Code of Federal Regulations (Last Updated: November 8, 2024) |
Title 40 - Protection of Environment |
Chapter I—Environmental Protection Agency |
SubChapter C—Air Programs |
Part 63 - National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Categories |
Subpart BBBBBB - National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Category: Gasoline Distribution Bulk Terminals, Bulk Plants, and Pipeline Facilities |
Emission Limitations and Management Practices |
§ 63.11089 - What requirements must I meet for equipment leak inspections if my facility is a bulk gasoline terminal, bulk gasoline plant, pipeline breakout station, or pipeline pumping station?
§ 63.11089 What requirements must I meet for equipment leak inspections if my facility is a bulk gasoline terminal, bulk gasoline plant, pipeline breakout station, or pipeline pumping station?
(a) Each owner or operator of a bulk gasoline terminal, bulk gasoline plant, pipeline breakout station, or pipeline pumping station subject to the provisions of this subpart shall perform a implement a leak detection and repair program for all equipment in gasoline service according to the requirements in paragraph (b) or (c) of this section, as applicable based on the compliance dates specified in § 63.11083.
c(b) Perform a monthly leak inspection of all equipment in gasoline service, as defined in § 63.11100. For this inspection, detection methods incorporating sight, sound, and smell are acceptable.
log book1) A
log booklogbook shall be used and shall be signed by the owner or operator at the completion of each inspection. A section of the
logbook shall contain a list, summary description, or diagram(s) showing the location of all equipment in gasoline service at the facility.
log book2) Each detection of a liquid or vapor leak shall be recorded in the
dlogbook. When a leak is detected, an initial attempt at repair shall be made as soon as practicable, but no later than 5 calendar days after the leak is detected. Repair or replacement of leaking equipment shall be completed within 15 calendar days after detection of each leak, except as provided in paragraph (
db)(3) of this section.
b3) Delay of repair of leaking equipment will be allowed if the repair is not feasible within 15 days. The owner or operator shall provide in the semiannual report specified in § 63.11095(
c), the reason(s) why the repair was not feasible and the date each repair was completed.
c) No later than the dates specified in § 63.11083, comply with the requirements in § 60.502a(j) of this chapter except as provided in paragraphs (c)(1) through (4) of this section. The requirements in paragraph (b) of this section do not apply when demonstrating compliance with this paragraph (c).
(1) The frequency for optical gas imaging (OGI) monitoring shall be annually rather than quarterly as specified in § 60.502a(j)(1)(i) of this chapter.
(2) The frequency for Method 21 monitoring of pumps and valves shall be annually rather than quarterly as specified in § 60.502a(j)(1)(ii)(A) and (B) of this chapter.
(3) The frequency of monitoring of pressure relief devices shall be annually and within 5 calendar days after each pressure release rather than quarterly and within 5 calendar days after each pressure release as specified in § 60.502a(j)(4)(i) of this chapter.
(4) Any pressure relief device that is located at a bulk gasoline plant or pipeline pumping station that is monitored only by non-plant personnel may be monitored after a pressure release the next time the monitoring personnel are onsite, but in no case more than 30 calendar days after a pressure release.
(d) You must comply with the requirements of this subpart by the applicable dates specified in § 63.11083.
e) You must submit the applicable notifications as required under § 63.11093.
f) You must keep records and submit reports as specified in §§ 63.11094 and 63.11095.
[89 FR 39375, May 8, 2024]