§ 1507.3 - Agency NEPA procedures.  

Latest version.
  • § 1507.3 Agency NEPA procedures.

    (a) The Council has determined that the revisions to this subchapter as of July 1, 2024 do not affect the validity of categorical exclusions contained in agency NEPA procedures as of September 14, 2020, are consistent with this subchapterthis date.

    (b) No more than 36 12 months after September 14July 1, 20202024, or 9 months after the establishment of an agency, whichever comes later, each agency shall develop or revise, as necessary, proposed procedures to implement the regulations in this subchapter, facilitate efficient decision making, and ensure that the agency makes decisions in accordance with the policies and requirements of the Act. When the agency is a department, it may be efficient for major subunits (with the consent of the department) to adopt their own procedures.

    (1) Each agency shall consult with the Council while developing or revising its proposed procedures and before publishing them in the Federal Register for comment. Agencies with similar programs should consult with each other and the Council to coordinate their procedures, especially for programs requesting similar information from applicants.

    (2) Agencies shall provide an opportunity for public review and review by the Council for conformity with the Act and the regulations in this subchapter before adopting issuing their final procedures. The Council shall complete its review within 30 days of the receipt of the proposed final procedures. Once in effect, the agency agencies shall publish its their NEPA procedures and ensure that they are readily available to the public.


    Agencies shall

    adopt, as necessary, agency NEPA procedures to improve agency efficiency and ensure that agencies make decisions in accordance with the Act's procedural requirements. Such procedures shall include:(1) Designating

    continue to review their policies and procedures, in consultation with the Council, and revise them as necessary to ensure full compliance with the purposes and provisions of the Act.

    (3) The issuance or update of agency procedures is not subject to NEPA review under this subchapter.

    (c) Agency procedures shall:

    (1) Designate the major decision points for the agency's principal programs likely to have a significant effect on the human environment and assuring and actions subject to NEPA, ensuring that the NEPA process begins at the earliest reasonable time, consistent with § 1501.2 of this chaptersubchapter, and aligns with the corresponding decision points.;

    (2) Requiring Require that relevant environmental documents, comments, and responses be part of the record in formal rulemaking or and adjudicatory proceedings.;

    (3) Requiring Integrate the environmental review into the decision-making process by requiring that relevant environmental documents, comments, and responses accompany the proposal through existing agency review processes so that decision makers use the statement them in making decisions.;

    (4) Requiring Require that the alternatives considered by the decision maker are encompassed by the range of alternatives discussed in the relevant environmental documents and that the decision maker consider the alternatives described in the environmental documents. If another decision document accompanies the relevant environmental documents to the decision maker, agencies are encouraged to make available to the public before the decision is made any part of that document that relates to the comparison of alternatives.;

    (5) Requiring Require the combination of environmental documents with other agency documents . Agencies may designate and rely on one or more procedures or documents under other statutes or Executive orders as satisfying some or all of the requirements in this subchapter, and substitute such procedures and documentation to reduce duplication. When an agency substitutes one or more procedures or documents for the requirements in this subchapter, the agency shall identify the respective requirements that are satisfied.

    (d) Agency procedures should identify those activities or decisions that are not subject to NEPA, including:

    (1) Activities or decisions expressly exempt from NEPA under another statute;

    (2) Activities or decisions where compliance with NEPA would clearly and fundamentally conflict with the requirements of another statute;

    (3) Activities or decisions where compliance with NEPA would be inconsistent with Congressional intent expressed in another statute;

    (4) Activities or decisions that are non-major Federal actions;

    (5) Activities or decisions that are non-discretionary actions, in whole or in part, for which the agency lacks authority to consider environmental effects as part of its decision-making process; and

    (6) Actions where the agency has determined that another statute's requirements serve the function of agency compliance with the Act.

    (e) Agency procedures shall comply with the regulations in this subchapter except where compliance would be inconsistent with statutory requirements and shall include:

    (1) Those procedures required by §§ 1501.2(b)(4) (assistance to applicants) and 1506.6(e) of this chapter (status information).

    (2) Specific criteria for and identification of those typical classes of action:

    (i) Which normally do require environmental impact statements.

    (ii) Which normally do not require either an environmental impact statement or an environmental assessment and do not have a significant effect on the human environment (categorical exclusions (§ 1501.4 of this chapter)). Any procedures under this section shall provide for extraordinary circumstances in which a normally excluded action may have a significant environmental effect. Agency NEPA procedures shall identify when documentation of a categorical exclusion determination is required.

    (iii) Which normally require environmental assessments but not necessarily environmental impact statements.

    (3) Procedures for introducing a supplement to an environmental assessment or environmental impact statement into its formal administrative record, if such a record exists.

    (f) Agency procedures may:

    (1) Include

    to facilitate sound and efficient decision making and avoid duplication, where consistent with applicable statutory requirements;

    (6) Include the procedures required by § 1501.2(b)(4) of this subchapter (assistance to applicants);

    (7) Include specific criteria for and identification of those typical classes of action that normally:

    (i) Require environmental impact statements; and

    (ii) Require environmental assessments but not necessarily environmental impact statements;

    (8) Establish categorical exclusions and identify extraordinary circumstances. When establishing new or revising existing categorical exclusions, agencies shall:

    (i) Identify when documentation of a determination that a categorical exclusion applies to a proposed action is required;

    (ii) Substantiate the proposed new or revised categorical exclusion with sufficient information to conclude that the category of actions does not have a significant effect, individually or in the aggregate, on the human environment and provide this substantiation in a written record that is made publicly available as part of the notice and comment process (§ 1507.3(b)(1) and (2)); and

    (iii) Describe how the agency will consider extraordinary circumstances consistent with § 1501.4(b) of this subchapter;

    (9) Include a process for reviewing the agency's categorical exclusions at least every 10 years, which the agency may conduct on a rolling basis, starting with its oldest categorical exclusions;

    (10) Include processes for reevaluating and supplementing environmental assessments and environmental impact statements, as appropriate;

    (11) Explain where interested persons can get information or status reports on environmental impact statements, environmental assessments, and other elements of the NEPA process; and

    (12) Where an agency has applicants that seek its action, include procedures to allow an applicant (including an applicant-directed contractor) to prepare environmental assessments and environmental impact statements under the agency's supervision. Such procedures shall not apply to applicants when they serve as joint lead agencies. Such procedures shall be consistent with § 1506.5(a) and (c) of this subchapter, and at a minimum shall include the following:

    (i) Requirements that the agency review and approve the purpose and need (§§ 1501.5(c)(2)(i) or 1502.13 of this subchapter) and reasonable alternatives (§§ 1501.5(c)(2)(ii) or 1502.14 of this subchapter);

    (ii) A process for the agency to independently evaluate the applicant-prepared environmental assessment or environmental impact statement; take responsibility for its accuracy, scope, and contents; and document the agency's evaluation in the document; and

    (iii) A prohibition on the preparation of a finding of no significant impact or record of decision by applicants.

    (d) Agency procedures also may:

    (1) Identify activities or decisions that are not subject to NEPA;

    (2) Include processes for consideration of emergency actions that would not result in significant effects;

    (3) Include specific criteria for providing limited exceptions to the provisions of the regulations in this subchapter for classified proposals. These are proposed actions that are specifically authorized under criteria established by an Executive order or statute to be kept secret in the interest of national defense or foreign policy and are in fact properly classified pursuant to such Executive order or statute. Agencies may safeguard and restrict from public dissemination environmental assessments and environmental impact statements that address classified proposals in accordance with agencies' own regulations applicable to classified information. Agencies should organize these documents so that classified portions are included as annexes, so that the agencies can make the unclassified portions available to the public


    ; and



    4) Provide for periods of time other than those presented in § 1506.

    11 chapter

    subchapter when necessary to comply with other specific statutory requirements, including requirements of lead or cooperating agencies.

    (3) Provide that, where there is a lengthy period between the agency's decision to prepare an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation, the agency may publish the notice of intent required by § 1501.9(d) of this chapter at a reasonable time in advance of preparation of the draft statement. Agency procedures shall provide for publication of supplemental notices to inform the public of a pause in its preparation of an environmental impact statement and for any agency decision to withdraw its notice of intent to prepare an environmental impact statement.

    (4) Adopt procedures to combine its environmental assessment process with its scoping process.

    (5) Establish a process that allows the agency to use a categorical exclusion listed in another agency's NEPA procedures after consulting with that agency to ensure the use of the categorical exclusion is appropriate. The process should ensure documentation of the consultation and identify to the public those categorical exclusions the agency may use for its proposed actions. Then, the agency may apply the categorical exclusion to its proposed actions.

    [85 FR 43373, July 16, 2020, as amended at 87 FR 23469, Apr. 20, 2022]