Part 380 - Rates and Terms for Transmissions by Eligible Nonsubscription Services and New Subscription Services and for the Making of Ephemeral Reproductions to Facilitate Those Transmissions  

Subpart A - Regulations Of General Application
§ 380.1 - Scope and compliance.
§ 380.2 - Making payment of royalty fees.
§ 380.3 - Delivering statements of account.
§ 380.4 - Distributing royalty fees.
§ 380.5 - Handling Confidential Information.
§ 380.6 - Auditing payments and distributions.
§ 380.7 - Definitions.
§ 380.8 - Unclaimed funds.
Subpart B - Commercial Webcasters and Noncommercial Webcasters
§ 380.10 - Royalty fees for the public performance of sound recordings and the making of ephemeral recordings.
§ 380.11 - Definitions.
§ 380.12 - Royalty fees for the public performance of sound recordings and for ephemeral recordings.
§ 380.13 - Terms for making payment of royalty fees and statements of account.
§ 380.14 - Confidential Information.
§ 380.15 - Verification of royalty payments.
§ 380.16 - Verification of royalty distributions.
§ 380.17 - Unclaimed funds.
Subpart C - Noncommercial Educational Webcasters
§ 380.20 - Definitions.
§ 380.21 - Royalty fees for the public performance of sound recordings and for ephemeral recordings.
§ 380.22 - Terms for making payment of royalty fees and statements of account.
§ 380.23 - Terms for making payment of royalty fees and statements of account.
§ 380.24 - Confidential Information.
§ 380.25 - Verification of royalty payments.
§ 380.26 - Verification of royalty distributions.
§ 380.27 - Unclaimed funds.
Subpart D - Public Broadcasters
§ 380.30 - Definitions.
§ 380.31 - Royalty fees for the public performance of sound recordings and for ephemeral recordings.
§ 380.32 - Terms for making payment of royalty fees and statements of account.
§ 380.33 - Terms for making payment of royalty fees and statements of account.
§ 380.34 - Confidential Information.
§ 380.35 - Verification of royalty payments.
§ 380.36 - Verification of royalty distributions.
§ 380.37 - Unclaimed funds.