§ 1074.12 - Scope of preemption-specific provisions for locomotives and locomotive engines.  

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  • § 1074.12 Scope of preemption-specific provisions for locomotives and locomotive engines.

    (a) States and localities are preempted from adopting or enforcing standards or other requirements relating to the control of emissions from new locomotives and new engines used in locomotives.

    (b) During a period equivalent in length to 133 percent of the useful life, expressed as MW-hrs (or miles where applicable), beginning at the point at which the locomotive or engine becomes new, those standards or other requirements which are preempted include, but are not limited to, the following: emission standards, mandatory fleet average standards, certification requirements, retrofit and aftermarket equipment requirements, and nonfederal in-use testing requirements. The standards and other requirements specified in the preceding sentence are preempted whether applicable to new or other locomotives or locomotive engines.