Part 152 - Pesticide Registration and Classification Procedures  

Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 152.1 - Scope.
§ 152.3 - Definitions.
§ 152.5 - Pests.
§ 152.6 - Substances excluded from regulation by FIFRA.
§ 152.8 - Products that are not pesticides because they are not for use against pests.
§ 152.10 - Products that are not pesticides because they are not intended for a pesticidal purpose.
§ 152.15 - Pesticide products required to be registered.
Subpart B - Exemptions
§ 152.20 - Exemptions for pesticides adequately regulated by another Federal agency.
§ 152.25 - Exemptions for pesticides of a character not requiring FIFRA regulation.
§ 152.30 - Pesticides that may be transferred, sold, or distributed without registration.
Subpart C - Registration Procedures
§ 152.40 - Who may apply.
§ 152.42 - Application for new registration.
§ 152.43 - Alternate formulations.
§ 152.44 - Application for amended registration.
§ 152.46 - Notification and non-notification changes to registrations.
§ 152.50 - Contents of application.
§ 152.55 - Where to send applications and correspondence.
Subpart D - XXX
Subpart E - Satisfaction of Data Requirements and Protection of Data Submitters' Rights
§ 152.80 - General.
§ 152.81 - Applicability.
§ 152.82 - Definitions.
§ 152.83 - Definition of exclusive use study.
§ 152.84 - When materials must be submitted to the Agency.
§ 152.85 - Formulators' exemption.
§ 152.86 - The cite-all method.
§ 152.90 - The selective method.
§ 152.91 - Waiver of a data requirement.
§ 152.92 - Submission of a new valid study.
§ 152.93 - Citation of a previously submitted valid study.
§ 152.94 - Citation of a public literature study or study generated at government expense.
§ 152.95 - Citation of all studies in the Agency's files pertinent to a specific data requirement.
§ 152.96 - Claim of data gap.
§ 152.97 - Rights and obligations regarding the Data Submitters List.
§ 152.98 - Procedures for transfer of exclusive use or compensation rights to another person.
§ 152.99 - Petitions to cancel registration.
Subpart F - Agency Review of Applications
§ 152.100 - Scope.
§ 152.102 - Publication.
§ 152.104 - Completeness of applications.
§ 152.105 - Incomplete applications.
§ 152.107 - Review of data.
§ 152.108 - Review of labeling.
§ 152.110 - Time for agency review.
§ 152.111 - Choice of standards for review of applications.
§ 152.112 - Approval of registration under FIFRA sec. 3(c)(5).
§ 152.113 - Approval of registration under FIFRA sec. 3(c)(7) - Products that do not contain a new active ingredient.
§ 152.114 - Approval of registration under FIFRA sec. 3(c)(7) - Products that contain a new active ingredient.
§ 152.115 - Conditions of registration.
§ 152.116 - Notice of intent to register to original submitters of exclusive use data.
§ 152.117 - Notification to applicant.
§ 152.118 - Denial of application.
§ 152.119 - Availability of material in support of registration.
Subpart G - Obligations and Rights of Registrants
§ 152.122 - Currency of address of record and authorized agent.
§ 152.125 - Submission of information pertaining to adverse effects.
§ 152.130 - Distribution under approved labeling.
§ 152.132 - Supplemental distribution.
§ 152.135 - Transfer of registration.
Subpart H - XXX
Subpart I - Classification of Pesticides
§ 152.160 - Scope.
§ 152.161 - Definitions.
§ 152.164 - Classification procedures.
§ 152.166 - Labeling of restricted use products.
§ 152.167 - Distribution and sale of restricted use products.
§ 152.168 - Advertising of restricted use products.
§ 152.170 - Criteria for restriction to use by certified applicators.
§ 152.171 - Restrictions other than those relating to use by certified applicators.
§ 152.175 - Pesticides classified for restricted use.
Subparts J--T - XXX
Subpart U - Registration Fees
§ 152.400 - Purpose.
§ 152.401 - Inapplicability of fee provisions to applications filed prior to October 1, 1997.
§ 152.403 - Definitions of fee categories.
§ 152.404 - Fee amounts.
§ 152.406 - Submission of supplementary data.
§ 152.408 - Special considerations.
§ 152.410 - Adjustment of fees.
§ 152.412 - Waivers and refunds.
§ 152.414 - Procedures.
Subparts V--Y - XXX
Subpart Z - Devices
§ 152.500 - Requirements for devices.