§ 74.15 - What length of time may a business participate in VIP Verification Program?

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  • § 74.15 What length of time may a business participate in VetBiz VIP Verification Program?

    (a) A participant receives an eligibility term of 3 years from the date of CVE's approval letter establishing verified status.

    (b) The participant must maintain its eligibility during its tenure and must inform CVE of any changes that would


    affect its eligibility within 30 days.

    (c) The eligibility term may be shortened by

    cancellation by CVE or voluntary withdrawal by the participant (i.e., no longer eligible as a small business concern), as provided for in this subpart.

    (b) When at least 50 percent of the assets of a concern are the same as those of an affiliated business, the concern will not be eligible for verification.

    (cremoval pursuant to § 74.2, application pursuant to § 74.14(b), voluntary withdrawal by the participant pursuant to § 74.21, or cancellation pursuant to § 74.22.

    (d) CVE may initiate a verification examination whenever it receives credible information

    calling into the question

    concerning a participant's eligibility as a VOSB. Upon its completion of the examination, CVE will issue a written decision regarding the continued eligibility status of the questioned participant.



    e) If CVE finds that the participant does not qualify as a VOSB, the procedures at § 74.22 will apply, except as provided in § 74.2.



    f) If CVE finds that the participant continues to qualify as a VOSB, the

    program term

    original eligibility period remains in effect.

    [75 83 FR 610148231, FebSept. 8, 2010, as amended at 77 FR 38183, June 27, 2012; 82 FR 11155, Feb. 21, 201724, 2018]