Part 171 - Certification of Pesticide Applicators  

Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 171.1 - Scope.
§ 171.2 - Definitions.
§ 171.3 - Definitions.
§ 171.4 - Standards for certification of commercial applicators.
§ 171.5 - Effective date.
§ 171.6 - Standards for supervision of noncertified applicators by certified private and commercial applicators.
§ 171.7 - Submission and approval of State plans for certification of commercial and private applicators of restricted use pesticides.
§ 171.8 - Maintenance of State plans.
§ 171.9 - Submission and approval of Government Agency Plan.
§ 171.10 - Certification of applicators on Indian Reservations.
§ 171.11 - Federal certification of pesticide applicators in States or on Indian Reservations where there is no approved State or Tribal certification plan in effect.
Subpart B - Certification Requirements for Applicators of Restricted Use Pesticides
§ 171.101 - Commercial applicator certification categories.
§ 171.103 - Standards for certification of commercial applicators.
§ 171.105 - Standards for certification of private applicators.
§ 171.107 - Standards for recertification of certified applicators.
Subpart C - Supervision of Noncertified Applicators
§ 171.201 - Requirements for direct supervision of noncertified applicators by certified applicators.
Subpart D - Certification Plans
§ 171.301 - General.
§ 171.303 - Requirements for State certification plans.
§ 171.305 - Requirements for Federal agency certification plans.
§ 171.307 - Certification of applicators in Indian country.
§ 171.309 - Modification and withdrawal of approval of certification plans.
§ 171.311 - EPA-administered applicator certification programs.