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Code of Federal Regulations (Last Updated: November 8, 2024) |
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Title 40 - Protection of Environment |
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Chapter I - Environmental Protection Agency |
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SubChapter C - Air Programs |
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Part 71 - Federal Operating Permit Programs |
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Subpart A - Operating Permits |
§ 71.9 - Permit fees.
§ 71.9 Permit fees.
(a) Fee requirement. The owners or operators of part 71 sources shall pay annual fees, or the equivalent over some other period, that are sufficient to cover the permit program costs, in accordance with the procedures described in this section.
(b) Permit program costs. These costs include, but are not limited to, the costs of the following activities as they relate to a part 71 program:
(1) Reviewing and acting on any application for a permit, permit revision, or permit renewal, including the development of an applicable requirement as part of the processing of a permit, or permit revision or renewal;
(2) Processing permit reopenings;
(3) General administrative costs of the permit program, including transition planning, interagency coordination, contract management, training, informational services and outreach activities, assessing and collecting fees, the tracking of permit applications, compliance certifications, and related data entry;
(4) Implementing and enforcing the terms of any part 71 permit (not including any court costs or other costs associated with an enforcement action), including adequate resources to determine which sources are subject to the program;
(5) Emissions and ambient monitoring, modeling, analyses, demonstrations, preparation of inventories, and tracking emissions, provided these activities are needed in order to issue and implement part 71 permits; and
(6) Providing direct and indirect support to small business stationary sources in determining applicable requirements and in receiving permits under this part (to the extent that these services are not provided by a State Small Business Stationary Source Technical and Environmental Compliance Assistance Program).
(c) Establishment of fee schedule.
(1) For part 71 programs that are administered by EPA, each part 71 source shall pay an annual fee which is the sum of:
(i) $32 per ton (as adjusted pursuant to the criteria set forth in paragraph (n)(1) of this section) times the total tons of the actual emissions of each regulated pollutant (for fee calculation) emitted from the source, including fugitive emissions; and
(ii) Any GHG fee adjustment required under paragraph (c)(8) of this section.
(2) For part 71 programs that are fully delegated pursuant to § 71.10:
(i) Where the EPA has not suspended its part 71 fee collection pursuant to paragraph (c)(2)(ii) of this section, the annual fee for each part 71 source shall be the sum of:
(A) $24 per ton (as adjusted pursuant to the criteria set forth in paragraph (n)(1) of this section) times the total tons of the actual emissions of each regulated pollutant (for fee calculation) emitted from the source, including fugitive emissions; and
(B) Any GHG fee adjustment required under paragraph (c)(8) of this section.
(ii) Where the delegate State collects fees from part 71 sources under State law which are sufficient to fund the delegated part 71 program, the EPA may suspend its collection of part 71 fees. The specific terms and conditions regarding the suspension of fee collection will be addressed in the applicable delegation agreement pursuant to § 71.10.
(3) For part 71 programs that are administered by EPA with contractor assistance, the per ton fee shall vary depending on the extent of contractor involvement and the cost to EPA of contractor assistance. The EPA shall establish a per ton fee that is based on the contractor costs for the specific part 71 program that is being administered, using the following formula:
Cost per ton = (E × 32) + [(1 − E) × $C]
Where E represents EPA's proportion of total effort (expressed as a percentage of total effort) needed to administer the part 71 program, 1 − E represents the contractor's effort, and C represents the contractor assistance cost on a per ton basis. C shall be computed by using the following formula:
C = [ B + T + N] divided by 12,300,000
Where B represents the base cost (contractor costs), where T represents travel costs, and where N represents nonpersonnel data management and tracking costs. In addition, each part 71 source shall pay a GHG fee adjustment for each activity as required under paragraph (c)(8) of this section.
(4) For programs that are delegated in part, the fee shall be computed using the following formula:
Cost per ton = (E × 32) + (D × 24) + [(1 − E − D) × $C]
Where E and D represent, respectively, the EPA and delegate agency proportions of total effort (expressed as a percentage of total effort) needed to administer the part 71 program, 1 − E − D represents the contractor's effort, and C represents the contractor assistance cost on a per ton basis. C shall be computed using the formula for contractor assistance cost found in paragraph (c)(3) of this section and shall be zero if contractor assistance is not utilized. In addition, each part 71 source shall pay a GHG fee adjustment for each activity as required under paragraph (c)(8) of this section.
(5) The following emissions shall be excluded from the calculation of fees under paragraph (c)(1) through (c)(4) of this section:
(i) The amount of a part 71 source's actual emissions of each regulated pollutant (for fee calculation) that the source emits in excess of four thousand (4,000) tpy;
(ii) A part 71 source's actual emissions of any regulated pollutant (for fee calculation) already included in the fee calculation; and
(iii) The insignificant quantities of actual emissions not required to be listed or calculated in a permit application pursuant to § 71.5(c)(11).
(6) “Actual emissions” means the actual rate of emissions in tpy of any regulated pollutant (for fee calculation) emitted from a part 71 source over the preceding calendar year. Actual emissions shall be calculated using each emissions unit's actual operating hours, production rates, in-place control equipment, and types of materials processed, stored, or combusted during the preceding calendar year.
(7) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (c) (1) through (4) of this section, if the Administrator determines that the fee structures provided in paragraphs (c)(1) through (4) of this section do not reflect the costs of administering a part 71 program, then the Administrator shall by rule set a fee which adequately reflects permit program costs for that program.
(8) GHG fee adjustment. The annual fee shall be increased by a GHG fee adjustment for any source that has initiated an activity listed in the following table since the fee was last paid. The GHG fee adjustment shall be equal to the set fee provided in the table for each activity that has been initiated since the fee was last paid:
Activity Set fee GHG completeness determination (for initial permit or updated application) $2,236 GHG evaluation for a permit modification or related permit action 364 GHG evaluation at permit renewal 520 (d) Prohibition on fees with respect to emissions from affected units. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, during the years 1995 through 1999 inclusive, no fee for purposes of title V shall be required to be paid with respect to emissions from any affected unit under section 404 of the Act.
(e) Submission of initial fee calculation work sheets and fees.
(1) Each part 71 source shall complete and submit an initial fee calculation work sheet as provided in paragraphs (e)(2), (f), and (g) of this section and shall complete and submit fee calculation work sheets thereafter as provided in paragraph (h) of this section. Calculations of actual or estimated emissions and calculation of the fees owed by a source shall be computed by the source on fee calculation work sheets provided by EPA. Fee payment of the full amount must accompany each initial fee calculation work sheet.
(2) The fee calculation work sheet shall require the source to submit a report of its actual emissions for the preceding calendar year and to compute fees owed based on those emissions. For sources that have been issued part 70 or part 71 permits, actual emissions shall be computed using compliance methods required by the most recent permit. If actual emissions cannot be determined using the compliance methods in the permit, the actual emissions should be determined using federally recognized procedures. If a source commenced operation during the preceding calendar year, the source shall estimate its actual emissions for the current calendar year. In such a case, fees for the source shall be based on the total emissions estimated.
(3) The initial fee calculation worksheet shall be certified by a responsible official consistent with § 71.5(d).
(f) Deadlines for submission.
(1) When EPA withdraws approval of a part 70 program and implements a part 71 program, part 71 sources shall submit initial fee calculation work sheets and fees in accordance with the following schedule:
(i) Sources having SIC codes between 0100 and 2499 inclusive shall complete and submit fee calculation work sheets and fees within 6 months of the effective date of the part 71 program;
(ii) Sources having SIC codes between 2500 and 2999 inclusive shall complete and submit fee calculation work sheets and fees within 7 months of the effective date of the part 71 program;
(iii) Sources having SIC codes between 3000 and 3999 inclusive shall complete and submit fee calculation work sheets and fees within 8 months of the effective date of the part 71 program;
(iv) Sources having SIC codes higher than 3999 shall complete and submit fee calculation work sheets and fees within 9 months of the effective date of the part 71 program.
(2) Sources that are required under either paragraph (f)(1) or (g) of this section to submit fee calculation work sheets and fees between January 1 and March 31 may estimate their emissions for the preceding calendar year in lieu of submitting actual emissions data. If the source's initial fee calculation work sheet was based on estimated emissions for the source's preceding calendar year, then the source shall reconcile the fees owed when it submits its annual emissions report, as provided in paragraph (h)(3) of this section.
(3) When EPA implements a part 71 program that does not replace an approved part 70 program, part 71 sources shall submit initial fee calculation work sheets and initial fees when submitting their permit applications in accordance with the requirements of § 71.5(a)(1).
(4) Notwithstanding the above, sources that become subject to the part 71 program after the program's effective date shall submit an initial fee calculation work sheet and initial fees when submitting their permit applications in accordance with the requirements of § 71.5(a)(1).
(g) Fees for sources that are issued part 71 permits following an EPA objection pursuant to § 71.4(e). Fees for such sources shall be determined as provided in paragraph (c)(1) of this section. However, initial fee calculation work sheets for such sources and full payment of the initial fee shall be due three months after the date on which the source's part 71 permit is issued.
(h) Annual emissions reports -
(1) Deadlines for submission. Each part 71 source shall submit an annual report of its actual emissions for the preceding calendar year, a fee calculation work sheet (based on the report), and full payment of the annual fee each year on the anniversary date of its initial fee calculation work sheet, except that sources that were required to submit initial fee calculation work sheets between January 1 and March 31 inclusive shall submit subsequent annual emissions reports and fee calculation work sheets by April 1.
(2) Annual emissions reports and fee calculation worksheets shall be certified by a responsible official consistent with § 71.5(d).
(3) For sources that have been issued part 70 or part 71 permits, actual emissions shall be computed using methods required by the most current permit for determining compliance.
(4) If the source's initial fee calculation work sheet was based on estimated emissions for the source's current or preceding calendar year, then the source shall reconcile the fees owed when it submits its annual emissions report. The source shall compare the estimated emissions from the initial work sheet and the actual emissions from the report and shall enter such information on the fee calculation work sheet that accompanies the annual report. The source shall recompute the initial fee accordingly and shall remit any underpayment with the report and work sheet. The EPA shall credit any overpayment to the source's account.
(i) Recordkeeping requirements. Part 71 sources shall retain, in accordance with the provisions of § 71.6(a)(3)(ii), all work sheets and other materials used to determine fee payments. Records shall be retained for 5 years following the year in which the emissions data is submitted.
(j) Fee assessment errors.
(1) If EPA determines than a source has completed the fee calculation work sheet incorrectly, the permitting authority shall bill the applicant for the corrected fee or credit overpayments to the source's account.
(2) Each source notified by the permitting authority of additional amounts due shall remit full payment within 30 days of receipt of an invoice from the permitting authority.
(3) An owner or operator of a part 71 source who thinks that the assessed fee is in error shall provide a written explanation of the alleged error to the permitting authority along with the assessed fee. The permitting authority shall, within 90 days of receipt of the correspondence, review the data to determine whether the assessed fee was in error. If an error was made, the overpayment shall be credited to the account of the part 71 source.
(k) Remittance procedure.
(1) Each remittance under this section shall be in United States currency and shall be paid by money order, bank draft, certified check, corporate check, or electronic funds transfer payable to the order of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
(2) Each remittance shall be sent to the Environmental Protection Agency to the address designated on the fee calculation work sheet or the invoice.
(l) Penalty and interest assessment.
(1) The permitting authority shall assess interest on payments which are received later than the date due. The interest rate shall be the sum of the Federal short-term rate determined by the Secretary of the Treasury in accordance with section 6621(a)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, plus 3 percentage points.
(2) The permitting authority shall assess a penalty charge of 50 percent of the fee amount if the fee is not paid within 30 days of the payment due date.
(3) If a source underpays the fee owed, except as provided in paragraph (l)(4) of this section, the permitting authority shall assess a penalty charge of 50 percent on the amount by which the fee was underpaid. Interest shall also be assessed, computed under paragraph (l)(1) of this section, on the amount by which the fee was underpaid.
(4) If a source bases its initial fee calculation on estimated emissions from the source's current or preceding calendar year, as provided under paragraph (h)(4) of this section, and underpays its fee based on an underestimation of these emissions, the permitting authority shall assess a penalty charge of 50 percent on certain of these underpayments, according to the following provisions:
(i) The penalty charge shall be assessed whenever a source's underpayment exceeds the underpayment penalty cutoff established in paragraph (l)(4)(iii) of this section. The penalty amount shall be 50 percent of the portion of the underpayment which is in excess of the underpayment penalty cutoff.
(ii) Where a source is subject to a penalty for underpayment pursuant to paragraph (l)(4)(i) of this section, interest as computed under paragraph (l)(1) of this section shall be assessed on that portion of the underpayment which is in excess of the underpayment penalty cutoff established in paragraph (l)(4)(iii) of this section.
(iii) The underpayment penalty cutoff for a source shall be the sum of the following:
(A) 50 percent of the portion of the initial fee amount which was calculated from estimated emissions of HAP listed pursuant to 112(b) of the Act, and
(B) 20 percent of the portion of initial fee amount which was calculated from estimated emissions of the remainder of the regulated air pollutants (for fee calculation).
(m) Failure to remit fees. The permitting authority shall not issue a final permit or permit revision until all fees, interest and penalties assessed against a source under this section are paid. The initial application of a source shall not be found complete unless the source has paid all fees owed.
(n) Adjustments of fee schedules.
(1) The fee schedules provided in paragraphs (c) (1) through (4) of this section shall remain in effect until December 31, 1996. Thereafter, the fee schedules shall be changed annually by the percentage, if any, of any annual increase in the Consumer Price Index.
(2) Part 71 permit program costs and fees will be reviewed by the Administrator at least every 2 years, and changes will be made to the fee schedule as necessary to reflect permit program costs.
(3) When changes to a fee schedule are made based on periodic reviews by the Administrator, the changes will be published in the Federal Register.
(o) Use of revenue. All fees, penalties, and interest collected under this part shall be deposited in a special fund in the U.S. Treasury, which thereafter shall be available for appropriation, to remain available until expended, subject to appropriation, to carry out the activities required by this part.
[61 FR 34228, July 1, 1996, as amended at 64 FR 8263, Feb. 19, 1999; 67 FR 38330, June 3, 2002; 80 FR 64659, Oct. 23, 2015]