Part 6 - Procedures for Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act and Assessing the Environmental Effects Abroad of EPA Actions  

Subpart A - General Provisions for EPA Actions Subject to NEPA
§ 6.100 - Policy and purpose.
§ 6.101 - Applicability.
§ 6.102 - Definitions.
§ 6.103 - Responsibilities of the NEPA and Responsible Officials.
§ 6.104 - Early involvement of private parties.
§ 6.105 - Synopsis of environmental review procedures.
§ 6.106 - Deviations.
§ 6.107 - Categorical exclusions.
§ 6.108 - Criteria for initiating an EIS.
Subpart B - EPA's NEPA Environmental Review Procedures
§ 6.200 - General requirements.
§ 6.201 - Coordination with other environmental review requirements.
§ 6.202 - Interagency cooperation.
§ 6.203 - Public participation.
§ 6.204 - Categorical exclusions and extraordinary circumstances.
§ 6.205 - Environmental assessments.
§ 6.206 - Findings of no significant impact.
§ 6.207 - Environmental impact statements.
§ 6.208 - Records of decision.
§ 6.209 - Filing requirements for EPA EISs.
§ 6.210 - Emergency circumstances.
Subpart C - Requirements for Environmental Information Documents and Third-Party Agreements for EPA Actions Subject to NEPA
§ 6.300 - Applicability.
§ 6.301 - Applicant requirements.
§ 6.302 - Responsible Official requirements.
§ 6.303 - Third-party agreements.
Subpart D - Assessing the Environmental Effects Abroad of EPA Actions
§ 6.400 - Purpose and policy.
§ 6.401 - Applicability.
§ 6.402 - Definitions.
§ 6.403 - Environmental review and assessment requirements.
§ 6.404 - Lead or cooperating agency.
§ 6.405 - Exemptions and considerations.
§ 6.406 - Implementation.
Subpart E - Environmental Review Procedures for Wastewater Treatment Construction Grants Program
§ 6.500 - Purpose.
§ 6.501 - Definitions.
§ 6.502 - Applicability and limitations.
§ 6.503 - Overview of the environmental review process.
§ 6.504 - Consultation during the facilities planning process.
§ 6.505 - Categorical exclusions.
§ 6.506 - Environmental review process.
§ 6.507 - Partitioning the environmental review process.
§ 6.508 - Finding of No Significant Impact (FNSI) determination.
§ 6.509 - Criteria for initiating Environmental Impact Statements (EIS).
§ 6.510 - Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) preparation.
§ 6.511 - Record of Decision (ROD) for EISs and identification of mitigation measures.
§ 6.512 - Monitoring for compliance.
§ 6.513 - Public participation.
§ 6.514 - Delegation to States.
Subpart F - Environmental Review Procedures for the New Source NPDES Program
§ 6.600 - Purpose.
§ 6.601 - Definitions.
§ 6.602 - Applicability.
§ 6.603 - Limitations on actions during environmental review process.
§ 6.604 - Environmental review process.
§ 6.605 - Criteria for preparing EISs.
§ 6.606 - Record of decision.
§ 6.607 - Monitoring.
Subpart G - Environmental Review Procedures for Office of Research and Development Projects
§ 6.700 - Purpose.
§ 6.701 - Definition.
§ 6.702 - Applicability.
§ 6.703 - General.
§ 6.704 - Categorical exclusions.
§ 6.705 - Environmental assessment and finding of no significant impact.
§ 6.706 - Environmental impact statement.
Subpart H - Environmental Review Procedures for Solid Waste Demonstration Projects
§ 6.800 - Purpose.
§ 6.801 - Applicability.
§ 6.802 - Criteria for preparing EISs.
§ 6.803 - Environmental review process.
§ 6.804 - Record of decision.
Subpart I - Environmental Review Procedures for EPA Facility Support Activities
§ 6.900 - Purpose.
§ 6.901 - Definitions.
§ 6.902 - Applicability.
§ 6.903 - Criteria for preparing EISs.
§ 6.904 - Environmental review process.
§ 6.905 - Record of decision.
Subpart J - Assessing the Environmental Effects Abroad of EPA Actions
§ 6.1001 - Purpose and policy.
§ 6.1002 - Applicability.
§ 6.1003 - Definitions.
§ 6.1004 - Environmental review and assessment requirements.
§ 6.1005 - Lead or cooperating agency.
§ 6.1006 - Exemptions and considerations.
§ 6.1007 - Implementation.
Appendix A - Statement of Procedures on Floodplain Management and Wetlands Protection
Appendix A to Part 6 - Statement of Procedures on Floodplain Management and Wetlands Protection