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Code of Federal Regulations (Last Updated: November 8, 2024) |
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Title 40 - Protection of Environment |
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Chapter I - Environmental Protection Agency |
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SubChapter I - Solid Wastes |
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Part 282 - Approved Underground Storage Tank Programs |
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Subpart B - Approved State Programs |
§ 282.74 - Mississippi State-Administered Program.
§ 282.74 Mississippi State-Administered Program.
(a) History of the approval of Mississippi's program. The State of Mississippi (Mississippi or State) is approved to administer and enforce an underground storage tank (UST) program in lieu of the federal Federal program under subtitle I of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA), as amended, 42 U.S.C. 6991 et seq. The State's programUnderground Storage Tank Program (UST Program), as administered by the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ), was approved by EPA pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 6991c and part 281 of this chapter. EPA approved the Mississippi program UST Program on June 11, 1990, and it was effective on July 11, 1990. A subsequent program revision was approved by EPA and became effective March 18, 2024.
(b) Enforcement authority. Mississippi has primary responsibility for administering and enforcing its underground storage tank programfederally approved UST Program. However, EPA retains the authority to exercise its corrective action, inspection, and enforcement authorities under sections 9003(h), 9005, and 9006 of subtitle I of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6991b(h), 6991d, and 6991e, as well as under any other applicable statutory and regulatory provisions.
(c) Retention of program approval. To retain program approval, Mississippi must revise its approved program UST Program to adopt new changes to the federal Federal subtitle I program which make it more stringent, in accordance with section 9004 of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6991c, and 40 CFR part 281, subpart E. If Mississippi obtains approval for the revised requirements pursuant to section 9004 of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6991c, the newly approved statutory and regulatory provisions will be added to this subpart and notice of any change will be published in the Federal Register.
(d) Final approval. Mississippi has final approval for the following elements of its UST Program submitted to EPA in the State's program application for final approval and approved by EPA on effective June 11, 1990. Copies may be obtained from the Underground Storage Tank Program, Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality, 2380 Highway 80 West, Jackson, MS 39289–0385. , and the program revisions approved by EPA effective on March 18, 2024:
(ii) Letter from the Attorney General of Mississippi to EPA, August 15, 1989,(1) State statutes and regulations. —
(i) The provisions Incorporation by reference. The Mississippi materials cited in this paragraph (d)(1)(i), and listed in appendix A to this part, are incorporated by reference as part of the underground storage tank program UST Program under subtitle I of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6991 et seq. (
A) MississippiSee § 282.2 for incorporation by reference approval and inspection information.) You may obtain copies of the Mississippi statutes and regulations that are incorporated by reference in this paragraph (d)(1)(i) from the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 2261, Jackson, MS 29335; Phone number: (601) 961–5171; website: https://www.mdeq.ms.gov/water/groundwater-assessment-and-remediation/underground-storage-tanks/.
(A) “Mississippi Statutory Requirements Applicable to the Underground Storage Tank Program, 1996” dated September 5, 2023.
(B) Mississippi “Mississippi Regulatory Requirements Applicable to the Underground Storage Tank Program, 1996” dated September 5, 2023.
(ii) The Legal basis. EPA considered the following statutes and regulations are part of the approved state program, although not incorporated by reference herein for enforcement purposes.
(A) The statutory provisions include:
(1) Mississippi Code of 1972, Title 49, Sections 49–17–401 through 49–17–435, Underground Storage Tank Act of 1988, as amended.
49–17–415 Obligations of owners and operators of tanks; powers of commission or representatives
49–17–427 Proceedings before commission; penalties for violations of Sections 49–17–401 through 49–17–433
49–17–431 Appeal rights
(2) Mississippi Code of 1972, Title 49, Chapter 17, Pollution of Waters, Streams, and Air.
49–17–17 Powers and duties
49–17–27 Emergency orders; public notice of emergency situations
49–17–31 Proceedings before commission
49–17–33 Hearings
49–17–35 Request for hearing
49–17–41 Administrative appeals; appeals to chancery court; appeals to supreme court
49–17–43 Penalties
(3) Mississippi Code of 1972, Title 49, Chapter 2, Department of Environmental Quality.
49–2–9 Commission on Environmental Quality; powers and duties
49–2–13 Powers and duties of executive director
(4) Mississippi Code of 1972, Title 17, Chapter 17, Solid Wastes Disposal.
17–17–29 Penalties; injunction; recovery of cost of remedial action; disposition of fines
(B) The regulatory provisions include:
(1) Mississippi Groundwater Protection Trust Fund Regulations.
Section XX Enforcement Actions
(2) [Reserved]
(iii) The following statutory and regulatory provisions are broader in scope than the federal program, are not part of the approved program, and are not incorporated by reference herein for enforcement purposes.
(A) The statutory provisions include:
(1) Mississippi Code of 1972, Title 49, Sections 49–17–401 through 49–17–433, Underground Storage Tank Act of 1988.
49–17–429 Certification to install, alter or remove underground storage tanks
(2) [Reserved]
(B) The regulatory provisions include:
(1) Underground Storage Tank Regulations for the Certification of Persons who Install, Alter, and Remove Underground Storage Tanks.
Section I General Intent
Section II Legal Authority
Section III Definitions
Section IV Applicability
Section V General Requirements
Section VI Certification Requirements
Section VII Testing
Section VIII Certification
Section IX Certification Renewals
Section X Continuing Education
Section XI Lapsed Certification
Section XII Revocation, Denial, and Non-Renewal of Certificates
Section XIII Enforcement and Appeals
Section XIV Property Rights
(2) Mississippi Groundwater Protection Trust Fund Regulations.
Section IV Immediate Response Action Contractor (IRAC) Application Process
Section V IRAC Application Review
Section VI IRAC Performance Standards
Section VII Denial of IRAC Applications
Section VIII Removal from the Approved List of IRAC's
Section IX Engineering Response Action Contractor (ERAC) Application Process
Section X ERAC Submittal of Documentation Requested By the Department
Section XI ERAC Performance Standards
Section XII Removal from the Approved List of ERAC's
Section XIII Denial of ERAC Applications
(2) Statement of legal authority.
(i) “Attorney General's Statement for Final Approval”, signed by the State Attorney General on August 15, 1989, though not incorporated by reference, is referenced as part of the approved underground storage tank program under subtitle I of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6991 et seq.
which provide the legal basis for the State's implementation of the UST Program, but do not replace Federal authorities. Further, these provisions are not being incorporated by reference, unless the provisions place requirements on regulated entities.
(A) Mississippi Underground Storage Tank Act (the UST Act) of 1988, Miss. Code Ann. sections 49–17–401 to 49–17–435 (2022).
(1) Section 49–17–409, as to the first sentence, insofar as it provides for compliance monitoring and the promulgation of regulations for the reporting of releases.
(2) Section 49–17–413(1), insofar as it provides for compliance monitoring, and the promulgation of regulations for the implementation of the State UST Program.
(3) Section 49–17–415, insofar as it provides for compliance monitoring and establishes authority to conduct inspections, tests, and obtain information from owners.
(4) Section 49–17–419, insofar as it establishes authority over corrective action.
(5) Section 49–17–425, insofar as it provides for the sharing of information with EPA.
(6) Section 49–17–427, insofar as it provides for enforcement response, enforcement of orders, assessment of penalties under the UST Act, proceedings before the commission, and limitations on liability.
(7) Section 49–17–431, insofar as it provides for appeal of any decision by the commission or the director.
(B) Mississippi Air and Water Pollution Control Law, Miss. Code Ann. sections 49–17–27 and 49–17–31 to 49–17–41 (2020).
(1) Section 49–17–27, insofar as it provides for enforcement response and injunctive relief.
(2) Section 49–17–31, insofar as it provides for enforcement response, notice of violations, enforcement of regulations and orders, procedures for contested cases, and assessment of penalties.
(3) Section 49–17–33, insofar as it provides for hearing procedures, issuance of orders, and penalties.
(4) Section 49–17–35, insofar as it provides for enforcement response, public participation, and citizen intervention.
(5) Section 49–17–37, insofar as it provides for hearing procedures and transcripts.
(6) Section 49–17–39, insofar as it provides for the sharing of information with EPA.
(7) Section 49–17–41, insofar as it provides for appeal rights for aggrieved parties.
(C) Mississippi's Underground Storage Tank Regulations, 11 Miss. Admin. Code Pt. 5, Ch. 2 (2018).
(1) R. 2.3, 280.36, insofar as it provides for delivery prohibition and enforcement of the State UST Program.
(2) R. 2.6, 280.67, insofar as it provides for public participation in the corrective action process.
(D) Rule 24(a)(2) of the Mississippi Rules of Civil Procedure (1982), insofar as it provides for citizen intervention and public participation in the State enforcement process.
(iii) Other provisions not incorporated by reference. The following statutory and regulatory provisions applicable to the Mississippi UST Program are broader in scope than the Federal program, external to the State UST program approval requirements, or are being excluded for other reasons as noted below. Therefore, these provisions are not part of the approved UST Program and are not incorporated by reference in this section:
(A) Mississippi Underground Storage Tank Act (the UST Act) of 1988, Miss. Code Ann. sections 49–17–401 to 49–17–435 (2022).
(1) 49–17–403(b) is broader in scope as to the definition of “Bonded distributor,” insofar as it is associated with the regulation of entities other than owners and operators as these terms are defined in 40 CFR 280.12.
(2) Section 49–17–403(o) is broader in scope as to the definition of “Response action contractor,” insofar as it is associated with the regulation of entities other than owners and operators as these terms are defined in 40 CFR 280.12.
(3) Section 49–17–403(p) is broader in scope as to the definition of “Retailer,” insofar as it is associated with the regulation of entities other than owners and operators as these terms are defined in 40 CFR 280.12.
(4) Section 49–17–403(q) is broader in scope as to the definition of “Substantial compliance,” insofar as it relates to a State fund.
(5) Section 49–17–405 is broader in scope insofar as it provides for the creation of the Mississippi Groundwater Protection Trust Fund (State Fund), promulgation of regulations regarding the State Fund, criteria for qualified expenditure of funds, and liability of owners for fund expenditures.
(6) Section 49–17–407 is broader in scope insofar as it creates an environmental protection fee, provides limits on use of the State Fund, and addresses third party claims.
(7) Section 49–17–409 is broader in scope, all except for the first sentence, insofar as it provides for the eligibility requirements of the State Fund and reimbursement of costs from owners.
(8) Section 49–17–421 is broader in scope insofar as it establishes an annual tank regulatory fee.
(9) Section 49–17–422 is broader in scope insofar as it creates an Underground Storage Tank Advisory Council.
(10) Section 49–17–423 is broader in scope insofar as it pertains to the commission's administration of funds from the Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund.
(11) Section 49–17–429 is broader in scope insofar as it requires the certification of individuals to install, alter, or remove underground storage tanks and provides for the promulgation of regulations setting forth certification requirements.
(12) Section 49–17–433 is external insofar as it pertains to the severability of the State UST Act.
(13) Section 49–17–435 is external insofar as it contains reporting obligations on the State agency, not a regulated entity.
(B) Mississippi Air and Water Pollution Control Law, Miss. Code Ann. sections 49–17–27 and 49–17–31 to 49–17–41 (2020).
(1) Section 49–17–32 is external insofar as it does not pertain to the State UST Program.
(2) Section 49–17–34 is external insofar as it does not pertain to the State UST Program.
(3) Section 49–17–36 is external insofar as it does not pertain to the State UST Program.
(C) Mississippi's Groundwater Protection Trust Fund Regulations, 11 Miss. Admin. Code Pt. 5, Ch. 1 (2009) is broader in scope insofar as these provisions regulate Immediate Response Action Contractors, Environmental Response Action Contractors, and the State Fund.
(D) Mississippi's Underground Storage Tank Regulations, 11 Miss. Admin. Code Pt. 5, Ch. 2 (2018).
(1) R. 2.1, 280.12 is broader in scope as to the definition of “Ancillary equipment,” insofar as it pertains to dispensers.
(2) R. 2.1, 280.12 is broader in scope as to the definition of “Certificate of Operation,” insofar as it requires UST systems to be permitted by MDEQ and the payment of tank regulatory fees.
(3) R. 2.1, 280.12 is broader in scope as to the definition of “Motor fuel,” insofar as it includes 100% biodiesel or ethanol.
(4) R. 2.1, 280.12 is broader in scope as to the definition of “New tank system,” insofar as it includes dispensers as part of the new tank system.
(5) R. 2.1, 280.12 is broader in scope as to the definition of “Register,” insofar as it requires notification for installation, replacement, and change in operational status of a dispenser.
(6) R. 2.1, 280.12 is broader in scope as to the definition of “Replace,” insofar as it considers replacement of a dispenser to constitute a new UST system.
(7) R. 2.2, 280.20(j) is broader in scope insofar as it regulates shear valves.
(8) R. 2.2, 280.22(a) and (b) are broader in scope insofar as these provisions regulate dispensers.
(9) R. 2.3, 280.34(g) through (i) are broader in scope insofar as these provisions regulate dispensers.
(10) R. 2.3, 280.35(a)(4) is broader in scope insofar as it regulates dispensers.
(11) R. 2.3, 280.35(b)(1) is broader in scope insofar as it regulates shear valves.
(12) R. 2.3, 280.38(b)(1)(iii) is broader in scope insofar as it regulates shear valves.
(13) R. 2.8, 280.91(e) and (f), are excluded for other reasons. Paragraph (e) is excluded only insofar as it includes Indian tribes as a “local government entity,” and paragraph (f) is excluded insofar as EPA retains responsibility for implementing the Federal UST program in Indian country.
Note 1 to paragraph (d)(1)(iii)(D)(13).MDEQ does not regulate any USTs on Indian lands and EPA retains responsibility for implementing the Federal UST program in Indian country. In a subsequent rulemaking, MDEQ will revise these provisions to remove references to the State's regulation of USTs in Indian country.
(14) R. 2.8, 280.92, is excluded for other reasons only insofar as the definition of “Local government” includes Indian tribes.
Note 2 to paragraph (d)(1)(iii)(D)(14).MDEQ does not regulate any USTs on Indian lands and the EPA retains responsibility for implementing the Federal UST program in Indian country. In a subsequent rulemaking, MDEQ will revise the definition of “Local government” to exclude Indian tribes.
(15) R. 2.8, 280.100 is external insofar as it is not applicable in a State with an approved UST program.
(E) Mississippi's Underground Storage Tank Regulations for the Certification of Persons Who Install, Alter, and Remove Underground Storage Tanks, 11 Miss. Admin. Code Pt. 5, Ch. 3 (2018) is broader in scope insofar as these provisions provide for the certification and regulation of persons who install, alter, test, and permanently close underground storage tanks.
(2) Statement of legal authority. The Attorney General's Statement, signed by the Mississippi Attorney General on July 27, 2023, though not incorporated by reference, is referenced as part of the approved underground storage tank program under subtitle I of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6991 et seq.
(3) Demonstration of procedures for adequate enforcement. The “Demonstration of Procedures for Adequate Enforcement” submitted as part of the original application on August 14, 1989Enforcement Procedures” submitted in the application dated July 31, 2023, as amended on August 17, 2023, though not incorporated by reference, is referenced as part of the approved underground storage tank program under subtitle I of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6991 et seq.
(4) Program description. The program description and any other material submitted as part of the original application on August 14, 1989submitted in the application dated July 31, 2023, as amended on August 17, 2023, though not incorporated by reference, are is referenced as part of the approved underground storage tank program under subtitle I of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6991 et seq.
(5) Memorandum of Agreement. The Memorandum of Agreement between EPA Region 4 and the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality, approved MDEQ, signed by the EPA Regional Administrator , as part of the delegation package which received final program approval on June 11, 1990on October 12, 2018, though not incorporated by reference, is referenced as part of the approved underground storage tank program under subtitle I of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6991 et seq.