like other depositions.

    (g) If the parties agree in writing, the affidavit testimony of any witness may be submitted without opportunity for cross-examination.

    (h) If the parties agree in writing, testimony may be submitted in the form of an agreed statement setting forth how a particular witness would testify, if called, or the facts in the case of one or more of the parties. The agreed statement shall be filed in the Patent and Trademark Office. See § 1.653(a).

    (i) In an unusual circumstance and upon a showing that testimony cannot be taken in accordance with the provisions of this subpart, an administrative patent judge upon motion (§ 1.635) may authorize testimony to be taken in another manner.