Code of Federal Regulations (Last Updated: November 8, 2024) |
Title 40 - Protection of Environment |
Chapter I - Environmental Protection Agency |
SubChapter C - Air Programs |
Part 98 - Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting |
Subpart E - Adipic Acid Production |
§ 98.56 - Data reporting requirements.
§ 98.56 Data reporting requirements.
In addition to the information required by § 98.3(c), each annual report must contain the information specified in paragraphs (a) through (n) of this section at the facility level.
(a) Annual process N2O emissions from adipic acid production (metric tons).
(b)-(c) [Reserved]
(d) Annual process N2O emissions from adipic acid production facility that is sold or transferred off site (metric tons).
(e) Number of abatement technologies (if applicable).
(f) Types of abatement technologies used and date of installation for each (if applicable).
(g) Abatement technology destruction efficiency for each abatement technology (percent destruction).
(h) Abatement utilization factor for each abatement technology (fraction of annual production that abatement technology is operating).
(i) Number of times in the reporting year that missing data procedures were followed to measure adipic acid production (months).
(j) If you conducted a performance test and calculated a site-specific emissions factor according to § 98.53(a)(1), each annual report must also contain the information specified in paragraphs (j)(1) through (7) of this section for each adipic acid production unit.
(1) [Reserved]
(2) Test method used for performance test.
(3) [Reserved]
(4) N2O concentration per test run during performance test (ppm N2O).
(5) Volumetric flow rate per test run during performance test (dscf/hr).
(6) Number of test runs.
(7) Number of times in the reporting year that a performance test had to be repeated (number).
(k) If you requested Administrator approval for an alternative method of determining N2O emissions under § 98.53(a)(2), each annual report must also contain the information specified in paragraphs (k)(1) through (4) of this section for each adipic acid production facility.
(1) Name of alternative method.
(2) Description of alternative method.
(3) Request date.
(4) Approval date.
(l) Fraction control factor for each abatement technology (percent of total emissions from the production unit that are sent to the abatement technology) if equation E-3c is used.
(m) If only cyclohexane is oxidized to produce adipic acid and the quantity is known, report the information specified in paragraph (m)(1) of this section. If materials other than cyclohexane are oxidized to produce adipic acid, report the information specified in paragraph (m)(2) of this section.
(1) Annual quantity of cyclohexane (tons) used to produce adipic acid.
(2) Annual quantity of cyclohexanone and cyclohexanol mixture (tons) used to produce adipic acid.
(n) Annual percent N2O emission reduction for all production units combined.
[74 FR 56374, Oct. 30, 2009, as amended at 75 FR 66460, Oct. 28, 2010; 79 FR 63784, Oct. 24, 2014; 81 FR 89253, Dec. 9, 2016]