§ 370.21 - MSDS reporting.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Basic requirement. The owner or operator of a facility subject to this subpart shall submit an MSDS for each hazardous chemical present at the facility according to the minimum threshold schedule provided in paragraph (b) of § 370.20 to the committee, the commission, and the fire department with jurisdiction over the facility.

    (b) Alternative reporting. In lieu of the submission of an MSDS for each hazardous chemical under paragraph (a) of this section, the owner or operator may submit the following:

    (1) A list of the hazardous chemicals for which the MSDS is required, grouped by hazard category as defined under § 370.2 of this part;

    (2) The chemical or common name of each hazardous chemical as provided on the MSDS; and

    (3) Except for reporting of mixtures under § 370.28(a)(2), any hazardous component of each hazardous chemical as provided on the MSDS.

    (c) Supplemental reporting. (1) The owner or operator of a facility that has submitted an MSDS under this section shall provide a revised MSDS to the committee, the commission, and the fire department with jurisdiction over the facility within three months after discovery of significant new information concerning the hazardous chemical for which the MSDS was submitted.

    (2) After October 17, 1987, the owner or operator of a facility subject to this section shall submit an MSDS for a hazardous chemical pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section or a list pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section within three months after the owner or operator is first required to prepare or have available the MSDS or after a hazardous chemical requiring an MSDS becomes present in an amount exceeding the threshold established in § 370.20(b).

    (d) Submission of MSDS upon request. The owner or operator of a facility that has not submitted the MSDS for a hazardous chemical present at the facility shall submit the MSDS for any such hazardous chemical to the committee upon its request. The MSDS shall be submitted within 30 days of the receipt of such request.