§ 3001.197 - Requests to renew previously recommended Negotiated Service Agreements with existing participant(s).  

Latest version.
  • (a) This section governs Postal Service requests for a recommended decision seeking to extend the duration of a previously recommended and currently in effect negotiated service agreement (existing agreement). The purpose of this section is to establish procedures that provide for accelerated review of Postal Service requests to extend the duration of an existing agreement under substantially identical obligations. In addition to extending the duration of the existing agreement, modifications may be entertained that do not materially alter the nature of the existing agreement for the purposes of: correcting a technical defect, updating the schedule of rates and fees, or accounting for an intervening event since the recommendation of the existing agreement. The Postal Service request shall include:

    (1) Identification of the record testimony from the existing agreement docket, or any other previously concluded docket, on which the Postal Service proposes to rely, including citation to the locations of such testimony;

    (2) A detailed description of all proposed modifications to the existing agreement;

    (3) A detailed description of any technical defect, rationale for revising the schedule of rates and fees, or intervening event since the recommendation of the existing agreement, to substantiate the modifications proposed in paragraph (a)(2) of this section;

    (4) All special studies developing information pertinent to the request completed since the recommendation of the existing agreement;

    (5) A comparison of the analysis presented in § 3001.193(e)(1)(ii) and § 3001.193(e)(2)(iii) applicable to the existing agreement with the actual results ascertained from implementation of the existing agreement, together with the most recent available projections for the remaining portion of the existing agreement, compared on an annual or more frequent basis;

    (6) The financial impact of the proposed negotiated service agreement on the Postal Service in accordance with § 3001.193(e) over the extended duration of the agreement utilizing the methodology employed by the Commission in its recommendation of the existing agreement; and

    (7) If applicable, the identification of circumstances unique to the request.

    (b) When the Postal Service submits a request to renew a negotiated service agreement, it shall provide written notice of its request, either by hand delivery or by First-Class Mail, to all participants in the Commission docket established to consider the original agreement.

    (c) The Commission will schedule a prehearing conference for each request. Participants shall be prepared to address at that time whether or not it is appropriate to proceed under § 3001.197, and whether or not any material issues of fact exist that require discovery or evidentiary hearings. After consideration of the material presented in support of the request, and the argument presented by the participants, if any, the Commission shall promptly issue a decision on whether or not to proceed under § 3001.197. If the Commission's decision is to not proceed under § 3001.197, the docket will proceed under § 3001.195 or § 3001.196, as appears appropriate.

    (d) The Commission will treat requests to renew negotiated service agreements as subject to accelerated review consistent with procedural fairness. If the Commission determines that it is appropriate to proceed under § 3001.197, a schedule will be established which allows a recommended decision to be issued not more than:

    (1) Forty-five (45) days after the determination is made to proceed under § 3001.197, if no hearing is held; or

    (2) Ninety (90) days after the determination is made to proceed under § 3001.197, if a hearing is scheduled.