Part 51 - Per Diem for Nursing Home, Domiciliary, or Adult Day Health Care of Veterans in State Homes  

Subpart A - General
§ 51.1 - Purpose and scope of this part.
§ 51.2 - Definitions.
Subpart B - Obtaining Per Diem for Nursing Home Care in State Homes
§ 51.10 - Per diem based on recognition and certification.
§ 51.20 - Recognition of a State home.
§ 51.30 - Certification of a State home.
§ 51.31 - Surveys for recognition and/or certification.
§ 51.32 - Terminating recognition.
Subpart C - Requirements Applicable to Eligibility, Rates, and Payments
§ 51.40 - Basic per diem rates.
§ 51.41 - Contracts and State home care agreements for certain veterans with service-connected disabilities.
§ 51.42 - Payment procedures.
§ 51.43 - Drugs and medicines for certain veterans.
§ 51.50 - Eligible veterans—nursing home care.
§ 51.51 - xxx
§ 51.52 - xxx
§ 51.58 - xxx
§ 51.59 - Authority to continue payment of per diem when veterans are relocated due to emergency.
Subpart D - Standards applicable to the payment of per diem for nursing home care.
§ 51.60 - Standards applicable for payment of per diem.
§ 51.70 - Resident rights.
§ 51.80 - Admission, transfer and discharge rights.
§ 51.90 - Resident behavior and facility practices.
§ 51.100 - Quality of life.
§ 51.110 - Resident assessment.
§ 51.120 - Quality of care.
§ 51.130 - Nursing services.
§ 51.140 - Dietary services.
§ 51.150 - Physician services.
§ 51.160 - Specialized rehabilitative services.
§ 51.170 - Dental services.
§ 51.180 - Pharmacy services.
§ 51.190 - Infection control.
§ 51.200 - Physical environment.
§ 51.210 - Administration.
Subpart E - Standards Applicable to the Payment of Per Diem for Domiciliary Care
§ 51.300 - Resident rights and behavior; State home practices; quality of life.
§ 51.310 - Resident admission, assessment, care plan, and discharge.
§ 51.320 - Quality of care.
§ 51.330 - Nursing care.
§ 51.340 - Physician and other licensed medical practitioner services.
§ 51.350 - Provision of certain specialized services and environmental requirements.
§ 51.390 - Administration.
Subpart F - Standards Applicable to the Payment of per Diem for Adult Day Health Care
§ 51.400 - Participant rights.
§ 51.405 - Participant and family caregiver responsibilities.
§ 51.410 - Transfer and discharge.
§ 51.411 - Program practices.
§ 51.415 - Restraints, abuse, and staff treatment of participants.
§ 51.420 - Quality of life.
§ 51.425 - Physician orders and participant medical assessment.
§ 51.430 - Quality of care.
§ 51.435 - Nursing services.
§ 51.440 - Dietary services.
§ 51.445 - Physician services.
§ 51.450 - Specialized rehabilitative services.
§ 51.455 - Dental services.
§ 51.460 - Administration of drugs.
§ 51.465 - Infection control.
§ 51.470 - Physical environment.
§ 51.475 - Administration.
§ 51.480 - Transportation.