Part 7 - Rules of Practice in Filings Pursuant to the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks  

Subpart A - General Information
§ 7.1 - Definitions of terms as used in this part.
§ 7.2 - [Reserved]
§ 7.3 - Correspondence must be in English.
§ 7.4 - International applications and registrations originating from the USPTO - Requirements to electronically file and communicate with the Office.
§ 7.5 - [Reserved]
§ 7.6 - Schedule of U.S. process fees.
§ 7.7 - Payments of fees to International Bureau.
Subpart B - International Application Originating From the United States
§ 7.11 - Requirements for international application originating from the United States.
§ 7.12 - Claim of color.
§ 7.13 - Certification of international application.
§ 7.14 - Correcting irregularities in international application.
Subpart C - Subsequent Designation Submitted Through the Office
§ 7.21 - Subsequent designation.
Subpart D - Recording Changes to International Registration
§ 7.22 - Recording changes to international registration.
§ 7.23 - Requests for recording assignments at the International Bureau.
§ 7.24 - Requests to record security interest or other restriction of holder's rights of disposal or release of such restriction submitted through the Office.
Subpart E - Extension of Protection to the United States
§ 7.25 - Sections of part 2 applicable to extension of protection.
§ 7.26 - Filing date of extension of protection for purposes of examination in the Office.
§ 7.27 - Priority claim of extension of protection for purposes of examination in the Office.
§ 7.28 - Replacement of U.S. registration by registered extension of protection.
§ 7.29 - Effect of replacement on U.S. registration.
§ 7.30 - Effect of cancellation or expiration of international registration.
§ 7.31 - Requirements for transformation of an extension of protection to the United States into a U.S. application.
Subpart F - Affidavit Under Section 71 of the Act for Extension of Protection to the United States
§ 7.36 - Affidavit or declaration of use in commerce or excusable nonuse required to avoid cancellation of an extension of protection to the United States.
§ 7.37 - Requirements for a complete affidavit or declaration of use in commerce or excusable nonuse; requirement for the submission of additional information, exhibits, affidavits or declarations, and specimens; and fee for deletions of goods, services, and/or classes from a registration.
§ 7.38 - Notice to holder of extension of protection.
§ 7.39 - Acknowledgment of receipt of and correcting deficiencies in affidavit or declaration of use in commerce or excusable nonuse.
§ 7.40 - Petition to Director to review refusal.
Subpart G - Renewal of International Registration and Extension of Protection
§ 7.41 - Renewal of international registration and extension of protection.