§ 158.1786 - Termites.  

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  • § 158.1786 Termites.

    (a) General. The tables and test notes in this section apply to the subterranean termite, desert subterranean termite, Formosan subterranean termite, drywood termite, and dampwood termite. The labeling claim determines the required test species. The required test species for labeling claims appear in paragraph (b) of this section. The required performance standards appear in paragraph (c) of this section.

    (b) Test species. For products making a claim against termites, the required test species for a labeling claim appear in the following table. For the structural protection and wood preservative claim categories, a claim against any specific genus of subterranean termite must be supported by data on that individual genus and all the required test genera for a subterranean termite claim must be tested and submitted.

    Table 1 to Paragraph (b) - Required Test Species for Products Making a Claim Against Termites

    Labeling claim Required test species
    Pest Group Claim
    Termites Testing on species from four genera of termites is required:
    Testing is required on the following Coptotermes termite:
    Coptotermes formosanus AND one of the following Reticulitermes species:
    Reticulitermes flavipes OR Reticulitermes hesperus OR Reticulitermes virginicus AND one of the following arboreal termite species:
    Nasutitermes corniger AND one of the following drywood termite species:
    Cryptotermes brevis OR Cryptotermes cavifrons OR Incisitermes minor OR Incisitermes snyderi.
    Pest Sub-Group Claim
    Arboreal Termites Testing of one arboreal termite species is required:
    Nasutitermes corniger.
    Dampwood Termites Testing of the following dampwood termite is required:
    Zootermopsis sp.
    Drywood Termites Testing of one of the following drywood termites is required:
    Cryptotermes brevis OR Cryptotermes cavifrons OR Incisitermes minor OR Incisitermes snyderi.
    Subterranean Termites, including Formosan Subterranean Termites Testing in two genera of termites is required: Testing on the following Coptotermes species is required:
    Coptotermes formosanusAND one of the following Reticulitermes species:
    Reticulitermes flavipes OR Reticulitermes hesperus OR Reticulitermes virginicus.

    (c) Performance standards. The performance standards for pesticide products making certain claims against termites appear in the following table. The performance standards for labeling claims not provided in the following table appear in § 158.1704.

    Table 2 to Paragraph (c) - Performance Standards for Certain Claims Against Termites

    Claim category Performance standard
    Non-Structural Protection: Wood Preservative Treatment 100% prevention of damage to wood for ≥2 years.
    Structural Protection, except Baits 95% prevention of damage to wood ≥5 years.
    Structural Protection: Bait Treatment 95% prevention of damage to wood ≥3 years.