Part 141 - National Primary Drinking Water Regulations  

Subpart A - General
§ 141.1 - Applicability.
§ 141.2 - Definitions.
§ 141.3 - Coverage.
§ 141.4 - Variances and exemptions.
§ 141.5 - Siting requirements.
§ 141.6 - Effective dates.
Subpart B - Maximum Contaminant Levels
§ 141.11 - Maximum contaminant levels for inorganic chemicals.
§ 141.12 - [Reserved]
§ 141.13 - Maximum contaminant levels for turbidity.
§ 141.15 - Maximum contaminant levels for radium-226, radium-228, and gross alpha particle radioactivity in community water systems.
§ 141.16 - Maximum contaminant levels for beta particle and photon radioactivity from man-made radionuclides in community water systems.
Subpart C - Monitoring and Analytical Requirements
§ 141.21 - Coliform sampling.
§ 141.22 - Turbidity sampling and analytical requirements.
§ 141.23 - Inorganic chemical sampling and analytical requirements.
§ 141.24 - Organic chemicals, sampling and analytical requirements.
§ 141.25 - Analytical methods for radioactivity.
§ 141.26 - Monitoring frequency and compliance requirements for radionuclides in community water systems.
§ 141.27 - Alternate analytical techniques.
§ 141.28 - Certified laboratories.
§ 141.29 - Monitoring of consecutive public water systems.
§ 141.30 - Total trihalomethanes sampling, analytical and other requirements.
Appendix A to Subpart C of Part 141 - —Alternative Testing Methods Approved for Analyses Under the Safe Drinking Water Act
Subpart D - Reporting and Recordkeeping
§ 141.31 - Reporting requirements.
§ 141.32 - [Reserved]
§ 141.33 - Record maintenance.
§ 141.34 - [Reserved]
§ 141.35 - Reporting for unregulated contaminant monitoring results.
Subpart E - Special Regulations, Including Monitoring Regulations and Prohibition on Lead Use
§ 141.40 - Monitoring requirements for unregulated contaminants.
§ 141.41 - Special monitoring for sodium.
§ 141.42 - Special monitoring for corrosivity characteristics.
§ 141.43 - Prohibition on use of lead pipes, solder, and flux.
Appendix A to § 141.40 - Quality Control Requirements for Testing All Samples Collected
Subpart F - Maximum Contaminant Level Goals and Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level Goals
§ 141.50 - Maximum contaminant level goals for organic contaminants.
§ 141.51 - Maximum contaminant level goals for inorganic contaminants.
§ 141.52 - Maximum contaminant level goals for microbiological contaminants.
§ 141.53 - Maximum contaminant level goals for disinfection byproducts.
§ 141.54 - Maximum residual disinfectant level goals for disinfectants.
§ 141.55 - Maximum contaminant level goals for radionuclides.
Subpart G - National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Maximum Contaminant Levels and Maximum Residual Disinfectant Levels
§ 141.60 - Effective dates.
§ 141.61 - Maximum contaminant levels for organic contaminants.
§ 141.62 - Maximum contaminant levels for inorganic contaminants.
§ 141.63 - Maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) for microbiological contaminants.
§ 141.64 - Maximum contaminant levels for disinfection byproducts.
§ 141.65 - Maximum residual disinfectant levels.
§ 141.66 - Maximum contaminant levels for radionuclides.
Subpart H - Filtration and Disinfection
§ 141.70 - General requirements.
§ 141.71 - Criteria for avoiding filtration.
§ 141.72 - Disinfection.
§ 141.73 - Filtration.
§ 141.74 - Analytical and monitoring requirements.
§ 141.75 - Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
§ 141.76 - Recycle provisions.
Subpart I - Control of Lead and Copper
§ 141.80 - General requirements.
§ 141.81 - Applicability of corrosion control treatment steps to small, medium, and large water systems.
§ 141.82 - Description of corrosion control treatment requirements.
§ 141.83 - Source water treatment requirements.
§ 141.84 - Lead service line replacement requirements.
§ 141.85 - Public education and supplemental monitoring and mitigation requirements.
§ 141.86 - Monitoring requirements for lead and copper in tap water.
§ 141.87 - Monitoring requirements for water quality parameters.
§ 141.88 - Monitoring requirements for lead and copper in source water.
§ 141.89 - Analytical methods.
§ 141.90 - Reporting requirements.
§ 141.91 - Recordkeeping requirements.
§ 141.92 - Monitoring for lead in schools and child care facilities.
§ 141.93 - Small water system compliance flexibility.
Subpart J - Use of Non-Centralized Treatment Devices
§ 141.100 - Criteria and procedures for public water systems using point-of-entry devices.
§ 141.101 - Use of bottled water.
Subpart K - Treatment Techniques
§ 141.110 - General requirements.
§ 141.111 - Treatment techniques for acrylamide and epichlorohydrin.
Subpart L - Disinfectant Residuals, Disinfection Byproducts, and Disinfection Byproduct Precursors
§ 141.130 - General requirements.
§ 141.131 - Analytical requirements.
§ 141.132 - Monitoring requirements.
§ 141.133 - Compliance requirements.
§ 141.134 - Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
§ 141.135 - Treatment technique for control of disinfection byproduct (DBP) precursors.
Subpart M - Information Collection Requriements (ICR) for Public Water Systems
§ 141.140 - Definitions specific to subpart M.
§ 141.141 - General requirements, applicability, and schedule for information collection.
§ 141.142 - Disinfection byproduct and related monitoring.
§ 141.143 - Microbial monitoring.
§ 141.144 - Disinfection byproduct precursor removal studies.
Appendix A to 40 CFR 141.141(a)
Subparts M--N - XXX
Subpart O - Consumer Confidence Reports
§ 141.151 - Purpose and applicability of this subpart.
§ 141.152 - Compliance dates.
§ 141.153 - Content of the reports.
§ 141.154 - Required additional health information.
§ 141.155 - Report delivery, reporting, and recordkeeping.
§ 141.156 - Summary of report contents.
Appendix A to Subpart O of Part 141 - —Regulated Contaminants
Subpart P - Enhanced Filtration and Disinfection - Systems Serving 10,000 or More People
§ 141.170 - General requirements.
§ 141.171 - Criteria for avoiding filtration.
§ 141.172 - Disinfection profiling and benchmarking.
§ 141.173 - Filtration.
§ 141.174 - Filtration sampling requirements.
§ 141.175 - Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
Subpart Q - Public Notification of Drinking Water Violations
§ 141.201 - General public notification requirements.
§ 141.202 - Tier 1 Public Notice - Form, manner, and frequency of notice.
§ 141.203 - Tier 2 Public Notice - Form, manner, and frequency of notice.
§ 141.204 - Tier 3 Public Notice - Form, manner, and frequency of notice.
§ 141.205 - Content of the public notice.
§ 141.206 - Notice to new billing units or new customers.
§ 141.207 - Special notice of the availability of unregulated contaminant monitoring results.
§ 141.208 - Special notice for exceedance of the SMCL for fluoride.
§ 141.209 - Special notice for nitrate exceedances above MCL by non-community water systems (NCWS), where granted permission by the primacy agency under § 141.11(d).
§ 141.210 - Notice by primacy agency on behalf of the public water system.
§ 141.211 - Special notice for repeated failure to conduct monitoring of the source water for Cryptosporidium and for failure to determine bin classification or mean Cryptosporidium level.
Appendix A to Subpart Q of Part 141 - —NPDWR Violations and Other Situations Requiring Public Notice 1
Appendix B to Subpart Q of Part 141 - —Standard Health Effects Language for Public Notification
Appendix C to Subpart Q of Part 141 - —List of Acronyms Used in Public Notification Regulation
Subpart R - XXX
Subpart S - Ground Water Rule
§ 141.400 - General requirements and applicability.
§ 141.401 - Sanitary surveys for ground water systems.
§ 141.402 - Ground water source microbial monitoring and analytical methods.
§ 141.403 - Treatment technique requirements for ground water systems.
§ 141.404 - Treatment technique violations for ground water systems.
§ 141.405 - Reporting and recordkeeping for ground water systems.
Subpart T - Enhanced Filtration and Disinfection - Systems Serving Fewer Than 10,000 People
Disinfection Profile
§ 141.530 - What is a disinfection profile and who must develop one?
§ 141.531 - What criteria must a State use to determine that a profile is unnecessary?
§ 141.532 - How does my system develop a disinfection profile and when must it begin?
§ 141.533 - What data must my system collect to calculate a disinfection profile?
§ 141.534 - How does my system use this data to calculate an inactivation ratio?
§ 141.535 - What if my system uses chloramines, ozone, or chlorine dioxide for primary disinfection?
§ 141.536 - My system has developed an inactivation ratio; what must we do now?
General Requirements
§ 141.500 - General requirements.
§ 141.501 - Who is subject to the requirements of subpart T?
§ 141.502 - When must my system comply with these requirements?
§ 141.503 - What does subpart T require?
Finished Water Reservoirs
§ 141.510 - Is my system subject to the new finished water reservoir requirements?
§ 141.511 - What is required of new finished water reservoirs?
Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements
§ 141.570 - What does subpart T require that my system report to the State?
§ 141.571 - What records does subpart T require my system to keep?
Individual Filter Turbidity Requirements
§ 141.560 - Is my system subject to individual filter turbidity requirements?
§ 141.561 - What happens if my system's turbidity monitoring equipment fails?
§ 141.562 - My system only has two or fewer filters - is there any special provision regarding individual filter turbidity monitoring?
§ 141.563 - What follow-up action is my system required to take based on continuous turbidity monitoring?
§ 141.564 - My system practices lime softening - is there any special provision regarding my individual filter turbidity monitoring?
Additional Watershed Control Requirements for Unfiltered Systems
§ 141.520 - Is my system subject to the updated watershed control requirements?
§ 141.521 - What updated watershed control requirements must my unfiltered system implement to continue to avoid filtration?
§ 141.522 - How does the State determine whether my system's watershed control requirements are adequate?
Combined Filter Effluent Requirements
§ 141.550 - Is my system required to meet subpart T combined filter effluent turbidity limits?
§ 141.551 - What strengthened combined filter effluent turbidity limits must my system meet?
§ 141.552 - My system consists of “alternative filtration” and is required to conduct a demonstration - what is required of my system and how does the State establish my turbidity limits?
§ 141.553 - My system practices lime softening - is there any special provision regarding my combined filter effluent?
Disinfection Benchmark
§ 141.540 - Who has to develop a disinfection benchmark?
§ 141.541 - What are significant changes to disinfection practice?
§ 141.542 - What must my system do if we are considering a significant change to disinfection practices?
§ 141.543 - How is the disinfection benchmark calculated?
§ 141.544 - What if my system uses chloramines, ozone, or chlorine dioxide for primary disinfection?
Subpart U - Initial Distribution System Evaluations
§ 141.600 - General requirements.
§ 141.601 - Standard monitoring.
§ 141.602 - System specific studies.
§ 141.603 - 40/30 certification.
§ 141.604 - Very small system waivers.
§ 141.605 - Subpart V compliance monitoring location recommendations.
Subpart V - Stage 2 Disinfection Byproducts Requirements
§ 141.620 - General requirements.
§ 141.621 - Routine monitoring.
§ 141.622 - Subpart V monitoring plan.
§ 141.623 - Reduced monitoring.
§ 141.624 - Additional requirements for consecutive systems.
§ 141.625 - Conditions requiring increased monitoring.
§ 141.626 - Operational evaluation levels.
§ 141.627 - Requirements for remaining on reduced TTHM and HAA5 monitoring based on subpart L results.
§ 141.628 - Requirements for remaining on increased TTHM and HAA5 monitoring based on subpart L results.
§ 141.629 - Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
Subpart W - Enhanced Treatment for Cryptosporidium
Source Water Monitoring Requirements
§ 141.701 - Source water monitoring.
§ 141.702 - Sampling schedules.
§ 141.703 - Sampling locations.
§ 141.704 - Analytical methods.
§ 141.705 - Approved laboratories.
§ 141.706 - Reporting source water monitoring results.
§ 141.707 - Grandfathering previously collected data.
Requirements for Microbial Toolbox Components
§ 141.715 - Microbial toolbox options for meeting Cryptosporidium treatment requirements.
§ 141.716 - Source toolbox components.
§ 141.717 - Pre-filtration treatment toolbox components.
§ 141.718 - Treatment performance toolbox components.
§ 141.719 - Additional filtration toolbox components.
§ 141.720 - Inactivation toolbox components.
Disinfection Profiling and Benchmarking Requirements
§ 141.708 - Requirements when making a significant change in disinfection practice.
§ 141.709 - Developing the disinfection profile and benchmark.
Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements
§ 141.721 - Reporting requirements.
§ 141.722 - Recordkeeping requirements.
Requirements for Sanitary Surveys Performed by EPA
§ 141.723 - Requirements to respond to significant deficiencies identified in sanitary surveys performed by EPA.
General Requirements
§ 141.700 - General requirements.
Treatment Technique Requirements
§ 141.710 - Bin classification for filtered systems.
§ 141.711 - Filtered system additional Cryptosporidium treatment requirements.
§ 141.712 - Unfiltered system Cryptosporidium treatment requirements.
§ 141.713 - Schedule for compliance with Cryptosporidium treatment requirements.
§ 141.714 - Requirements for uncovered finished water storage facilities.
Subpart X - Aircraft Drinking Water Rule
§ 141.800 - Applicability and compliance date.
§ 141.801 - Definitions.
§ 141.802 - Coliform sampling plan.
§ 141.803 - Coliform sampling.
§ 141.804 - Aircraft water system operations and maintenance plan.
§ 141.805 - Notification to passengers and crew.
§ 141.806 - Reporting requirements.
§ 141.807 - Recordkeeping requirements.
§ 141.808 - Audits and inspections.
§ 141.809 - Supplemental treatment.
§ 141.810 - Violations.
Subpart Y - Revised Total Coliform Rule
§ 141.851 - General.
§ 141.852 - Analytical methods and laboratory certification.
§ 141.853 - General monitoring requirements for all public water systems.
§ 141.854 - Routine monitoring requirements for non-community water systems serving 1,000 or fewer people using only ground water.
§ 141.855 - Routine monitoring requirements for community water systems serving 1,000 or fewer people using only ground water.
§ 141.856 - Routine monitoring requirements for subpart H public water systems serving 1,000 or fewer people.
§ 141.857 - Routine monitoring requirements for public water systems serving more than 1,000 people.
§ 141.858 - Repeat monitoring and E. coli requirements.
§ 141.859 - Coliform treatment technique triggers and assessment requirements for protection against potential fecal contamination.
§ 141.860 - Violations.
§ 141.861 - Reporting and recordkeeping.
§§ 141.851--141.861 - xxx
Subpart Z - Control of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)
§ 141.900 - General requirements.
§ 141.901 - Analytical requirements.
§ 141.902 - Monitoring requirements.
§ 141.903 - Compliance requirements.
§ 141.904 - Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
§ 141.905 - Violations.