§ 60.630 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.  

Latest version.
  • § 60.630 Applicability and designation of affected facility.


    (1) The provisions of this subpart apply to affected facilities in onshore natural gas processing plants.

    (2) A compressor in VOC service or in wet gas service is an affected facility.

    (3) The group of all equipment except compressors (definied in § 60.631) within a process unit is an affected facility.

    (b) Any affected facility under paragraph (a) of this section that commences construction, reconstruction, or modification after January 20, 1984, and on or before August 23, 2011, is subject to the requirements of this subpart.

    (c) Addition or replacement of equipment (defined in § 60.631) for the purpose of process improvement that is accomplished without a capital expenditure shall not by itself be considered a modification under this subpart.

    (d) Facilities covered by subpart VV or subpart GGG of 40 CFR part 60 are excluded from this subpart.

    (e) A compressor station, dehydration unit, sweetening unit, underground storage tank, field gas gathering system, or liquefied natural gas unit is covered by this subpart if it is located at an onshore natural gas processing plant. If the unit is not located at the plant site, then it is exempt from the provisions of this subpart.

    (f) An affected facility must continue to comply with the requirements of this subpart until it begins complying with a more stringent requirement, that applies to the same affected facility, in an approved, and effective, State or Federal plan that implements subpart OOOOc of this part, or modifies or reconstructs after December 6, 2022, and thus becomes subject to subpart OOOOb of this part.

    [50 FR 26124, June 24, 1985, as amended at 77 FR 49542, Aug. 16, 2012; 89 FR 17034, Mar. 8, 2024]