§ 60.40a - Applicability and designation of affected facility.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The affected facility to which this subpart applies is each electric utility steam generating unit:

    (1) That is capable of combusting more than 73 megawatts (250 million Btu/hour) heat input of fossil fuel (either alone or in combination with any other fuel); and

    (2) For which construction or modification is commenced after September 18, 1978.

    (b) Unless and until subpart GG of this part extends the applicability of subpart GG of this part to electric utility steam generators, this subpart applies to electric utility combined cycle gas turbines that are capable of combusting more than 73 megawatts (250 million Btu/hour) heat input of fossil fuel in the steam generator. Only emissions resulting from combustion of fuels in the steam generating unit are subject to this subpart. (The gas turbine emissions are subject to subpart GG of this part.)

    (c) Any change to an existing fossil-fuel-fired steam generating unit to accommodate the use of combustible materials, other than fossil fuels, shall not bring that unit under the applicability of this subpart.

    (d) Any change to an existing steam generating unit originally designed to fire gaseous or liquid fossil fuels, to accommodate the use of any other fuel (fossil or nonfossil) shall not bring that unit under the applicability of this subpart.