Part 131 - Water Quality Standards  

Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 131.1 - Scope.
§ 131.2 - Purpose.
§ 131.3 - Definitions.
§ 131.4 - State authority.
§ 131.5 - EPA authority.
§ 131.6 - Minimum requirements for water quality standards submission.
§ 131.7 - Dispute resolution mechanism.
§ 131.8 - Requirements for Indian Tribes to administer a water quality standards program.
Subpart B - Establishment of Water Quality Standards
§ 131.9 - Protection of Tribal reserved rights.
§ 131.10 - Designation of uses.
§ 131.11 - Criteria.
§ 131.12 - Antidegradation policy and implementation methods.
§ 131.13 - General policies.
§ 131.14 - Water quality standards variances.
§ 131.15 - Authorizing the use of schedules of compliance for water quality-based effluent limits in NPDES permits.
Subpart C - Procedures for Review and Revision of Water Quality Standards
§ 131.20 - State review and revision of water quality standards.
§ 131.21 - EPA review and approval of water quality standards.
§ 131.22 - EPA promulgation of water quality standards.
Subpart D - Federally Promulgated Water Quality Standards
§ 131.31 - Arizona.
§ 131.32 - [Reserved]
§ 131.33 - Idaho.
§ 131.34 - Kansas.
§ 131.35 - Colville Confederated Tribes Indian Reservation.
§ 131.36 - Toxics criteria for those states not complying with Clean Water Act section 303(c)(2)(B).
§ 131.37 - California.
§ 131.38 - Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California.
§ 131.40 - Puerto Rico
§ 131.41 - Bacteriological criteria for those states not complying with Clean Water Act section 303(i)(1)(A).
§ 131.42 - Antidegradation Implementation Methods for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
§ 131.43 - Maine.
§ 131.44 - Florida.
§ 131.45 - Revision of certain Federal water quality criteria applicable to Washington.
§ 131.46 - xxx
§ 131.47 - xxx