§ 51.43 - Drugs and medicines for certain veterans.  

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  • § 51.43 Per diem Drugs and drugs and medicines - principlesmedicines for certain veterans.

    (a) As a condition for receiving payment of In addition to the per diem payments under § 51.40 of this part, the State home must submit to the VA medical center of jurisdiction for each veteran a completed VA Form 10-10EZ, Application for Medical Benefits (or VA Form 10-10EZR, Health Benefits Renewal Form, if a completed Form 10-10EZ is already on file at VA), and a completed VA Form 10-10SH, State Home Program Application for Care - Medical Certification. These VA Forms, which are available at any VA medical center and at http://www.va.gov/vaforms, must be submitted at the time of admission, with any request for a change in the level of care (domiciliary, hospital care or adult day health care), and any time the contact information has changed. If the facility is eligible to receive per diem payments for a veteran, VA will pay per diem under this part from the date of receipt of the completed forms required by this paragraph, except that VA will pay per diem from the day on which the veteran was admitted to the facility if the completed forms are received within 10 days after admission.

    (b) VA pays per diem on a monthly basis. To receive payment, the State must submit to the VA medical center of jurisdiction a completed VA Form 10-5588, State Home Report and Statement of Federal Aid Claimed, which is available at any VA medical center and at http://www.va.gov/vaforms.

    (c) Per diem will be paid under §§ 51.40 and 51.41 for each day that the veteran is receiving care and has an overnight stay. Per diem also will be paid when there is no overnight stay if the facility has an occupancy rate of 90 percent or greater. However, these payments will be made only for the first 10 consecutive days during which the veteran is admitted as a patient for any stay in a VA or other hospital (a hospital stay could occur more than once in a calendar year) and only for the first 12 days in a calendar year during which the veteran is absent for purposes other than receiving hospital care. Occupancy rate is calculated by dividing the total number of patients in the nursing home or domiciliary by the total recognized nursing home or domiciliary beds in that facility.

    (d) Initial per diem payments will not be made until the Under Secretary for Health recognizes the State home. However, per diem payments will be made retroactively for care that was provided on and after the date of the completion of the VA survey of the facility that provided the basis for determining that the facility met the standards of this part.

    (e) The daily cost of care for an eligible veteran's nursing home care for purposes of §§ 51.40(a)(1) and 51.41(b)(2) consists of those direct and indirect costs attributable to nursing home care at the facility divided by the total number of residents at the nursing home. Relevant cost principles are set forth in 2 CFR part 200.

    (f) As a condition for receiving drugs and medicines under this part

    Secretary will furnish drugs and medicines to a State home as may be ordered by prescription of a duly licensed physician as specific therapy in the treatment of illness or injury for a veteran receiving nursing home care in a State home if -

    (1) The veteran:

    (i) Has a singular or combined rating of less than 50 percent based on one or more service-connected disabilities and needs the drugs and medicines for a service-connected disability; and

    (ii) Needs nursing home care for reasons that do not include care for a VA adjudicated service-connected disability; or

    (2) The veteran:

    (i) Has a singular or combined rating of 50 or 60 percent based on one or more service-connected disabilities and needs the drugs and medicines; and

    (ii) Needs nursing home care for reasons that do not include care for a VA adjudicated service-connected disability.

    (b) VA will also furnish drugs and medicines to a State home for a veteran receiving nursing home, domiciliary, or adult day health care in a State home pursuant to 38 U.S.C. 1712(d), as implemented by § 17.96 of this chapter, subject to the limitation in § 51.41(c)(2).

    (c) VA may furnish a drug or medicine under paragraph (a) of this section and under § 17.96 of this chapter only if the drug or medicine is included on VA's National Formulary, unless VA determines a non-Formulary drug or medicine is medically necessary.

    (d) VA may furnish a drug or medicine under this section and under § 17.96 of this chapter by having the drug or medicine delivered to the State home in which the veteran resides by mail or other means and packaged in a form that is mutually acceptable to the State home and to VA set forth in a written agreement.

    (e) As a condition for receiving drugs or medicine under this section or under § 17.96 of this chapter, the State must submit to the VA medical center of jurisdiction a completed VA Form 10-0460 with the corresponding prescription(s) for each eligible veteran

    , which is available at any VA medical center and at http://www


    va.gov/vaforms. The corresponding prescriptions described in § 51.42 also should be submitted to the VA medical center of jurisdiction.

    (The Office of Management and Budget has approved the information collection requirements in this section under control numbers number 2900-0091 and 2900-0160)

    [74 FR 19432, Apr. 29, 2009, as amended at 77 FR 59320, Sept. 27, 2012; 78 FR 51675, Aug. 21, 2013; 80 FR 43322, July 22, 2015[83 FR 61274, Nov. 28, 2018]