
  Part 258 - Criteria for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills  

Subpart A - General
§ 258.1 - Purpose, scope, and applicability.
§ 258.2 - Definitions.
§ 258.3 - Consideration of other Federal laws.
§ 258.4 - Research, development, and demonstration permits.
§§ 258.4--258.9 - [Reserved]
§§ 258.5--258.9 - [Reserved]
Subpart B - Location Restrictions
§ 258.10 - Airport safety.
§ 258.11 - Floodplains.
§ 258.12 - Wetlands.
§ 258.13 - Fault areas.
§ 258.14 - Seismic impact zones.
§ 258.15 - Unstable areas.
§ 258.16 - Closure of existing municipal solid waste landfill units.
§§ 258.17--258.19 - [Reserved]
Subpart C - Operating Criteria
§ 258.20 - Procedures for excluding the receipt of hazardous waste.
§ 258.21 - Cover material requirements.
§ 258.22 - Disease vector control.
§ 258.23 - Explosive gases control.
§ 258.24 - Air criteria.
§ 258.25 - Access requirements.
§ 258.26 - Run-on/run-off control systems.
§ 258.27 - Surface water requirements.
§ 258.28 - Liquids restrictions.
§ 258.29 - Recordkeeping requirements.
§§ 258.30--258.39 - [Reserved]
Subpart D - Design Criteria
§ 258.40 - Design criteria.
§ 258.41 - Project XL Bioreactor Landfill Projects.
§ 258.42 - Approval of site-specific flexibility requests in Indian country.
§§ 258.41--258.49 - [Reserved]
§§ 258.42--258.49 - [Reserved]
§§ 258.43--258.49 - [Reserved]
Subpart E - Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
§ 258.50 - Applicability.
§ 258.51 - Ground-water monitoring systems.
§ 258.52 - [Reserved]
§ 258.53 - Ground-water sampling and analysis requirements.
§ 258.54 - Detection monitoring program.
§ 258.55 - Assessment monitoring program.
§ 258.56 - Assessment of corrective measures.
§ 258.57 - Selection of remedy.
§ 258.58 - Implementation of the corrective action program.
§ 258.59 - [Reserved]
Subpart F - Closure and Post-Closure Care
§ 258.60 - Closure criteria.
§ 258.61 - Post-closure care requirements.
§ 258.62 - Approval of site-specific flexibility requests in Indian country.
§§ 258.62--258.69 - [Reserved]
§§ 258.63--258.69 - [Reserved]
Subpart G - Financial Assurance Criteria
§ 258.70 - Applicability and effective date.
§ 258.71 - Financial assurance for closure.
§ 258.72 - Financial assurance for post-closure care.
§ 258.73 - Financial assurance for corrective action.
§ 258.74 - Allowable mechanisms.
§ 258.75 - Discounting.
Appendix I to Part 258 - Constituents for Detection Monitoring
Appendix II to Part 258 - List of Hazardous Inorganic and Organic Constituents