
  Part 60 - Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources  

Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 60.1 - Applicability.
§ 60.2 - Definitions.
§ 60.3 - Units and abbreviations.
§ 60.4 - Address.
§ 60.5 - Determination of construction or modification.
§ 60.6 - Review of plans.
§ 60.7 - Notification and record keeping.
§ 60.8 - Performance tests.
§ 60.9 - Availability of information.
§ 60.10 - State authority.
§ 60.11 - Compliance with standards and maintenance requirements.
§ 60.12 - Circumvention.
§ 60.13 - Monitoring requirements.
§ 60.14 - Modification.
§ 60.15 - Reconstruction.
§ 60.16 - Priority list.
§ 60.17 - Incorporations by reference.
§ 60.18 - General control device and work practice requirements.
§ 60.19 - General notification and reporting requirements.
Table 1 to Subpart A of Part 60 - Detection Sensitivity Levels (grams per hour)
Subpart AA - Standards of Performance for Steel Plants: Electric Arc Furnaces Constructed After October 21, 1974, and On or Before August 17, 1983
§ 60.270 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.271 - Definitions.
§ 60.272 - Standard for particulate matter.
§ 60.273 - Emission monitoring.
§ 60.274 - Monitoring of operations.
§ 60.275 - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.276 - Recordkeeping and reporting requirements.
Subpart AAa - Standards of Performance for Steel Plants: Electric Arc Furnaces and Argon-Oxygen Decarbonization Vessels Constructed After August 17, 1983, and On or Before May 16, 2022
§ 60.530 - Am I subject to this subpart?
§ 60.531 - What definitions must I know?
§ 60.532 - What standards and associated requirements must I meet and by when?
§ 60.533 - What compliance and certification requirements must I meet and by when?
§ 60.534 - What test methods and procedures must I use to determine compliance with the standards and requirements for certification?
§ 60.535 - What procedures must I use for EPA approval of a test laboratory or EPA approval of a third-party certifier?
§ 60.536 - What requirements must I meet for permanent labels, temporary labels (hangtags), and owner's manuals?
§ 60.537 - What records must I keep and what reports must I submit?
§ 60.538 - What activities are prohibited under this subpart?
§ 60.539 - What hearing and appeal procedures apply to me?
§ 60.270a - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.271a - Definitions.
§ 60.272a - Standard for particulate matter.
§ 60.273a - Emission monitoring.
§ 60.274a - Monitoring of operations.
§ 60.275a - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.276a - Recordkeeping and reporting requirements.
§ 60.539a - Who implements and enforces this subpart?
§ 60.539b - What parts of the General Provisions do not apply to me?
Subpart AAAA - Standards of Performance for Small Municipal Waste Combustion Units for Which Construction is Commenced After August 30, 1999 or for Which Modification or Reconstruction is Commenced After June 6, 2001
Other Monitoring Requirements
§ 60.1315 - Must I meet other requirements for continuous monitoring?
§ 60.1320 - How do I monitor the load of my municipal waste combustion unit?
§ 60.1325 - How do I monitor the temperature of flue gases at the inlet of my particulate matter control device?
§ 60.1330 - How do I monitor the injection rate of activated carbon?
§ 60.1335 - What is the minimum amount of monitoring data I must collect with my continuous parameter monitoring systems and is the data collection requirement enforceable?
§ 60.1000 - What does this subpart do?
§ 60.1005 - When does this subpart become effective?
§ 60.1340 - What records must I keep?
§ 60.1345 - Where must I keep my records and for how long?
§ 60.1350 - What records must I keep for the materials separation plan and siting analysis?
§ 60.1355 - What records must I keep for operator training and certification?
§ 60.1360 - What records must I keep for stack tests?
§ 60.1365 - What records must I keep for continuously monitored pollutants or parameters?
§ 60.1370 - What records must I keep for municipal waste combustion units that use activated carbon?
Continuous Emission Monitoring
§ 60.1225 - What types of continuous emission monitoring must I perform?
§ 60.1230 - What continuous emission monitoring systems must I install for gaseous pollutants?
§ 60.1235 - How are the data from the continuous emission monitoring systems used?
§ 60.1240 - How do I make sure my continuous emission monitoring systems are operating correctly?
§ 60.1245 - Am I exempt from any appendix B or appendix F requirements to evaluate continuous emission monitoring systems?
§ 60.1250 - What is my schedule for evaluating continuous emission monitoring systems?
§ 60.1255 - What must I do if I choose to monitor carbon dioxide instead of oxygen as a diluent gas?
§ 60.1260 - What is the minimum amount of monitoring data I must collect with my continuous emission monitoring systems and is the data collection requirement enforceable?
§ 60.1265 - How do I convert my 1-hour arithmetic averages into the appropriate averaging times and units?
§ 60.1270 - What is required for my continuous opacity monitoring system and how are the data used?
§ 60.1275 - What additional requirements must I meet for the operation of my continuous emission monitoring systems and continuous opacity monitoring system?
§ 60.1280 - What must I do if any of my continuous emission monitoring systems are temporarily unavailable to meet the data collection requirements?
§ 60.1375 - What reports must I submit before I submit my notice of construction?
§ 60.1380 - What must I include in my notice of construction?
§ 60.1385 - What reports must I submit after I submit my notice of construction and in what form?
§ 60.1390 - What are the appropriate units of measurement for reporting my data?
§ 60.1395 - When must I submit the initial report?
§ 60.1400 - What must I include in my initial report?
§ 60.1405 - When must I submit the annual report?
§ 60.1410 - What must I include in my annual report?
§ 60.1415 - What must I do if I am out of compliance with the requirements of this subpart?
§ 60.1420 - If a semiannual report is required, when must I submit it?
§ 60.1425 - What must I include in the semiannual out-of-compliance reports?
§ 60.1430 - Can reporting dates be changed?
Emission Limits
§ 60.1210 - What pollutants are regulated by this subpart?
§ 60.1215 - What emission limits must I meet? By when?
§ 60.1220 - What happens to the emission limits during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction?
Preconstruction Requirements: Materials Separation Plan
§ 60.1050 - Who must submit a materials separation plan?
§ 60.1055 - What is a materials separation plan?
§ 60.1060 - What steps must I complete for my materials separation plan?
§ 60.1065 - What must I include in my draft materials separation plan?
§ 60.1070 - How do I make my draft materials separation plan available to the public?
§ 60.1075 - When must I accept comments on the materials separation plan?
§ 60.1080 - Where and when must I hold a public meeting on my draft materials separation plan?
§ 60.1085 - What must I do with any public comments I receive during the public comment period on my draft materials separation plan?
§ 60.1090 - What must I do with my revised materials separation plan?
§ 60.1095 - What must I include in the public meeting on my revised materials separation plan?
§ 60.1100 - What must I do with any public comments I receive on my revised materials separation plan?
§ 60.1105 - How do I submit my final materials separation plan?
Preconstruction Requirements: Siting Analysis
§ 60.1110 - Who must submit a siting analysis?
§ 60.1115 - What is a siting analysis?
§ 60.1120 - What steps must I complete for my siting analysis?
§ 60.1125 - What must I include in my siting analysis?
§ 60.1130 - How do I make my siting analysis available to the public?
§ 60.1135 - When must I accept comments on the siting analysis and revised materials separation plan?
§ 60.1140 - Where and when must I hold a public meeting on the siting analysis?
§ 60.1145 - What must I do with any public comments I receive during the public comment period on my siting analysis?
§ 60.1150 - How do I submit my siting analysis?
§ 60.1465 - What definitions must I know?
§ 60.1460 - What equations must I use?
§ 60.1010 - Does this subpart apply to my municipal waste combustion unit?
§ 60.1015 - What is a new municipal waste combustion unit?
§ 60.1020 - Does this subpart allow any exemptions?
§ 60.1025 - Do subpart E new source performance standards also apply to my municipal waste combustion unit?
§ 60.1030 - Can the Administrator delegate authority to enforce these Federal new source performance standards to a State agency?
§ 60.1035 - How are these new source performance standards structured?
§ 60.1040 - Do all five components of these new source performance standards apply at the same time?
§ 60.1045 - Are there different subcategories of small municipal waste combustion units within this subpart?
Good Combustion Practices: Operator Training
§ 60.1155 - What types of training must I do?
§ 60.1160 - Who must complete the operator training course? By when?
§ 60.1165 - Who must complete the plant-specific training course?
§ 60.1170 - What plant-specific training must I provide?
§ 60.1175 - What information must I include in the plant-specific operating manual?
§ 60.1180 - Where must I keep the plant-specific operating manual?
Air Curtain Incinerators That Burn 100 Percent Yard Waste
§ 60.1435 - What is an air curtain incinerator?
§ 60.1440 - What is yard waste?
§ 60.1445 - What are the emission limits for air curtain incinerators that burn 100 percent yard waste?
§ 60.1450 - How must I monitor opacity for air curtain incinerators that burn 100 percent yard waste?
§ 60.1455 - What are the recordkeeping and reporting requirements for air curtain incinerators that burn 100 percent yard waste?
Stack Testing
§ 60.1285 - What types of stack tests must I conduct?
§ 60.1290 - How are the stack test data used?
§ 60.1295 - What schedule must I follow for the stack testing?
§ 60.1300 - What test methods must I use to stack test?
§ 60.1305 - May I conduct stack testing less often?
§ 60.1310 - May I deviate from the 13-month testing schedule if unforeseen circumstances arise?
Good Combustion Practices: Operating Requirements
§ 60.1200 - What are the operating practice requirements for my municipal waste combustion unit?
§ 60.1205 - What happens to the operating requirements during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction?
Table 1 of Subpart AAAA - Emission Limits for New Small Municipal Waste Combustion Units
Table 2 of Subpart AAAA - Carbon Monoxide Emission Limits for New Small Municipal Waste Combustion Units
Table 3 of Subpart AAAA - Requirements for Validating Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS)
Table 4 of Subpart AAAA - Requirements for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS)
Table 5 of Subpart AAAA - Requirements for Stack Tests
Table 3 of Subpart AAAA of Part 60 - Requirements for Validating Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS)
Table 4 of Subpart AAAA of Part 60 - Requirements for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS)
Table 5 of Subpart AAAA of Part 60 - Requirements for Stack Tests
Table 1 to Subpart AAAA of Part 60 - Emission Limits for New Small Municipal Waste Combustion Units
Table 2 to Subpart AAAA of Part 60 - Carbon Monoxide Emission Limits for New Small Municipal Waste Combustion Units
Table 3 to Subpart AAAA of Part 60 - Requirements for Validating Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS)
Table 4 to Subpart AAAA of Part 60 - Requirements for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS)
Table 5 to Subpart AAAA of Part 60 - Requirements for Stack Tests
Table 3 of Subpart AAAA to Part 60 - Requirements for Validating Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS)
Table 4 of Subpart AAAA to Part 60 - Requirements for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS)
Table 5 of Subpart AAAA to Part 60 - Requirements for Stack Tests
Good Combustion Practices: Operator Certification
§ 60.1185 - What types of operator certification must the chief facility operator and shift supervisor obtain and by when must they obtain it?
§ 60.1190 - After the required date for operator certification, who may operate the municipal waste combustion unit?
§ 60.1195 - What if all the certified operators must be temporarily offsite?
Subpart B - Adoption and Submittal of State Plans for Designated Facilities
§ 60.20 - Applicability.
§ 60.21 - Definitions.
§ 60.22 - Publication of guideline documents, emission guidelines, and final compliance times.
§ 60.23 - Adoption and submittal of State plans; public hearings.
§ 60.24 - Emission standards and compliance schedules.
§ 60.25 - Emission inventories, source surveillance, reports.
§ 60.26 - Legal authority.
§ 60.27 - Actions by the Administrator.
§ 60.28 - Plan revisions by the State.
§ 60.29 - Plan revisions by the Administrator.
Subpart BB - Standards of Performance for Kraft Pulp Mills
§ 60.280 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.281 - Definitions.
§ 60.282 - Standard for particulate matter.
§ 60.283 - Standard for total reduced sulfur (TRS).
§ 60.284 - Monitoring of emissions and operations.
§ 60.285 - Test methods and procedures.
Subpart BBB - Standards of Performance for the Rubber Tire Manufacturing Industry
§ 60.540 - Applicability and designation of affected facilities.
§ 60.541 - Definitions.
§ 60.542 - Standards for volatile organic compounds.
§ 60.543 - Performance test and compliance provisions.
§ 60.544 - Monitoring of operations.
§ 60.545 - Recordkeeping requirements.
§ 60.546 - Reporting requirements.
§ 60.547 - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.548 - Delegation of authority.
§ 60.542a - Alternate standard for volatile organic compounds.
Subpart BBBB - Emission Guidelines and Compliance Times for Small Municipal Waste Combustion Units Constructed on or Before August 30, 1999
Model Rule—Emission Limits
Model Rule - Other Monitoring Requirements
§ 60.1805 - Must I meet other requirements for continuous monitoring?
§ 60.1810 - How do I monitor the load of my municipal waste combustion unit?
§ 60.1815 - How do I monitor the temperature of flue gases at the inlet of my particulate matter control device?
§ 60.1820 - How do I monitor the injection rate of activated carbon?
§ 60.1825 - What is the minimum amount of monitoring data I must collect with my continuous parameter monitoring systems and is the data collection requirement enforceable?
Model Rule—Reporting
Model Rule - Increments of Progress
§ 60.1585 - What are my requirements for meeting increments of progress and achieving final compliance?
§ 60.1590 - When must I complete each increment of progress?
§ 60.1595 - What must I include in the notifications of achievement of my increments of progress?
§ 60.1600 - When must I submit the notifications of achievement of increments of progress?
§ 60.1605 - What if I do not meet an increment of progress?
§ 60.1610 - How do I comply with the increment of progress for submittal of a control plan?
§ 60.1615 - How do I comply with the increment of progress for awarding contracts?
§ 60.1620 - How do I comply with the increment of progress for initiating onsite construction?
§ 60.1625 - How do I comply with the increment of progress for completing onsite construction?
§ 60.1630 - How do I comply with the increment of progress for achieving final compliance?
§ 60.1635 - What must I do if I close my municipal waste combustion unit and then restart my municipal waste combustion unit?
§ 60.1640 - What must I do if I plan to permanently close my municipal waste combustion unit and not restart it?
Model Rule - Stack Testing
§ 60.1775 - What types of stack tests must I conduct?
§ 60.1780 - How are the stack test data used?
§ 60.1785 - What schedule must I follow for the stack testing?
§ 60.1790 - What test methods must I use to stack test?
§ 60.1795 - May I conduct stack testing less often?
§ 60.1800 - May I deviate from the 13-month testing schedule if unforeseen circumstances arise?
Use of Model Rule
§ 60.1570 - What is the “model rule” in this subpart?
§ 60.1575 - How does the model rule relate to the required elements of my State plan?
§ 60.1580 - What are the principal components of the model rule?
Model Rule—Increments of Progress
Model Rule - Good Combustion Practices: Operator Certification
§ 60.1675 - What types of operator certification must the chief facility operator and shift supervisor obtain and by when must they obtain it?
§ 60.1680 - After the required date for operator certification, who may operate the municipal waste combustion unit?
§ 60.1685 - What if all the certified operators must be temporarily offsite?
Model Rule—Recordkeeping
Model Rule - Good Combustion Practices: Operator Training
§ 60.1645 - What types of training must I do?
§ 60.1650 - Who must complete the operator training course? By when?
§ 60.1655 - Who must complete the plant-specific training course?
§ 60.1660 - What plant-specific training must I provide?
§ 60.1665 - What information must I include in the plant-specific operating manual?
§ 60.1670 - Where must I keep the plant-specific operating manual?
§ 60.1935 - What equations must I use?
§ 60.1500 - What is the purpose of this subpart?
§ 60.1505 - Am I affected by this subpart?
§ 60.1510 - Is a State plan required for all States?
§ 60.1515 - What must I include in my State plan?
§ 60.1520 - Is there an approval process for my State plan?
§ 60.1525 - What if my State plan is not approvable?
§ 60.1530 - Is there an approval process for a negative declaration letter?
§ 60.1535 - What compliance schedule must I include in my State plan?
§ 60.1540 - Are there any State plan requirements for this subpart that supersede the requirements specified in subpart B?
§ 60.1545 - Does this subpart directly affect municipal waste combustion unit owners and operators in my State?
§ 60.1940 - What definitions must I know?
Model Rule—Good Combustion Practices: Operator Training
Applicability of State Plans
§ 60.1550 - What municipal waste combustion units must I address in my State plan?
§ 60.1555 - Are any small municipal waste combustion units exempt from my State plan?
§ 60.1560 - Can an affected municipal waste combustion unit reduce its capacity to less than 35 tons per day rather than comply with my State plan?
§ 60.1565 - What subcategories of small municipal waste combustion units must I include in my State plan?
Model Rule - Emission Limits
§ 60.1700 - What pollutants are regulated by this subpart?
§ 60.1705 - What emission limits must I meet? By when?
§ 60.1710 - What happens to the emission limits during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction?
Model Rule—Other Monitoring Requirements
Model Rule—Good Combustion Practices: Operating Requirements
Model Rule - Good Combustion Practices: Operating Requirements
§ 60.1690 - What are the operating practice requirements for my municipal waste combustion unit?
§ 60.1695 - What happens to the operating requirements during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction?
Model Rule—Air Curtain Incinerators That Burn 100 Percent Yard Waste
Model Rule—Continuous Emission Monitoring
Model Rule - Air Curtain Incinerators That Burn 100 Percent Yard Waste
§ 60.1910 - What is an air curtain incinerator?
§ 60.1915 - What is yard waste?
§ 60.1920 - What are the emission limits for air curtain incinerators that burn 100 percent yard waste?
§ 60.1925 - How must I monitor opacity for air curtain incinerators that burn 100 percent yard waste?
§ 60.1930 - What are the recordkeeping and reporting requirements for air curtain incinerators that burn 100 percent yard waste?
Model Rule - Continuous Emission Monitoring
§ 60.1715 - What types of continuous emission monitoring must I perform?
§ 60.1720 - What continuous emission monitoring systems must I install for gaseous pollutants?
§ 60.1725 - How are the data from the continuous emission monitoring systems used?
§ 60.1730 - How do I make sure my continuous emission monitoring systems are operating correctly?
§ 60.1735 - Am I exempt from any appendix B or appendix F requirements to evaluate continuous emission monitoring systems?
§ 60.1740 - What is my schedule for evaluating continuous emission monitoring systems?
§ 60.1745 - What must I do if I choose to monitor carbon dioxide instead of oxygen as a diluent gas?
§ 60.1750 - What is the minimum amount of monitoring data I must collect with my continuous emission monitoring systems and is the data collection requirement enforceable?
§ 60.1755 - How do I convert my 1-hour arithmetic averages into appropriate averaging times and units?
§ 60.1760 - What is required for my continuous opacity monitoring system and how are the data used?
§ 60.1765 - What additional requirements must I meet for the operation of my continuous emission monitoring systems and continuous opacity monitoring system?
§ 60.1770 - What must I do if any of my continuous emission monitoring systems are temporarily unavailable to meet the data collection requirements?
Model Rule—Good Combustion Practices: Operator Certification
Model Rule - Reporting
§ 60.1860 - What reports must I submit and in what form?
§ 60.1865 - What are the appropriate units of measurement for reporting my data?
§ 60.1870 - When must I submit the initial report?
§ 60.1875 - What must I include in my initial report?
§ 60.1880 - When must I submit the annual report?
§ 60.1885 - What must I include in my annual report?
§ 60.1890 - What must I do if I am out of compliance with the requirements of this subpart?
§ 60.1895 - If a semiannual report is required, when must I submit it?
§ 60.1900 - What must I include in the semiannual out-of-compliance reports?
§ 60.1905 - Can reporting dates be changed?
Model Rule—Stack Testing
Model Rule - Recordkeeping
§ 60.1830 - What records must I keep?
§ 60.1835 - Where must I keep my records and for how long?
§ 60.1840 - What records must I keep for operator training and certification?
§ 60.1845 - What records must I keep for stack tests?
§ 60.1850 - What records must I keep for continuously monitored pollutants or parameters?
§ 60.1855 - What records must I keep for municipal waste combustion units that use activated carbon?
Table 1 of Subpart BBBB - Model Rule - Compliance Schedules and Increments of Progress
Table 2 of Subpart BBBB - Model Rule - Class I Emission Limits for Existing Small Municipal Waste Combustion Units a
Table 3 of Subpart BBBB - Model Rule - Class I Nitrogen OxidesEmission Limits for Existing Small Municipal Waste Combustion Unitsa,b,c
Table 4 of Subpart BBBB - Model Rule - Class II Emission Limits for Existing Small Municipal Waste Combustion Unita
Table 5 of Subpart BBBB - Model Rule - Carbon Monoxide Emission Limits for Existing Small Municipal Waste Combustion Units
Table 6 of Subpart BBBB - Model Rule - Requirements for Validating Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS)
Table 7 of Subpart BBBB - “Model Rule - Requirements for ContinuousEmission Monitoring Systems (CEMS)
Table 8 of Subpart BBBB - Model Rule - Requirements for Stack Tests
Table 1 to Subpart BBBB of Part 60 - Model Rule - Compliance Schedules and Increments of Progress
Table 2 to Subpart BBBB of Part 60 - Model Rule—Class I Emission Limits for Existing Small Municipal Waste Combustion Units a
Table 3 to Subpart BBBB of Part 60 - Model Rule—Class I Nitrogen Oxides Emission Limits for Existing Small Municipal Waste Combustion Units a b c
Table 4 to Subpart BBBB of Part 60 - Model Rule—Class II Emission Limits for Existing Small Municipal Waste Combustion Unit a
Table 5 to Subpart BBBB of Part 60 - Model Rule - Carbon Monoxide Emission Limits for Existing Small Municipal Waste Combustion Units
Table 6 to Subpart BBBB of Part 60 - Model Rule - Requirements for Validating Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS)
Table 7 to Subpart BBBB of Part 60 - Model Rule - Requirements for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS)
Table 8 to Subpart BBBB of Part 60 - Model Rule - Requirements for Stack Tests
Subpart C - Emission Guidelines and Compliance Times
§ 60.30 - Scope.
§ 60.31 - Definitions.
Subpart CCC - XXX
Subpart CCCC - Standards of Performance for Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incineration Units
Operator Training and Qualification
§ 60.2070 - What are the operator training and qualification requirements?
§ 60.2075 - When must the operator training course be completed?
§ 60.2080 - How do I obtain my operator qualification?
§ 60.2085 - How do I maintain my operator qualification?
§ 60.2090 - How do I renew my lapsed operator qualification?
§ 60.2095 - What site-specific documentation is required?
§ 60.2100 - What if all the qualified operators are temporarily not accessible?
Recordkeeping and Reporting
§ 60.2175 - What records must I keep?
§ 60.2180 - Where and in what format must I keep my records?
§ 60.2185 - What reports must I submit?
§ 60.2190 - What must I submit prior to commencing construction?
§ 60.2195 - What information must I submit prior to initial startup?
§ 60.2200 - What information must I submit following my initial performance test?
§ 60.2205 - When must I submit my annual report?
§ 60.2210 - What information must I include in my annual report?
§ 60.2215 - What else must I report if I have a deviation from the operating limits or the emission limitations?
§ 60.2220 - What must I include in the deviation report?
§ 60.2225 - What else must I report if I have a deviation from the requirement to have a qualified operator accessible?
§ 60.2230 - Are there any other notifications or reports that I must submit?
§ 60.2235 - In what form can I submit my reports?
§ 60.2240 - Can reporting dates be changed?
Continuous Compliance Requirements
§ 60.2145 - How do I demonstrate continuous compliance with the emission limitations and the operating limits?
§ 60.2150 - By what date must I conduct the annual performance test?
§ 60.2151 - By what date must I conduct the annual air pollution control device inspection?
§ 60.2155 - May I conduct performance testing less often?
§ 60.2160 - May I conduct a repeat performance test to establish new operating limits?
Air Curtain Incinerators (Acis)
§ 60.2245 - What is an air curtain incinerator?
§ 60.2250 - What are the emission limitations for air curtain incinerators?
§ 60.2255 - How must I monitor opacity for air curtain incinerators?
§ 60.2260 - What are the recordkeeping and reporting requirements for air curtain incinerators?
§ 60.2010 - Does this subpart apply to my incineration unit?
§ 60.2015 - What is a new incineration unit?
§ 60.2020 - What combustion units are exempt from this subpart?
§ 60.2025 - What if my chemical recovery unit is not listed in 60.2020(n)?
§ 60.2030 - Who implements and enforces this subpart?
§ 60.2035 - How are these new source performance standards structured?
§ 60.2040 - Do all eleven components of these new source performance standards apply at the same time?
§ 60.2000 - What does this subpart do?
§ 60.2005 - When did this subpart become effective?
Air Curtain Incinerators
§ 60.2265 - What definitions must I know?
§ 60.2165 - What monitoring equipment must I install and what parameters must I monitor?
§ 60.2170 - Is there a minimum amount of monitoring data I must obtain?
Waste Management Plan
§ 60.2055 - What is a waste management plan?
§ 60.2060 - When must I submit my waste management plan?
§ 60.2065 - What should I include in my waste management plan?
Performance Testing
§ 60.2125 - How do I conduct the initial and annual performance test?
§ 60.2130 - How are the performance test data used?
Emission Limitations and Operating Limits
§ 60.2105 - What emission limitations must I meet and by when?
§ 60.2110 - What operating limits must I meet and by when?
§ 60.2115 - What if I do not use a wet scrubber, fabric filter, activated carbon injection, selective noncatalytic reduction, an electrostatic precipitator, or a dry scrubber to comply with the emission limitations?
§ 60.2120 - Affirmative defense for violation of emission standards during malfunction.
Preconstruction Siting Analysis
§ 60.2045 - Who must prepare a siting analysis?
§ 60.2050 - What is a siting analysis?
Initial Compliance Requirements
§ 60.2135 - How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the emission limitations and establish the operating limits?
§ 60.2140 - By what date must I conduct the initial performance test?
§ 60.2141 - By what date must I conduct the initial air pollution control device inspection?
Title V Operating Permits
§ 60.2242 - Am I required to apply for and obtain a Title V operating permit for my unit?
Table 2 to Subpart CCCC - Operating Limits for Wet Scrubbers
Table 3 to Subpart CCCC - Toxic Equivalency Factors
Table 1 to Subpart CCCC of Part 60 - Emission Limitations for Incinerators for Which Construction Is Commenced After November 30, 1999, But No Later Than June 4, 2010, or for Which Modification or Reconstruction Is Commenced on or After June 1, 2001, But No Later Than August 7, 2013
Table 2 to Subpart CCCC of Part 60 - Operating Limits for Wet Scrubbers
Table 3 to Subpart CCCC of Part 60 - Toxic Equivalency Factors
Table 4 to Subpart CCCC of Part 60 - Summary of Reporting Requirements
Table 5 to Subpart CCCC of Part 60 - Emission Limitations for Incinerators That Commenced Construction After June 4, 2010, or That Commenced Reconstruction or Modification After August 7, 2013
Table 6 to Subpart CCCC of Part 60 - Emission Limitations for Energy Recovery Units That Commenced Construction After June 4, 2010, or That Commenced Reconstruction or Modification After August 7, 2013
Table 7 to Subpart CCCC of Part 60 - Emission Limitations for Waste-Burning Kilns That Commenced Construction After June 4, 2010, or Reconstruction or Modification After August 7, 2013
Table 8 to Subpart CCCC of Part 60 - Emission Limitations for Small, Remote Incinerators That Commenced Construction After June 4, 2010, Or That Commenced Reconstruction or Modification After August 7, 2013
Subpart D - Standards of Performance for Fossil-Fuel-Fired Steam Generators
§ 60.40 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.41 - Definitions.
§ 60.42 - Standard for particulate matter (PM).
§ 60.43 - Standard for sulfur dioxide (SO2).
§ 60.44 - Standard for nitrogen oxides (NOX).
§ 60.45 - Emissions and fuel monitoring.
§ 60.46 - Test methods and procedures.
Subpart DD - Standards of Performance for Grain Elevators
§ 60.300 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.301 - Definitions.
§ 60.302 - Standard for particulate matter.
§ 60.303 - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.304 - Modifications.
Subpart DDD - Standards of Performance for Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Emissions from the Polymer Manufacturing Industry
§ 60.560 - Applicability and designation of affected facilities.
§ 60.561 - Definitions.
§ 60.563 - Monitoring requirements.
§ 60.564 - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.565 - Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
§ 60.566 - Delegation of authority.
§ 60.562-1 - Standards: Process emissions.
§ 60.562-2 - Standards: Equipment leaks of VOC.
Subpart DDDD - Emissions Guidelines and Compliance Times for Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incineration Units
Model Rule—Waste Management Plan
Model Rule—Continuous Compliance Requirements
Model Rule—Increments of Progress
Model Rule - Air Curtain Incinerators
Model Rule—Definitions
Model Rule—Air Curtain Incinerators
Use of Model Rule
§ 60.2560 - What is the “model rule” in this subpart?
§ 60.2565 - How does the model rule relate to the required elements of my state plan?
§ 60.2570 - What are the principal components of the model rule?
Model Rule—Initial Compliance Requirements
Applicability of State Plans
§ 60.2550 - What CISWIs must I address in my state plan?
§ 60.2555 - What combustion units are exempt from my state plan?
§ 60.2558 - What if a chemical recovery unit is not listed in 60.2555(n)?
Model Rule - Title V Operating Permits
§ 60.2805 - Am I required to apply for and obtain a Title V operating permit for my unit?
Model Rule—Operator Training and Qualification
Model Rule - Continuous Compliance Requirements
§ 60.2710 - How do I demonstrate continuous compliance with the amended emission limitations and the operating limits?
§ 60.2715 - By what date must I conduct the annual performance test?
§ 60.2716 - By what date must I conduct the annual air pollution control device inspection?
§ 60.2720 - May I conduct performance testing less often?
§ 60.2725 - May I conduct a repeat performance test to establish new operating limits?
Model Rule - Waste Management Plan
§ 60.2620 - What is a waste management plan?
§ 60.2625 - When must I submit my waste management plan?
§ 60.2630 - What should I include in my waste management plan?
Model Rule - Emission Limitations and Operating Limits
§ 60.2670 - What emission limitations must I meet and by when?
§ 60.2675 - What operating limits must I meet and by when?
§ 60.2680 - What if I do not use a wet scrubber, fabric filter, activated carbon injection, selective noncatalytic reduction, an electrostatic precipitator, or a dry scrubber to comply with the emission limitations?
Model Rule - Definitions
§ 60.2875 - What definitions must I know?
Model Rule - Operator Training and Qualification
§ 60.2635 - What are the operator training and qualification requirements?
§ 60.2640 - When must the operator training course be completed?
§ 60.2645 - How do I obtain my operator qualification?
§ 60.2650 - How do I maintain my operator qualification?
§ 60.2655 - How do I renew my lapsed operator qualification?
§ 60.2660 - What site-specific documentation is required?
§ 60.2665 - What if all the qualified operators are temporarily not accessible?
Model Rule - Initial Compliance Requirements
§ 60.2700 - How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the amended emission limitations and establish the operating limits?
§ 60.2705 - By what date must I conduct the initial performance test?
§ 60.2706 - By what date must I conduct the initial air pollution control device inspection?
Model Rule - Increments of Progress
§ 60.2575 - What are my requirements for meeting increments of progress and achieving final compliance?
§ 60.2580 - When must I complete each increment of progress?
§ 60.2585 - What must I include in the notifications of achievement of increments of progress?
§ 60.2590 - When must I submit the notifications of achievement of increments of progress?
§ 60.2595 - What if I do not meet an increment of progress?
§ 60.2600 - How do I comply with the increment of progress for submittal of a control plan?
§ 60.2605 - How do I comply with the increment of progress for achieving final compliance?
§ 60.2610 - What must I do if I close my CISWI and then restart it?
§ 60.2615 - What must I do if I plan to permanently close my CISWI and not restart it?
Model Rule - Recordkeeping and Reporting
§ 60.2740 - What records must I keep?
§ 60.2745 - Where and in what format must I keep my records?
§ 60.2750 - What reports must I submit?
§ 60.2755 - When must I submit my waste management plan?
§ 60.2760 - What information must I submit following my initial performance test?
§ 60.2765 - When must I submit my annual report?
§ 60.2770 - What information must I include in my annual report?
§ 60.2775 - What else must I report if I have a deviation from the operating limits or the emission limitations?
§ 60.2780 - What must I include in the deviation report?
§ 60.2785 - What else must I report if I have a deviation from the requirement to have a qualified operator accessible?
§ 60.2790 - Are there any other notifications or reports that I must submit?
§ 60.2795 - In what form can I submit my reports?
§ 60.2800 - Can reporting dates be changed?
Model Rule—Recordkeeping and Reporting
Model Rule - Air Curtain Incinerators (Acis)
§ 60.2810 - What is an air curtain incinerator?
§ 60.2815 - What are my requirements for meeting increments of progress and achieving final compliance?
§ 60.2820 - When must I complete each increment of progress?
§ 60.2825 - What must I include in the notifications of achievement of increments of progress?
§ 60.2830 - When must I submit the notifications of achievement of increments of progress?
§ 60.2835 - What if I do not meet an increment of progress?
§ 60.2840 - How do I comply with the increment of progress for submittal of a control plan?
§ 60.2845 - How do I comply with the increment of progress for achieving final compliance?
§ 60.2850 - What must I do if I close my air curtain incinerator and then restart it?
§ 60.2855 - What must I do if I plan to permanently close my air curtain incinerator and not restart it?
§ 60.2860 - What are the emission limitations for air curtain incinerators?
§ 60.2865 - How must I monitor opacity for air curtain incinerators?
§ 60.2870 - What are the recordkeeping and reporting requirements for air curtain incinerators?
Model Rule—Monitoring
§ 60.2500 - What is the purpose of this subpart?
§ 60.2505 - Am I affected by this subpart?
§ 60.2510 - Is a state plan required for all states?
§ 60.2515 - What must I include in my state plan?
§ 60.2520 - Is there an approval process for my state plan?
§ 60.2525 - What if my state plan is not approvable?
§ 60.2530 - Is there an approval process for a negative declaration letter?
§ 60.2535 - What compliance schedule must I include in my state plan?
§ 60.2540 - Are there any State plan requirements for this subpart that apply instead of the requirements specified in subpart B?
§ 60.2541 - In lieu of a state plan submittal, are there other acceptable option(s) for a state to meet its Clean Air Act section 111(d)/129(b)(2) obligations?
§ 60.2542 - What authorities will not be delegated to state, local, or tribal agencies?
§ 60.2545 - Does this subpart directly affect CISWI owners and operators in my state?
Model Rule - Monitoring
§ 60.2730 - What monitoring equipment must I install and what parameters must I monitor?
§ 60.2735 - Is there a minimum amount of monitoring data I must obtain?
Model Rule—Title V Operating Permits
Model Rule—Performance Testing
Model Rule - Performance Testing
§ 60.2690 - How do I conduct the initial and annual performance test?
§ 60.2695 - How are the performance test data used?
Model Rule—Emission Limitations and Operating Limits
§ 60.2685 - Affirmative defense for violation of emission standards during malfunction.
Model Rule—Air Curtain Incinerators (ACIs)
Table 1 to Subpart DDDD - Model Rule - Increments of Progress and Compliance Schedules
Table 2 to Subpart DDDD - Model Rule - Emission Limitations
Table 3 to Subpart DDDD - Model Rule - Operating Limits for Wet Scrubbers
Table 4 to Subpart DDDD - Model Rule - Toxic Equivalency Factors
Table 5 to Subpart DDDD - Model Rule - Summary of Reporting Requirementsa
Table 1 to Subpart DDDD of Part 60 - Model Rule - Increments of Progress and Compliance Schedules
Table 2 to Subpart DDDD of Part 60 - Model Rule - Emission Limitations That Apply to Incinerators Before [Date To Be Specified in State Plan]
Table 3 to Subpart DDDD of Part 60 - Model Rule - Operating Limits for Wet Scrubbers
Table 4 to Subpart DDDD of Part 60 - Model Rule - Toxic Equivalency Factors
Table 5 to Subpart DDDD of Part 60 - Model Rule - Summary of Reporting Requirements
Table 6 to Subpart DDDD of Part 60 - Model Rule - Emission Limitations That Apply to Incinerators on and After [Date To Be Specified in State Plan] 1
Table 7 to Subpart DDDD of Part 60 - Model Rule - Emission Limitations That Apply to Energy Recovery Units After May 20, 2011
Table 8 to Subpart DDDD of Part 60 - Model Rule - Emission Limitations That Apply to Waste-Burning Kilns After May 20, 2011
Table 9 to Subpart DDDD of Part 60 - Model Rule - Emission Limitations That Apply to Small, Remote Incinerators After May 20, 2011 [Date To Be Specified in State Plan] 1
Subpart E - Standards of Performance for Incinerators
§ 60.50 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.51 - Definitions.
§ 60.52 - Standard for particulate matter.
§ 60.53 - Monitoring of operations.
§ 60.54 - Test methods and procedures.
Subpart EE - Standards of Performance for Surface Coating of Metal Furniture
§ 60.310 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.311 - Definitions and symbols.
§ 60.312 - Standard for volatile organic compounds (VOC).
§ 60.313 - Performance tests and compliance provisions.
§ 60.314 - Monitoring of emissions and operations.
§ 60.315 - Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
§ 60.316 - Test methods and procedures.
Subpart EEE - XXX
Subpart EEEE - Standards of Performance for Other Solid Waste Incineration Units for Which Construction is Commenced After December 9, 2004, or for Which Modification or Reconstruction is Commenced on or After June 16, 2006
Continuous Compliance Requirements
§ 60.2932 - How do I demonstrate continuous compliance with the emission limitations and the operating limits?
§ 60.2933 - By what date must I conduct the annual performance test?
§ 60.2934 - May I conduct performance testing less often?
§ 60.2935 - May I conduct a repeat performance test to establish new operating limits?
§ 60.2975 - What equations must I use?
Initial Compliance Requirements
§ 60.2927 - How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the emission limitations and establish the operating limits?
§ 60.2928 - By what date must I conduct the initial performance test?
Emission Limitations and Operating Limits
§ 60.2915 - What emission limitations must I meet and by when?
§ 60.2916 - What operating limits must I meet and by when?
§ 60.2917 - What if I do not use a wet scrubber to comply with the emission limitations?
§ 60.2918 - What happens during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction?
Title V Operating Permits
§ 60.2966 - Am I required to apply for and obtain a title V operating permit for my unit?
§ 60.2967 - When must I submit a title V permit application for my new unit?
§ 60.2977 - What definitions must I know?
Recordkeeping and Reporting
§ 60.2949 - What records must I keep?
§ 60.2950 - Where and in what format must I keep my records?
§ 60.2951 - What reports must I submit?
§ 60.2952 - What must I submit prior to commencing construction?
§ 60.2953 - What information must I submit prior to initial startup?
§ 60.2954 - What information must I submit following my initial performance test?
§ 60.2955 - When must I submit my annual report?
§ 60.2956 - What information must I include in my annual report?
§ 60.2957 - What else must I report if I have a deviation from the operating limits or the emission limitations?
§ 60.2958 - What must I include in the deviation report?
§ 60.2959 - What else must I report if I have a deviation from the requirement to have a qualified operator accessible?
§ 60.2960 - Are there any other notifications or reports that I must submit?
§ 60.2961 - In what form can I submit my reports?
§ 60.2962 - Can reporting dates be changed?
Performance Testing
§ 60.2922 - How do I conduct the initial and annual performance test?
§ 60.2923 - How are the performance test data used?
Waste Management Plan
§ 60.2899 - What is a waste management plan?
§ 60.2900 - When must I submit my waste management plan?
§ 60.2901 - What should I include in my waste management plan?
Air Curtain Incinerators That Burn Only Wood Waste, Clean Lumber, and Yard Waste
§ 60.2970 - What is an air curtain incinerator?
§ 60.2971 - What are the emission limitations for air curtain incinerators that burn only wood waste, clean lumber, and yard waste?
§ 60.2972 - How must I monitor opacity for air curtain incinerators that burn only wood waste, clean lumber, and yard waste?
§ 60.2973 - What are the recordkeeping and reporting requirements for air curtain incinerators that burn only wood waste, clean lumber, and yard waste?
§ 60.2974 - [Reserved]
Preconstruction Siting Analysis
§ 60.2894 - Who must prepare a siting analysis?
§ 60.2895 - What is a siting analysis?
Operator Training and Qualification
§ 60.2905 - What are the operator training and qualification requirements?
§ 60.2906 - When must the operator training course be completed?
§ 60.2907 - How do I obtain my operator qualification?
§ 60.2908 - How do I maintain my operator qualification?
§ 60.2909 - How do I renew my lapsed operator qualification?
§ 60.2910 - What site-specific documentation is required?
§ 60.2911 - What if all the qualified operators are temporarily not accessible?
Temporary-Use Incinerators and Air Curtain Incinerators Used in Disaster Recovery
§ 60.2969 - [Reserved]
§ 60.2939 - What continuous emission monitoring systems must I install?
§ 60.2940 - How do I make sure my continuous emission monitoring systems are operating correctly?
§ 60.2941 - What is my schedule for evaluating continuous emission monitoring systems?
§ 60.2942 - What is the minimum amount of monitoring data I must collect with my continuous emission monitoring systems, and is the data collection requirement enforceable?
§ 60.2943 - How do I convert my 1-hour arithmetic averages into the appropriate averaging times and units?
§ 60.2944 - What operating parameter monitoring equipment must I install, and what operating parameters must I monitor?
§ 60.2945 - Is there a minimum amount of operating parameter monitoring data I must obtain?
§ 60.2885 - Does this subpart apply to my incineration unit?
§ 60.2886 - What is a new incineration unit?
§ 60.2887 - What combustion units are excluded from this subpart?
§ 60.2888 - Are air curtain incinerators regulated under this subpart?
§ 60.2889 - Who implements and enforces this subpart?
§ 60.2890 - How are these new source performance standards structured?
§ 60.2891 - Do all components of these new source performance standards apply at the same time?
§ 60.2880 - What does this subpart do?
§ 60.2881 - When does this subpart become effective?
Table 1 to Subpart EEEE of Part 60 - Emission Limitations
Table 2 to Subpart EEEE of Part 60 - Operating Limits for Incinerators and Wet Scrubbers
Table 3 to Subpart EEEE of Part 60 - Requirements for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS)
Table 4 to Subpart EEEE of Part 60 - Summary of Reporting Requirements
Subpart F - Standards of Performance for Portland Cement Plants
§ 60.60 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.61 - Definitions.
§ 60.62 - Standards.
§ 60.63 - Monitoring of operations.
§ 60.64 - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.65 - Recordkeeping and reporting requirements.
§ 60.66 - Delegation of authority.
Subpart FF - XXX
Subpart FFF - Standards of Performance for Flexible Vinyl and Urethane Coating and Printing
§ 60.580 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.581 - Definitions and symbols.
§ 60.582 - Standard for volatile organic compounds.
§ 60.583 - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.584 - Monitoring of operations and recordkeeping requirements.
§ 60.585 - Reporting requirements.
Subpart FFFF - Emission Guidelines and Compliance Times for Other Solid Waste
Model Rule—Initial Compliance Requirements
§ 60.2980 - What is the purpose of this subpart?
§ 60.2981 - Am I affected by this subpart?
§ 60.2982 - Is a State plan required for all States?
§ 60.2983 - What must I include in my State plan?
§ 60.2984 - Is there an approval process for my State plan?
§ 60.2985 - What if my State plan is not approvable?
§ 60.2986 - Is there an approval process for a negative declaration letter?
§ 60.2987 - What compliance schedule must I include in my State plan?
§ 60.2988 - Are there any State plan requirements for this subpart that apply instead of the requirements specified in subpart B of this part?
§ 60.2989 - Does this subpart directly affect incineration unit owners and operators in my State?
§ 60.2990 - What Authorities are withheld by EPA?
Model Rule - Operator Training and Qualification
§ 60.3014 - What are the operator training and qualification requirements?
§ 60.3015 - When must the operator training course be completed?
§ 60.3016 - How do I obtain my operator qualification?
§ 60.3017 - How do I maintain my operator qualification?
§ 60.3018 - How do I renew my lapsed operator qualification?
§ 60.3019 - What site-specific documentation is required?
§ 60.3020 - What if all the qualified operators are temporarily not accessible?
Model Rule - Temporary-Use Incinerators and Air Curtain Incinerators Used in Disaster Recovery
§ 60.3061 - What are the requirements for temporary-use incinerators and air curtain incinerators used in disaster recovery?
Model Rule—Recordkeeping and Reporting
Model Rule - Initial Compliance Requirements
§ 60.3030 - How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the emission limitations and establish the operating limits?
§ 60.3031 - By what date must I conduct the initial performance test?
Model Rule - Definitions
§ 60.3078 - What definitions must I know?
Model Rule - Use of Model Rule
§ 60.2996 - What is the purpose of the “model rule” in this subpart?
§ 60.2997 - How does the model rule relate to the required elements of my State plan?
§ 60.2998 - What are the principal components of the model rule?
Model Rule—Air Curtain Incinerators That Burn Only Wood Waste, Clean Lumber, and Yard Waste
Model Rule—Use of Model Rule
Model Rule—Monitoring
Model Rule - Waste Management Plan
§ 60.3010 - What is a waste management plan?
§ 60.3011 - When must I submit my waste management plan?
§ 60.3012 - What should I include in my waste management plan?
Model Rule - Equations
§ 60.3076 - What equations must I use?
Model Rule - Compliance Schedule
§ 60.3000 - When must I comply?
§ 60.3001 - What must I do if I close my OSWI unit and then restart it?
§ 60.3002 - What must I do if I plan to permanently close my OSWI unit and not restart it?
Model Rule - Emission Limitations and Operating Limits
§ 60.3022 - What emission limitations must I meet and by when?
§ 60.3023 - What operating limits must I meet and by when?
§ 60.3024 - What if I do not use a wet scrubber to comply with the emission limitations?
§ 60.3025 - What happens during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction?
Model Rule—Definitions
Model Rule—Compliance Schedule
Model Rule—Equations
Model Rule—Temporary-Use Incinerators and Air Curtain Incinerators Used in Disaster Recovery
Model Rule - Air Curtain Incinerators That Burn Only Wood Waste, Clean Lumber, and Yard Waste
§ 60.3062 - What is an air curtain incinerator?
§ 60.3063 - When must I comply if my air curtain incinerator burns only wood waste, clean lumber, and yard waste?
§ 60.3064 - What must I do if I close my air curtain incinerator that burns only wood waste, clean lumber, and yard waste and then restart it?
§ 60.3065 - What must I do if I plan to permanently close my air curtain incinerator that burns only wood waste, clean lumber, and yard waste and not restart it?
§ 60.3066 - What are the emission limitations for air curtain incinerators that burn only wood waste, clean lumber, and yard waste?
§ 60.3067 - How must I monitor opacity for air curtain incinerators that burn only wood waste, clean lumber, and yard waste?
§ 60.3068 - What are the recordkeeping and reporting requirements for air curtain incinerators that burn only wood waste, clean lumber, and yard waste?
§ 60.3069 - Am I required to apply for and obtain a title V operating permit for my air curtain incinerator that burns only wood waste, clean lumber, and yard waste?
Model Rule - Continuous Compliance Requirements
§ 60.3033 - How do I demonstrate continuous compliance with the emission limitations and the operating limits?
§ 60.3034 - By what date must I conduct the annual performance test?
§ 60.3035 - May I conduct performance testing less often?
§ 60.3036 - May I conduct a repeat performance test to establish new operating limits?
Applicability of State Plans
§ 60.2991 - What incineration units must I address in my State plan?
§ 60.2992 - What is an existing incineration unit?
§ 60.2993 - Are any combustion units excluded from my State plan?
§ 60.2994 - Are air curtain incinerators regulated under this subpart?
Model Rule—Performance Testing
Model Rule—Title V Operating Permits
§ 60.3059 - Am I required to apply for and obtain a title V operating permit for my unit?
§ 60.3060 - [Reserved]
Model Rule—Waste Management Plan
Model Rule - Recordkeeping and Reporting
§ 60.3046 - What records must I keep?
§ 60.3047 - Where and in what format must I keep my records?
§ 60.3048 - What reports must I submit?
§ 60.3049 - What information must I submit following my initial performance test?
§ 60.3050 - When must I submit my annual report?
§ 60.3051 - What information must I include in my annual report?
§ 60.3052 - What else must I report if I have a deviation from the operating limits or the emission limitations?
§ 60.3053 - What must I include in the deviation report?
§ 60.3054 - What else must I report if I have a deviation from the requirement to have a qualified operator accessible?
§ 60.3055 - Are there any other notifications or reports that I must submit?
§ 60.3056 - In what form can I submit my reports?
§ 60.3057 - Can reporting dates be changed?
Model Rule - Monitoring
§ 60.3038 - What continuous emission monitoring systems must I install?
§ 60.3039 - How do I make sure my continuous emission monitoring systems are operating correctly?
§ 60.3040 - What is my schedule for evaluating continuous emission monitoring systems?
§ 60.3041 - What is the minimum amount of monitoring data I must collect with my continuous emission monitoring systems, and is the data collection requirement enforceable?
§ 60.3042 - How do I convert my 1-hour arithmetic averages into the appropriate averaging times and units?
§ 60.3043 - What operating parameter monitoring equipment must I install, and what operating parameters must I monitor?
§ 60.3044 - Is there a minimum amount of operating parameter monitoring data I must obtain?
Model Rule - Title V Operating Permits
Model Rule—Emission Limitations and Operating Limits
Model Rule - Performance Testing
§ 60.3027 - How do I conduct the initial and annual performance test?
§ 60.3028 - How are the performance test data used?
Model Rule—Operator Training and Qualification
Table 1 to Subpart FFFF of Part 60 - Model Rule - Compliance Schedule
Table 2 to Subpart FFFF of Part 60 - Model Rule - Emission Limitations
Table 3 to Subpart FFFF of Part 60 - Model Rule - Operating Limits for Incinerators and Wet Scrubbers
Table 4 to Subpart FFFF of Part 60 - Model Rule - Requirements for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS)
Table 5 to Subpart FFFF of Part 60 - Model Rule - Summary of Reporting Requirements
Tables to Subpart FFFF of Part 60
Table 5 to Subpart FFFF of the Part 60 - Model Rule - Summary of Reporting Requirements
Model Rule—Continuous Compliance Requirements
Subpart G - Standards of Performance for Nitric Acid Plants
§ 60.70 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.71 - Definitions.
§ 60.72 - Standard for nitrogen oxides.
§ 60.73 - Emission monitoring.
§ 60.74 - Test methods and procedures.
Subpart GG - Standards of Performance for Stationary Gas Turbines
§ 60.330 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.331 - Definitions.
§ 60.332 - Standard for nitrogen oxides.
§ 60.333 - Standard for sulfur dioxide.
§ 60.334 - Monitoring of operations.
§ 60.335 - Test methods and procedures.
Subpart GGG - Standards of Performance for Equipment Leaks of VOC in Petroleum Refineries for which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After January 4, 1983, and on or Before November 7, 2006
§ 60.590 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.591 - Definitions.
§ 60.592 - Standards.
§ 60.593 - Exceptions.
Subparts GGGG--HHHH - XXX
Subpart H - Standards of Performance for Sulfuric Acid Plants
§ 60.80 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.81 - Definitions.
§ 60.82 - Standard for sulfur dioxide.
§ 60.83 - Standard for acid mist.
§ 60.84 - Emission monitoring.
§ 60.85 - Test methods and procedures.
Subpart HH - Standards of Performance for Lime Manufacturing Plants
§ 60.340 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.341 - Definitions.
§ 60.342 - Standard for particulate matter.
§ 60.343 - Monitoring of emissions and operations.
§ 60.344 - Test methods and procedures.
Subpart HHH - Standards of Performance for Synthetic Fiber Production Facilities
§ 60.600 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.601 - Definitions.
§ 60.602 - Standard for volatile organic compounds.
§ 60.603 - Performance test and compliance provisions.
§ 60.604 - Reporting requirements.
Subpart HHHH - Emission Guidelines and Compliance Times for Coal-Fired Electric Steam Generating Units
Hg Allowance Tracking System
§ 60.4150 - [Reserved]
§ 60.4151 - Establishment of accounts.
§ 60.4152 - Responsibilities of Hg authorized account representative.
§ 60.4153 - Recordation of Hg allowance allocations.
§ 60.4154 - Compliance with Hg budget emissions limitation.
§ 60.4155 - Banking.
§ 60.4156 - Account error.
§ 60.4157 - Closing of general accounts.
Monitoring and Reporting
§ 60.4170 - General requirements.
§ 60.4171 - Initial certification and recertification procedures.
§ 60.4172 - Out of control periods.
§ 60.4173 - Notifications.
§ 60.4174 - Recordkeeping and reporting.
§ 60.4175 - Petitions.
§ 60.4176 - Additional requirements to provide heat input data.
Hg Allowance Transfers
§ 60.4160 - Submission of Hg allowance transfers.
§ 60.4161 - EPA recordation.
§ 60.4162 - Notification.
Hg Designated Representative for Hg Budget Sources
§ 60.4110 - Authorization and Responsibilities of Hg designated representative.
§ 60.4111 - Alternate Hg designated representative.
§ 60.4112 - Changing Hg designated representative and alternate Hg designated representative; changes in owners and operators.
§ 60.4113 - Certificate of representation.
§ 60.4114 - Objections concerning Hg designated representative.
§ 60.4120 - General Hg budget trading program permit requirements.
§ 60.4121 - Submission of Hg budget permit applications.
§ 60.4122 - Information requirements for Hg budget permit applications.
§ 60.4123 - Hg budget permit contents and term.
§ 60.4124 - Hg budget permit revisions.
§ 60.4130 - [Reserved]
Hg Budget Trading Program General Provisions
§ 60.4101 - Purpose.
§ 60.4102 - Definitions.
§ 60.4103 - Measurements, abbreviations, and acronyms.
§ 60.4104 - Applicability.
§ 60.4105 - Retired unit exemption.
§ 60.4106 - Standard requirements.
§ 60.4107 - Computation of time.
§ 60.4108 - Appeal procedures.
Hg Allowance Allocations
§ 60.4140 - State trading budgets.
§ 60.4141 - Timing requirements for Hg allowance allocations.
§ 60.4142 - Hg allowance allocations.
Subpart I - Standards of Performance for Hot Mix Asphalt Facilities
§ 60.90 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.91 - Definitions.
§ 60.92 - Standard for particulate matter.
§ 60.93 - Test methods and procedures.
Subpart III - Standards of Performance for Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Emissions From the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI) Air Oxidation Unit Processes After October 21, 1983, and on or Before April 25, 2023
§ 60.610 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.611 - Definitions.
§ 60.612 - Standards.
§ 60.613 - Monitoring of emissions and operations.
§ 60.614 - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.615 - Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
§ 60.616 - Reconstruction.
§ 60.617 - Chemicals affected by subpart III.
§ 60.618 - Delegation of authority.
Subpart IIII - Standards of Performance for Stationary Compression Ignition Internal Combustion Engines
Special Requirements
§ 60.4215 - What requirements must I meet for engines used in Guam, American Samoa, or the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands?
§ 60.4216 - What requirements must I meet for engines used in Alaska?
§ 60.4217 - What emission standards must I meet if I am an owner or operator of a stationary internal combustion engine using special fuels?
Emission Standards for Owners and Operators
§ 60.4204 - What emission standards must I meet for non-emergency engines if I am an owner or operator of a stationary CI internal combustion engine?
§ 60.4205 - What emission standards must I meet for emergency engines if I am an owner or operator of a stationary CI internal combustion engine?
§ 60.4206 - How long must I meet the emission standards if I am an owner or operator of a stationary CI internal combustion engine?
Testing Requirements for Owners and Operators
§ 60.4212 - What test methods and other procedures must I use if I am an owner or operator of a stationary CI internal combustion engine with a displacement of less than 30 liters per cylinder?
§ 60.4213 - What test methods and other procedures must I use if I am an owner or operator of a stationary CI internal combustion engine with a displacement of greater than or equal to 30 liters per cylinder?
Other Requirements for Owners and Operators
§ 60.4208 - What is the deadline for importing or installing stationary CI ICE produced in previous model years?
§ 60.4209 - What are the monitoring requirements if I am an owner or operator of a stationary CI internal combustion engine?
Compliance Requirements
§ 60.4210 - What are my compliance requirements if I am a stationary CI internal combustion engine manufacturer?
§ 60.4211 - What are my compliance requirements if I am an owner or operator of a stationary CI internal combustion engine?
§ 60.4219 - What definitions apply to this subpart?
Emission Standards for Manufacturers
§ 60.4201 - What emission standards must I meet for non-emergency engines if I am a stationary CI internal combustion engine manufacturer?
§ 60.4202 - What emission standards must I meet for emergency engines if I am a stationary CI internal combustion engine manufacturer?
§ 60.4203 - How long must my engines meet the emission standards if I am a manufacturer of stationary CI internal combustion engines?
Notification, Reports, and Records for Owners and Operators
§ 60.4214 - What are my notification, reporting, and recordkeeping requirements if I am an owner or operator of a stationary CI internal combustion engine?
Fuel Requirements for Owners and Operators
§ 60.4207 - What fuel requirements must I meet if I am an owner or operator of a stationary CI internal combustion engine subject to this subpart?
General Provisions
§ 60.4218 - What General Provisions and confidential information provisions apply to me?
What This Subpart Covers
§ 60.4200 - Am I subject to this subpart?
Table 1 to Subpart IIII of Part 60 - Emission Standards for Stationary Pre-2007 Model Year Engines With a Displacement of <10 Liters per Cylinder and 2007-2010 Model Year Engines >2,237 KW (3,000 HP) and With a Displacement of <10 Liters per Cylinder
Table 2 to Subpart IIII of Part 60 - Emission Standards for 2008 Model Year and Later Emergency Stationary CI ICE <37 KW (50 HP) With a Displacement of <10 Liters per Cylinder
Table 3 to Subpart IIII of Part 60 - Certification Requirements for Stationary Fire Pump Engines
Table 4 to Subpart IIII of Part 60 - —Emission Standards for Stationary Fire Pump Engines
Table 5 to Subpart IIII of Part 60 - Labeling and Recordkeeping Requirements for New Stationary Emergency Engines
Table 6 to Subpart IIII of Part 60 - Optional 3-Mode Test Cycle for Stationary Fire Pump Engines
Table 7 to Subpart IIII of Part 60 - Requirements for Performance Tests for Stationary CI ICE With a Displacement of =30 Liters per Cylinder
Table 8 to Subpart IIII of Part 60 - Applicability of General Provisions to Subpart IIII
Subpart J - Standards of Performance for Petroleum Refineries
§ 60.100 - Applicability, designation of affected facility, and reconstruction.
§ 60.101 - Definitions.
§ 60.102 - Standard for particulate matter.
§ 60.103 - Standard for carbon monoxide.
§ 60.104 - Standards for sulfur oxides.
§ 60.105 - Monitoring of emissions and operations.
§ 60.106 - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.107 - Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
§ 60.108 - Performance test and compliance provisions.
§ 60.109 - Delegation of authority.
Subpart JJJ - Standards of Performance for Petroleum Dry Cleaners
§ 60.620 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.621 - Definitions.
§ 60.622 - Standards for volatile organic compounds.
§ 60.623 - Equivalent equipment and procedures.
§ 60.624 - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.625 - Recordkeeping requirements.
Subpart JJJJ - Standards of Performance for Stationary Spark Ignition Internal Combustion Engines
Other Requirements for Owners and Operators
§ 60.4235 - What fuel requirements must I meet if I am an owner or operator of a stationary SI gasoline fired internal combustion engine subject to this subpart?
§ 60.4236 - What is the deadline for importing or installing stationary SI ICE produced in previous model years?
§ 60.4237 - What are the monitoring requirements if I am an owner or operator of an emergency stationary SI internal combustion engine?
General Provisions
§ 60.4246 - What General Provisions and confidential information provisions apply to me?
Testing Requirements for Owners and Operators
§ 60.4244 - What test methods and other procedures must I use if I am an owner or operator of a stationary SI internal combustion engine?
Compliance Requirements for Owners and Operators
§ 60.4243 - What are my compliance requirements if I am an owner or operator of a stationary SI internal combustion engine?
Mobile Source Provisions
§ 60.4247 - What parts of the mobile source provisions apply to me if I am a manufacturer of stationary SI internal combustion engines or a manufacturer of equipment containing such engines?
§ 60.4248 - What definitions apply to this subpart?
Emission Standards for Manufacturers
§ 60.4231 - What emission standards must I meet if I am a manufacturer of stationary SI internal combustion engines or equipment containing such engines?
§ 60.4232 - How long must my engines meet the emission standards if I am a manufacturer of stationary SI internal combustion engines?
Notification, Reports, and Records for Owners and Operators
§ 60.4245 - What are my notification, reporting, and recordkeeping requirements if I am an owner or operator of a stationary SI internal combustion engine?
Compliance Requirements for Manufacturers
§ 60.4238 - What are my compliance requirements if I am a manufacturer of stationary SI internal combustion engines =19 KW (25 HP) or a manufacturer of equipment containing such engines?
§ 60.4239 - What are my compliance requirements if I am a manufacturer of stationary SI internal combustion engines 19 KW (25 HP) that use gasoline or a manufacturer of equipment containing such engines?
§ 60.4240 - What are my compliance requirements if I am a manufacturer of stationary SI internal combustion engines 19 KW (25 HP) that are rich burn engines that use LPG or a manufacturer of equipment containing such engines?
§ 60.4241 - What are my compliance requirements if I am a manufacturer of stationary SI internal combustion engines participating in the voluntary certification program or a manufacturer of equipment containing such engines?
§ 60.4242 - What other requirements must I meet if I am a manufacturer of stationary SI internal combustion engines or equipment containing stationary SI internal combustion engines or a manufacturer of equipment containing such engines?
Emission Standards for Owners and Operators
§ 60.4233 - What emission standards must I meet if I am an owner or operator of a stationary SI internal combustion engine?
§ 60.4234 - How long must I meet the emission standards if I am an owner or operator of a stationary SI internal combustion engine?
What This Subpart Covers
§ 60.4230 - Am I subject to this subpart?
Table 1 to Subpart JJJJ of Part 60 - NOX, CO, and VOC Emission Standards for Stationary Non-Emergency SI Engines =100 HP (Except Gasoline and Rich Burn LPG), Stationary SI Landfill/Digester Gas Engines, and Stationary Emergency Engines >25 HP
Table 2 to Subpart JJJJ of Part 60 - Requirements for Performance Tests
Table 3 to Subpart JJJJ of Part 60 - Applicability of General Provisions to Subpart JJJJ
Table 4 to Subpart JJJJ of Part 60 - Applicability of Mobile Source Provisions for Manufacturers Participating in the Voluntary Certification Program and Certifying Stationary SI ICE to Emission Standards in Table 1 of Subpart JJJJ
Table 1 to Subpart JJJJ of Part 60 - NOX, CO, and VOC Emission Standards for Stationary Non-Emergency SI Engines =100 HP (Except Gasoline and Rich Burn LPG), Stationary SI Landfill/Digester Gas Engines, and Stationary Emergency Engines >25 HP
Subpart K - Standards of Performance for Storage Vessels for Petroleum Liquids for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After June 11, 1973, and Prior to May 19, 1978
§ 60.110 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.111 - Definitions.
§ 60.112 - Standard for volatile organic compounds (VOC).
§ 60.113 - Monitoring of operations.
Subpart KK - Standards of Performance for Lead-Acid Battery Manufacturing Plants for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After January 14, 1980, and On or Before February 23, 2022
§ 60.370 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.371 - Definitions.
§ 60.372 - Standards for lead.
§ 60.373 - Monitoring of emissions and operations.
§ 60.374 - Test methods and procedures.
Subpart KKK - Standards of Performance for Equipment Leaks of VOC From Onshore Natural Gas Processing Plants for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After January 20, 1984, and on or Before August 23, 2011
§ 60.630 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.631 - Definitions.
§ 60.632 - Standards.
§ 60.633 - Exceptions.
§ 60.634 - Alternative means of emission limitation.
§ 60.635 - Recordkeeping requirements.
§ 60.636 - Reporting requirements.
Subpart KKKK - Standards of Performance for Stationary Combustion Turbines
§ 60.4335 - How do I demonstrate compliance for NOX if I use water or steam injection?
§ 60.4340 - How do I demonstrate continuous compliance for NOX if I do not use water or steam injection?
§ 60.4345 - What are the requirements for the continuous emission monitoring system equipment, if I choose to use this option?
§ 60.4350 - How do I use data from the continuous emission monitoring equipment to identify excess emissions?
§ 60.4355 - How do I establish and document a proper parameter monitoring plan?
§ 60.4360 - How do I determine the total sulfur content of the turbine's combustion fuel?
§ 60.4365 - How can I be exempted from monitoring the total sulfur content of the fuel?
§ 60.4370 - How often must I determine the sulfur content of the fuel?
§ 60.4300 - What is the purpose of this subpart?
§ 60.4420 - What definitions apply to this subpart?
Emission Limits
§ 60.4315 - What pollutants are regulated by this subpart?
§ 60.4320 - What emission limits must I meet for nitrogen oxides (NOX)?
§ 60.4325 - What emission limits must I meet for NOX if my turbine burns both natural gas and distillate oil (or some other combination of fuels)?
§ 60.4330 - What emission limits must I meet for sulfur dioxide (SO2?
§ 60.4305 - Does this subpart apply to my stationary combustion turbine?
§ 60.4310 - What types of operations are exempt from these standards of performance?
Performance Tests
§ 60.4400 - How do I conduct the initial and subsequent performance tests, regarding NOX?
§ 60.4405 - How do I perform the initial performance test if I have chosen to install a NOX-diluent CEMS?
§ 60.4410 - How do I establish a valid parameter range if I have chosen to continuously monitor parameters?
§ 60.4415 - How do I conduct the initial and subsequent performance tests for sulfur?
General Compliance Requirements
§ 60.4333 - What are my general requirements for complying with this subpart?
§ 60.4375 - What reports must I submit?
§ 60.4380 - How are excess emissions and monitor downtime defined for NOX?
§ 60.4385 - How are excess emissions and monitoring downtime defined for SO2?
§ 60.4390 - What are my reporting requirements if I operate an emergency combustion turbine or a research and development turbine?
§ 60.4395 - When must I submit my reports?
Table 1 to Subpart KKKK of Part 60 - Nitrogen Oxide Emission Limits for New Stationary Combustion Turbines
Subpart L - Standards of Performance for Secondary Lead Smelters for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After June 11, 1973, and On or Before December 1, 2022
§ 60.120 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.121 - Definitions.
§ 60.122 - Standard for particulate matter.
§ 60.123 - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.124 - Monitoring requirements.
§ 60.125 - Notification, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements.
Subpart LL - Standards of Performance for Metallic Mineral Processing Plants
§ 60.380 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.381 - Definitions.
§ 60.382 - Standard for particulate matter.
§ 60.383 - Reconstruction.
§ 60.384 - Monitoring of operations.
§ 60.385 - Recordkeeping and reporting requirements.
§ 60.386 - Test methods and procedures.
Subpart LLL - Standards of Performance for SO2 Emissions From Onshore Natural Gas Processing for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After January 20, 1984, and on or Before August 23, 2011
§ 60.640 - Applicability and designation of affected facilities.
§ 60.641 - Definitions.
§ 60.642 - Standards for sulfur dioxide.
§ 60.643 - Compliance provisions.
§ 60.644 - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.645 - [Reserved]
§ 60.646 - Monitoring of emissions and operations.
§ 60.647 - Recordkeeping and reporting requirements.
§ 60.648 - Optional procedure for measuring hydrogen sulfide in acid gas - Tutwiler Procedure.
Subpart LLLL - Standards of Performance for New Sewage Sludge Incineration Units
Operator Training and Qualification
§ 60.4810 - What are the operator training and qualification requirements?
§ 60.4815 - When must the operator training course be completed?
§ 60.4820 - How do I obtain my operator qualification?
§ 60.4825 - How do I maintain my operator qualification?
§ 60.4830 - How do I renew my lapsed operator qualification?
§ 60.4835 - What if all the qualified operators are temporarily not accessible?
§ 60.4840 - What site-specific documentation is required and how often must it be reviewed by qualified operators and plant personnel?
Emission Limits, Emission Standards, and Operating Limits and Requirements
§ 60.4845 - What emission limits and standards must I meet and by when?
§ 60.4850 - What operating limits and requirements must I meet and by when?
§ 60.4855 - How do I establish operating limits if I do not use a wet scrubber, fabric filter, electrostatic precipitator, or activated carbon injection, or if I limit emissions in some other manner, to comply with the emission limits?
§ 60.4860 - Do the emission limits, emission standards, and operating limits apply during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction?
§ 60.4861 - How do I establish an affirmative defense for exceedance of an emission limit or standard during malfunction?
Recordkeeping and Reporting
§ 60.4910 - What records must I keep?
§ 60.4915 - What reports must I submit?
Title V Operating Permits
§ 60.4920 - Am I required to apply for and obtain a title V operating permit for my unit?
§ 60.4925 - When must I submit a title V permit application for my new SSI unit?
§ 60.4930 - What definitions must I know?
Continuous Compliance Requirements
§ 60.4885 - How and when do I demonstrate continuous compliance with the emission limits and standards?
§ 60.4890 - How do I demonstrate continuous compliance with my operating limits?
§ 60.4895 - By what date must I conduct annual air pollution control device inspections and make any necessary repairs?
Initial Compliance Requirements
§ 60.4865 - How and when do I demonstrate initial compliance with the emission limits and standards?
§ 60.4870 - How do I establish my operating limits?
§ 60.4875 - By what date must I conduct the initial air pollution control device inspection and make any necessary repairs?
§ 60.4880 - How do I develop a site-specific monitoring plan for my continuous monitoring, bag leak detection, and ash handling systems, and by what date must I conduct an initial performance evaluation?
§ 60.4760 - What does this subpart do?
§ 60.4765 - When does this subpart become effective?
Performance Testing, Monitoring, and Calibration Requirements
§ 60.4900 - What are the performance testing, monitoring, and calibration requirements for compliance with the emission limits and standards?
§ 60.4905 - What are the monitoring and calibration requirements for compliance with my operating limits?
Preconstruction Siting Analysis
§ 60.4800 - Who must prepare a siting analysis?
§ 60.4805 - What is a siting analysis?
Applicability and Delegation of Authority
§ 60.4770 - Does this subpart apply to my sewage sludge incineration unit?
§ 60.4775 - What is a new sewage sludge incineration unit?
§ 60.4780 - What sewage sludge incineration units are exempt from this subpart?
§ 60.4785 - Who implements and enforces this subpart?
§ 60.4790 - How are these new source performance standards structured?
§ 60.4795 - Do all nine components of these new source performance standards apply at the same time?
Table 1 to Subpart LLLL of Part 60 - Emission Limits and Standards for New Fluidized Bed Sewage Sludge Incineration Units
Table 2 to Subpart LLLL of Part 60 - Emission Limits and Standards for New Multiple Hearth Sewage Sludge Incineration Units
Table 3 to Subpart LLLL of Part 60 - Operating Parameters for New Sewage Sludge Incineration Units a
Table 4 to Subpart LLLL of Part 60 - Toxic Equivalency Factors
Table 5 to Subpart LLLL of Part 60 - Summary of Reporting Requirements for New Sewage Sludge Incineration Units a
Subpart M - Standards of Performance for Secondary Brass and Bronze Production Plants
§ 60.130 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.131 - Definitions.
§ 60.132 - Standard for particulate matter.
§ 60.133 - Test methods and procedures.
Subpart MM - Standards of Performance for Automobile and Light Duty Truck Surface Coating Operations for which Construction, Modification or Reconstruction Commenced After October 5, 1979, and On or Before May 18, 2022
§ 60.390 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.391 - Definitions.
§ 60.392 - Standards for volatile organic compounds.
§ 60.393 - Performance test and compliance provisions.
§ 60.394 - Monitoring of emissions and operations.
§ 60.395 - Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
§ 60.396 - Reference methods and procedures.
§ 60.397 - Modifications.
§ 60.398 - Innovative technology waivers.
Subpart MMM - XXX
Subpart MMMM - Emission Guidelines and Compliance Times for Existing Sewage Sludge Incineration Units
Model Rule—Operator Training and Qualification
Model Rule—Recordkeeping and Reporting
Model Rule - Emission Limits, Emission Standards, and Operating Limits and Requirements
§ 60.5165 - What emission limits and standards must I meet and by when?
§ 60.5170 - What operating limits and requirements must I meet and by when?
§ 60.5175 - How do I establish operating limits if I do not use a wet scrubber, fabric filter, electrostatic precipitator, activated carbon injection, or afterburner, or if I limit emissions in some other manner, to comply with the emission limits?
§ 60.5180 - Do the emission limits, emission standards, and operating limits apply during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction?
§ 60.5181 - How do I establish an affirmative defense for exceedance of an emission limit or standard during malfunction?
Model Rule - Recordkeeping and Reporting
§ 60.5230 - What records must I keep?
§ 60.5235 - What reports must I submit?
Model Rule - Initial Compliance Requirements
§ 60.5185 - How and when do I demonstrate initial compliance with the emission limits and standards?
§ 60.5190 - How do I establish my operating limits?
§ 60.5195 - By what date must I conduct the initial air pollution control device inspection and make any necessary repairs?
§ 60.5200 - How do I develop a site-specific monitoring plan for my continuous monitoring, bag leak detection, and ash handling systems, and by what date must I conduct an initial performance evaluation?
Model Rule - Performance Testing, Monitoring, and Calibration Requirements
§ 60.5220 - What are the performance testing, monitoring, and calibration requirements for compliance with the emission limits and standards?
§ 60.5225 - What are the monitoring and calibration requirements for compliance with my operating limits?
Model Rule—Increments of Progress
Model Rule—Initial Compliance Requirements
Model Rule-Definitions
§ 60.5250 - What definitions must I know?
Model Rule - Title V Operating Permits
§ 60.5240 - Am I required to apply for and obtain a Title V operating permit for my existing SSI unit?
§ 60.5245 - When must I submit a title V permit application for my existing SSI unit?
Applicability of State Plans
§ 60.5060 - What SSI units must I address in my state plan?
§ 60.5065 - What SSI units are exempt from my state plan?
Model Rule—Performance Testing, Monitoring, and Calibration Requirements
§ 60.5000 - What is the purpose of this subpart?
§ 60.5005 - Am I affected by this subpart?
§ 60.5010 - Is a state plan required for all states?
§ 60.5015 - What must I include in my state plan?
§ 60.5020 - Is there an approval process for my state plan?
§ 60.5025 - What if my state plan is not approvable?
§ 60.5030 - Is there an approval process for a negative declaration letter?
§ 60.5035 - What compliance schedule must I include in my state plan?
§ 60.5040 - Are there any state plan requirements for this subpart that apply instead of the requirements specified in subpart B?
§ 60.5045 - In lieu of a state plan submittal, are there other acceptable option(s) for a state to meet its section 111(d)/129 (b)(2) obligations?
§ 60.5050 - What authorities will not be delegated to state, local, or tribal agencies?
§ 60.5055 - Does this subpart directly affect SSI unit owners and operators in my state?
Model Rule—Emission Limits, Emission Standards, and Operating Limits and Requirements
Model Rule - Increments of Progress
§ 60.5085 - What are my requirements for meeting increments of progress and achieving final compliance?
§ 60.5090 - When must I complete each increment of progress?
§ 60.5095 - What must I include in the notifications of achievement of increments of progress?
§ 60.5100 - When must I submit the notifications of achievement of increments of progress?
§ 60.5105 - What if I do not meet an increment of progress?
§ 60.5110 - How do I comply with the increment of progress for submittal of a control plan?
§ 60.5115 - How do I comply with the increment of progress for achieving final compliance?
§ 60.5120 - What must I do if I close my SSI unit and then restart it?
§ 60.5125 - What must I do if I plan to permanently close my SSI unit and not restart it?
Model Rule - Continuous Compliance Requirements
§ 60.5205 - How and when do I demonstrate continuous compliance with the emission limits and standards?
§ 60.5210 - How do I demonstrate continuous compliance with my operating limits?
§ 60.5215 - By what date must I conduct annual air pollution control device inspections and make any necessary repairs?
Use of Model Rule
§ 60.5070 - What is the “model rule” in this subpart?
§ 60.5075 - How does the model rule relate to the required elements of my state plan?
§ 60.5080 - What are the principal components of the model rule?
Model Rule—Title V Operating Permits
Model Rule - Operator Training and Qualification
§ 60.5130 - What are the operator training and qualification requirements?
§ 60.5135 - When must the operator training course be completed?
§ 60.5140 - How do I obtain my operator qualification?
§ 60.5145 - How do I maintain my operator qualification?
§ 60.5150 - How do I renew my lapsed operator qualification?
§ 60.5155 - What if all the qualified operators are temporarily not accessible?
§ 60.5160 - What site-specific documentation is required and how often must it be reviewed by qualified operators and plant personnel?
Model Rule—Continuous Compliance Requirements
Table 1 to Subpart MMMM of Part 60 - Model Rule - Increments of Progress and Compliance Schedules for Existing Sewage Sludge Incineration Units
Table 2 to Subpart MMMM of Part 60 - Model Rule - Emission Limits and Standards for Existing Fluidized Bed Sewage Sludge Incineration Units
Table 3 to Subpart MMMM of Part 60 - Model Rule - Emission Limits and Standards for Existing Multiple Hearth Sewage Sludge Incineration Units
Table 4 to Subpart MMMM of Part 60 - Model Rule - Operating Parameters for Existing Sewage Sludge Incineration Units a
Table 5 to Subpart MMMM of Part 60 - Model Rule - Toxic Equivalency Factors
Table 6 to Subpart MMMM of Part 60 - Model Rule - Summary of Reporting Requirements for Existing Sewage Sludge Incineration Units a
Subpart N - Standards of Performance for Primary Emissions from Basic Oxygen Process Furnaces for Which Construction is Commenced After June 11, 1973
§ 60.140 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.141 - Definitions.
§ 60.142 - Standard for particulate matter.
§ 60.143 - Monitoring of operations.
§ 60.144 - Test methods and procedures.
Subpart NN - Standards of Performance for Phosphate Rock Plants
§ 60.400 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.401 - Definitions.
§ 60.402 - Standard for particulate matter.
§ 60.403 - Monitoring of emissions and operations.
§ 60.404 - Test methods and procedures.
Subpart NNN - Standards of Performance for Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Emissions From Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI) Distillation Operations After December 30, 1983, and on or Before April 25, 2023
§ 60.660 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.661 - Definitions.
§ 60.662 - Standards.
§ 60.663 - Monitoring of emissions and operations.
§ 60.664 - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.665 - Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
§ 60.666 - Reconstruction.
§ 60.667 - Chemicals affected by subpart NNN.
§ 60.668 - Delegation of authority.
Subpart NNNN - XXX
Subpart O - Standards of Performance for Sewage Treatment Plants
§ 60.150 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.151 - Definitions.
§ 60.152 - Standard for particulate matter.
§ 60.153 - Monitoring of operations.
§ 60.154 - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.155 - Reporting.
§ 60.156 - Delegation of authority.
Subpart OOO - Standards of Performance for Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants
§ 60.670 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.671 - Definitions.
§ 60.672 - Standard for particulate matter (PM).
§ 60.673 - Reconstruction.
§ 60.674 - Monitoring of operations.
§ 60.675 - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.676 - Reporting and recordkeeping.
Table 1 to Subpart OOO - Exceptions to Applicability of Subpart A to Subpart OOO
Table 2 to Subpart OOO - Stack Emission Limits for Affected Facilities With Capture Systems
Table 3 to Subpart OOO - Fugitive Emission Limits
Table 1 to Subpart OOO of Part 60 - Exceptions to Applicability of Subpart A to Subpart OOO
Table 2 to Subpart OOO of Part 60 - Stack Emission Limits for Affected Facilities With Capture Systems
Table 3 to Subpart OOO of Part 60 - Fugitive Emission Limits
Subpart OOOO - Standards of Performance for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities for Which Construction, Modification, or Reconstruction Commenced After August 23, 2011, and on or Before September 18, 2015
§ 60.5360 - What is the purpose of this subpart?
§ 60.5365 - Am I subject to this subpart?
§ 60.5370 - When must I comply with this subpart?
§ 60.5371 - What standards apply to super-emitter events?
§ 60.5375 - What standards apply to gas well affected facilities?
§ 60.5380 - What standards apply to centrifugal compressor affected facilities?
§ 60.5385 - What standards apply to reciprocating compressor affected facilities?
§ 60.5390 - What standards apply to pneumatic controller affected facilities?
§ 60.5395 - What standards apply to storage vessel affected facilities?
§ 60.5400 - What equipment leak standards apply to affected facilities at an onshore natural gas processing plant?
§ 60.5401 - What are the exceptions to the equipment leak standards for affected facilities at onshore natural gas processing plants?
§ 60.5402 - What are the alternative emission limitations for equipment leaks from onshore natural gas processing plants?
§ 60.5405 - What standards apply to sweetening units at onshore natural gas processing plants?
§ 60.5406 - What test methods and procedures must I use for my sweetening units affected facilities at onshore natural gas processing plants?
§ 60.5407 - What are the requirements for monitoring of emissions and operations from my sweetening unit affected facilities at onshore natural gas processing plants?
§ 60.5408 - What is an optional procedure for measuring hydrogen sulfide in acid gas - Tutwiler Procedure?
§ 60.5410 - How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the standards for my gas well affected facility, my centrifugal compressor affected facility, my reciprocating compressor affected facility, my pneumatic controller affected facility, my storage vessel affected facility, and my equipment leaks and sweetening unit affected facilities at onshore natural gas processing plants?
§ 60.5411 - What additional requirements must I meet to determine initial compliance for my covers and closed vent systems routing materials from storage vessels, reciprocating compressors and centrifugal compressor wet seal degassing systems?
§ 60.5412 - What additional requirements must I meet for determining initial compliance with control devices used to comply with the emission standards for my storage vessel or centrifugal compressor affected facility?
§ 60.5413 - What are the performance testing procedures for control devices used to demonstrate compliance at my storage vessel or centrifugal compressor affected facility?
§ 60.5415 - How do I demonstrate continuous compliance with the standards for my gas well affected facility, my centrifugal compressor affected facility, my stationary reciprocating compressor affected facility, my pneumatic controller affected facility, my storage vessel affected facility, and my affected facilities at onshore natural gas processing plants?
§ 60.5416 - What are the initial and continuous cover and closed vent system inspection and monitoring requirements for my storage vessel, centrifugal compressor and reciprocating compressor affected facilities?
§ 60.5417 - What are the continuous control device monitoring requirements for my storage vessel or centrifugal compressor affected facility?
§ 60.5420 - What are my notification, reporting, and recordkeeping requirements?
§ 60.5421 - What are my additional recordkeeping requirements for my affected facility subject to VOC requirements for onshore natural gas processing plants?
§ 60.5422 - What are my additional reporting requirements for my affected facility subject to VOC requirements for onshore natural gas processing plants?
§ 60.5423 - What additional recordkeeping and reporting requirements apply to my sweetening unit affected facilities at onshore natural gas processing plants?
§ 60.5425 - What part of the General Provisions apply to me?
§ 60.5430 - What definitions apply to this subpart?
Table 1 to Subpart OOOO of Part 60 - Required Minimum Initial SO2 Emission Reduction Efficiency (Zi)
Table 2 to Subpart OOOO of Part 60 - Required Minimum SO2 Emission Reduction Efficiency (Zc)
Table 3 to Subpart OOOO of Part 60 - Applicability of General Provisions to Subpart OOOO
§§ 60.5431--60.5499 - [Reserved]
Subpart P - Standards of Performance for Primary Copper Smelters
§ 60.160 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.161 - Definitions.
§ 60.162 - Standard for particulate matter.
§ 60.163 - Standard for sulfur dioxide.
§ 60.164 - Standard for visible emissions.
§ 60.165 - Monitoring of operations.
§ 60.166 - Test methods and procedures.
Subpart PP - Standards of Performance for Ammonium Sulfate Manufacture
§ 60.420 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.421 - Definitions.
§ 60.422 - Standards for particulate matter.
§ 60.423 - Monitoring of operations.
§ 60.424 - Test methods and procedures.
Subpart PPP - Standard of Performance for Wool Fiberglass Insulation Manufacturing Plants
§ 60.680 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.681 - Definitions.
§ 60.682 - Standard for particulate matter.
§ 60.683 - Monitoring of operations.
§ 60.684 - Recordkeeping and reporting requirements.
§ 60.685 - Test methods and procedures.
Subpart PPPP - XXX
Subpart Q - Standards of Performance for Primary Zinc Smelters
§ 60.170 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.171 - Definitions.
§ 60.172 - Standard for particulate matter.
§ 60.173 - Standard for sulfur dioxide.
§ 60.174 - Standard for visible emissions.
§ 60.175 - Monitoring of operations.
§ 60.176 - Test methods and procedures.
Subpart QQ - Standards of Performance for the Graphic Arts Industry: Publication Rotogravure Printing
§ 60.430 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.431 - Definitions and notations.
§ 60.432 - Standard for volatile organic compounds.
§ 60.433 - Performance test and compliance provisions.
§ 60.434 - Monitoring of operations and recordkeeping.
§ 60.435 - Test methods and procedures.
Subpart QQQ - Standards of Performance for VOC Emissions From Petroleum Refinery Wastewater Systems
§ 60.690 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.691 - Definitions.
§ 60.694 - Permission to use alternative means of emission limitation.
§ 60.695 - Monitoring of operations.
§ 60.696 - Performance test methods and procedures and compliance provisions.
§ 60.697 - Recordkeeping requirements.
§ 60.698 - Reporting requirements.
§ 60.699 - Delegation of authority.
§ 60.692-1 - Standards: General.
§ 60.692-2 - Standards: Individual drain systems.
§ 60.692-3 - Standards: Oil-water separators.
§ 60.692-4 - Standards: Aggregate facility.
§ 60.692-5 - Standards: Closed vent systems and control devices.
§ 60.692-6 - Standards: Delay of repair.
§ 60.692-7 - Standards: Delay of compliance.
§ 60.693-1 - Alternative standards for individual drain systems.
§ 60.693-2 - Alternative standards for oil-water separators.
Subpart QQQQ - Standards of Performance for New Residential Hydronic Heaters and Forced-Air Furnaces
§ 60.5472 - Am I subject to this subpart?
§ 60.5473 - What definitions must I know?
§ 60.5474 - What standards and requirements must I meet and by when?
§ 60.5475 - What compliance and certification requirements must I meet and by when?
§ 60.5476 - What test methods and procedures must I use to determine compliance with the standards and requirements for certification?
§ 60.5477 - What procedures must I use for EPA approval of a test laboratory or EPA approval of a third-party certifier?
§ 60.5478 - What requirements must I meet for permanent labels, temporary labels (hangtags), and owner's manuals?
§ 60.5479 - What records must I keep and what reports must I submit?
§ 60.5480 - What activities are prohibited under this subpart?
§ 60.5481 - What hearing and appeal procedures apply to me?
§ 60.5482 - Who implements and enforces this subpart?
§ 60.5483 - What parts of the General Provisions do not apply to me?
Subpart R - Standards of Performance for Primary Lead Smelters
§ 60.180 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.181 - Definitions.
§ 60.182 - Standard for particulate matter.
§ 60.183 - Standard for sulfur dioxide.
§ 60.184 - Standard for visible emissions.
§ 60.185 - Monitoring of operations.
§ 60.186 - Test methods and procedures.
Subpart RR - Standards of Performance for Pressure Sensitive Tape and Label Surface Coating Operations
§ 60.440 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.441 - Definitions and symbols.
§ 60.442 - Standard for volatile organic compounds.
§ 60.443 - Compliance provisions.
§ 60.444 - Performance test procedures.
§ 60.445 - Monitoring of operations and recordkeeping.
§ 60.446 - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.447 - Reporting requirements.
Subpart RRR - Subpart RRR—Standards of Performance for Volatile Organic Compound Emissions From Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI) Reactor Processes After June 29, 1990, and on or Before April 25, 2023
§ 60.700 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.701 - Definitions.
§ 60.702 - Standards.
§ 60.703 - Monitoring of emissions and operations.
§ 60.704 - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.705 - Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
§ 60.706 - Reconstruction.
§ 60.707 - Chemicals affected by subpart RRR.
§ 60.708 - Delegation of authority.
Subpart S - Standards of Performance for Primary Aluminum Reduction Plants
§ 60.190 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.191 - Definitions.
§ 60.192 - Standard for fluorides.
§ 60.193 - Standard for visible emissions.
§ 60.194 - Monitoring of operations.
§ 60.195 - Test methods and procedures.
Subpart SS - Standards of Performance for Industrial Surface Coating: Large Appliances
§ 60.450 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.451 - Definitions.
§ 60.452 - Standard for volatile organic compounds.
§ 60.453 - Performance test and compliance provisions.
§ 60.454 - Monitoring of emissions and operations.
§ 60.455 - Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
§ 60.456 - Test methods and procedures.
Subpart SSS - Standards of Performance for Magnetic Tape Coating Facilities
§ 60.710 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.711 - Definitions, symbols, and cross reference tables.
§ 60.712 - Standards for volatile organic compounds.
§ 60.713 - Compliance provisions.
§ 60.714 - Installation of monitoring devices and recordkeeping.
§ 60.715 - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.716 - Permission to use alternative means of emission limitation.
§ 60.717 - Reporting and monitoring requirements.
§ 60.718 - Delegation of authority.
Subpart T - Standards of Performance for the Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Wet-Process Phosphoric Acid Plants
§ 60.200 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.201 - Definitions.
§ 60.202 - Standard for fluorides.
§ 60.203 - Monitoring of operations.
§ 60.204 - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.205 - Recordkeeping.
Subpart TT - Standards of Performance for Metal Coil Surface Coating
§ 60.460 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.461 - Definitions.
§ 60.462 - Standards for volatile organic compounds.
§ 60.463 - Performance test and compliance provisions.
§ 60.464 - Monitoring of emissions and operations.
§ 60.465 - Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
§ 60.466 - Test methods and procedures.
Subpart TTT - Standards of Performance for Industrial Surface Coating: Surface Coating of Plastic Parts for Business Machines
§ 60.720 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.721 - Definitions.
§ 60.722 - Standards for volatile organic compounds.
§ 60.723 - Performance tests and compliance provisions.
§ 60.724 - Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
§ 60.725 - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.726 - Delegation of authority.
Subpart TTTT - Standards of Performance for Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Electric Generating Units
Monitoring and Compliance Determination Procedures
§ 60.5535 - How do I monitor and collect data to demonstrate compliance?
§ 60.5540 - How do I demonstrate compliance with my CO2 emissions standard and determine excess emissions?
Other Requirements and Information
§ 60.5570 - What parts of the general provisions apply to my affected EGU?
§ 60.5575 - Who implements and enforces this subpart?
§ 60.5580 - What definitions apply to this subpart?
§ 60.5508 - What is the purpose of this subpart?
§ 60.5509 - What are my general requirements for complying with this subpart?
Notification, Reports, and Records
§ 60.5550 - What notifications must I submit and when?
§ 60.5555 - What reports must I submit and when?
§ 60.5560 - What records must I maintain?
§ 60.5565 - In what form and how long must I keep my records?
Emission Standards
§ 60.5515 - Which pollutants are regulated by this subpart?
§ 60.5520 - What CO2 emissions standard must I meet?
General Compliance Requirements
§ 60.5525 - What are my general requirements for complying with this subpart?
Table 1 of Subpart TTTT of Part 60 - —CO2 Emission Standards for Affected Steam Generating Units and Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle Facilities That Commenced Construction After January 8, 2014 and Reconstruction or Modification After June 18, 2014
Table 2 of Subpart TTTT of Part 60 - —CO2 Emission Standards for Affected Stationary Combustion Turbines That Commenced Construction After January 8, 2014 and Reconstruction After June 18, 2014 (Net Energy Output-Based Standards Applicable as Approved by the Administrator)
Table 3 to Subpart TTTT of Part 60 - —Applicability of Subpart A of Part 60 (General Provisions) to Subpart TTTT
Table 1 to Subpart TTTT of Part 60 - —CO2 Emission Standards for Affected Steam Generating Units and Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle Facilities That Commenced Construction After January 8, 2014, and Reconstruction or Modification After June 18, 2014
Table 2 to Subpart TTTT of Part 60 - —CO2 Emission Standards for Affected Stationary Combustion Turbines That Commenced Construction After January 8, 2014, and Reconstruction After June 18, 2014 (Net Energy Output-Based Standards Applicable as Approved by the Administrator)
Subpart U - Standards of Performance for the Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Superphosphoric Acid Plants
§ 60.210 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.211 - Definitions.
§ 60.212 - Standard for fluorides.
§ 60.213 - Monitoring of operations.
§ 60.214 - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.215 - Recordkeeping.
Subpart UU - Standards of Performance for Asphalt Processing and Asphalt Roofing Manufacture
§ 60.470 - Applicability and designation of affected facilities.
§ 60.471 - Definitions.
§ 60.472 - Standards for particulate matter.
§ 60.473 - Monitoring of operations.
§ 60.474 - Test methods and procedures.
Subpart UUU - Standards of Performance for Calciners and Dryers in Mineral Industries
§ 60.730 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.731 - Definitions.
§ 60.732 - Standards for particulate matter.
§ 60.733 - Reconstruction.
§ 60.734 - Monitoring of emissions and operations.
§ 60.735 - Recordkeeping and reporting requirements.
§ 60.736 - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.737 - Delegation of authority.
Subpart UUUU - Emission Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Compliance Times for Electric Utility Generating Units
Emission Rate Credit Requirements
§ 60.5795 - What affected EGUs qualify for generation of ERCs?
§ 60.5800 - What other resources qualify for issuance of ERCs?
§ 60.5805 - What is the process for the issuance of ERCs?
§ 60.5810 - What applicable requirements are there for an ERC tracking system?
Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements
§ 60.5865 - What are my recordkeeping requirements?
§ 60.5870 - What are my reporting and notification requirements?
§ 60.5875 - How do I submit information required by these emission guidelines to the EPA?
Mass Allocation Requirements
§ 60.5815 - What are the requirements for State allocation of allowances in a mass-based program?
§ 60.5820 - What are my allowance tracking requirements?
§ 60.5825 - What is the process for affected EGUs to demonstrate compliance in a mass-based program?
Applicability of Plans to Affected Egus
§ 60.5840 - Does this subpart directly affect EGU owners or operators in my State?
§ 60.5845 - What affected EGUs must I address in my State plan?
§ 60.5850 - What EGUs are excluded from being affected EGUs?
§ 60.5855 - What are the CO2 emission performance rates for affected EGUs?
§ 60.5860 - What applicable monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements do I need to include in my plan for affected EGUs?
State and Multi-State Plan Requirements
§ 60.5740 - What must I include in my federally enforceable State or multi-State plan?
§ 60.5745 - What must I include in my final plan submittal?
§ 60.5750 - Can I work with other States to develop a multi-State plan?
§ 60.5760 - What are the timing requirements for submitting my plan?
§ 60.5765 - What must I include in an initial submittal if requesting an extension for a final plan submittal?
§ 60.5770 - What schedules, performance periods, and compliance periods must I include in my plan?
§ 60.5775 - What emission standards must I include in my plan?
§ 60.5780 - What State measures may I rely upon in support of my plan?
§ 60.5785 - What is the procedure for revising my plan?
§ 60.5790 - What must I do to meet my plan obligations?
Evaluation Measurement and Verification Plans and Monitoring and Verification Reports
§ 60.5830 - What are the requirements for EM&V plans for eligible resources?
§ 60.5835 - What are the requirements for M&V reports for eligible resources?
§ 60.5700 - What is the purpose of this subpart?
§ 60.5705 - Which pollutants are regulated by this subpart?
§ 60.5710 - Am I affected by this subpart?
§ 60.5715 - What is the review and approval process for my plan?
§ 60.5720 - What if I do not submit a plan or my plan is not approvable?
§ 60.5725 - In lieu of a State plan submittal, are there other acceptable option(s) for a State to meet its CAA section 111(d) obligations?
§ 60.5730 - Is there an approval process for a negative declaration letter?
§ 60.5735 - What authorities will not be delegated to State, local, or tribal agencies?
§ 60.5736 - Will the EPA impose any sanctions?
§ 60.5737 - What is the Clean Energy Incentive Program and how do I participate?
§ 60.5880 - What definitions apply to this subpart?
Table 1 to Subpart UUUU of Part 60 - CO2 Emission Performance Rates
Table 2 to Subpart UUUU of Part 60 - Statewide Rate-Based CO2 Emission Goals
Table 3 to Subpart UUUU of Part 60 - Statewide Mass-Based CO2 Emission Goals
Table 4 to Subpart UUUU of Part 60 - Statewide Mass-based CO2 Goals plus New Source CO2 Emission Complement
Subpart V - Standards of Performance for the Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Diammonium Phosphate Plants
§ 60.220 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.221 - Definitions.
§ 60.222 - Standard for fluorides.
§ 60.223 - Monitoring of operations.
§ 60.224 - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.225 - Recordkeeping.
Subpart VV - Standards of Performance for Equipment Leaks of VOC in the Synthetic Organic Chemicals Manufacturing Industry for which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After January 5, 1981, and on or Before November 7, 2006
§ 60.480 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.481 - Definitions.
§ 60.484 - Equivalence of means of emission limitation.
§ 60.485 - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.486 - Recordkeeping requirements.
§ 60.487 - Reporting requirements.
§ 60.488 - Reconstruction.
§ 60.489 - List of chemicals produced by affected facilities.
§ 60.482-1 - Standards: General.
§ 60.482-2 - Standards: Pumps in light liquid service.
§ 60.482-3 - Standards: Compressors.
§ 60.482-4 - Standards: Pressure relief devices in gas/vapor service.
§ 60.482-5 - Standards: Sampling connection systems.
§ 60.482-6 - Standards: Open-ended valves or lines.
§ 60.482-7 - Standards: Valves in gas/vapor service and in light liquid service.
§ 60.482-8 - Standards: Pumps and valves in heavy liquid service, pressure relief devices in light liquid or heavy liquid service, and connectors.
§ 60.482-9 - Standards: Delay of repair.
§ 60.482-10 - Standards: Closed vent systems and control devices.
§ 60.483-1 - Alternative standards for valves - allowable percentage of valves leaking.
§ 60.483-2 - Alternative standards for valves - skip period leak detection and repair.
Subpart VVV - Standards of Performance for Polymeric Coating of Supporting Substrates Facilities
§ 60.740 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.741 - Definitions, symbols, and cross-reference tables.
§ 60.742 - Standards for volatile organic compounds.
§ 60.743 - Compliance provisions.
§ 60.744 - Monitoring requirements.
§ 60.745 - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.746 - Permission to use alternative means of emission limitation.
§ 60.747 - Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
§ 60.748 - Delegation of authority.
Subpart W - Standards of Performance for the Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Triple Superphosphate Plants
§ 60.230 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.231 - Definitions.
§ 60.232 - Standard for fluorides.
§ 60.233 - Monitoring of operations.
§ 60.234 - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.235 - Recordkeeping.
Subpart WW - Standards of Performance for the Beverage Can Surface Coating Industry
§ 60.490 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.491 - Definitions.
§ 60.492 - Standards for volatile organic compounds.
§ 60.493 - Performance test and compliance provisions.
§ 60.494 - Monitoring of emissions and operations.
§ 60.495 - Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
§ 60.496 - Test methods and procedures.
Subpart WWW - Standards of Performance for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills That Commenced Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification on or After May 30, 1991, but Before July 18, 2014
§ 60.750 - Applicability, designation of affected facility, and delegation of authority.
§ 60.751 - Definitions.
§ 60.752 - Standards for air emissions from municipal solid waste landfills.
§ 60.753 - Operational standards for collection and control systems.
§ 60.754 - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.755 - Compliance provisions.
§ 60.756 - Monitoring of operations.
§ 60.757 - Reporting requirements.
§ 60.758 - Recordkeeping requirements.
§ 60.759 - Specifications for active collection systems.
Method 1 - Sample and Velocity Traverses for Stationary Sources
Method 2A - Direct Measurement of Gas Volume Through Pipes and Small Ducts
Method 2C - Determination of Stack Gas Velocity and Volumetric Flow Rate in Small Stacks or Ducts (Standard Pitot Tube)
Method 2F - Determination of Stack Gas Velocity And Volumetric Flow Rate With Three-Dimensional Probes
Appendix A to Part 60 - Test Methods
Subpart X - Standards of Performance for the Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Granular Triple Superphosphate Storage Facilities
§ 60.240 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.241 - Definitions.
§ 60.242 - Standard for fluorides.
§ 60.243 - Monitoring of operations.
§ 60.244 - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.245 - Recordkeeping.
Subpart XX - Standards of Performance for Bulk Gasoline Terminals That Commenced Construction, Modification, or Reconstruction After December 17, 1980, and On or Before June 10, 2022
§ 60.500 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.501 - Definitions.
§ 60.502 - Standard for Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) emissions from bulk gasoline terminals.
§ 60.503 - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.504 - [Reserved]
§ 60.505 - Reporting and recordkeeping.
§ 60.506 - Reconstruction.
Subpart XXX - Standards of Performance for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills That Commenced Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification After July 17, 2014
§ 60.760 - Applicability, designation of affected source, and delegation of authority.
§ 60.761 - Definitions.
§ 60.762 - Standards for air emissions from municipal solid waste landfills.
§ 60.763 - Operational standards for collection and control systems.
§ 60.764 - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.765 - Compliance provisions.
§ 60.766 - Monitoring of operations.
§ 60.767 - Reporting requirements.
§ 60.768 - Recordkeeping requirements.
§ 60.769 - Specifications for active collection systems.
Subpart Y - Standards of Performance for Coal Preparation and Processing Plants
§ 60.250 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.251 - Definitions.
§ 60.252 - Standards for thermal dryers.
§ 60.253 - Standards for pneumatic coal-cleaning equipment.
§ 60.254 - Standards for coal processing and conveying equipment, coal storage systems, transfer and loading systems, and open storage piles.
§ 60.255 - Performance tests and other compliance requirements.
§ 60.256 - Continuous monitoring requirements.
§ 60.257 - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.258 - Reporting and recordkeeping.
Subparts YYY--ZZZ - XXX
Subpart Z - Standards of Performance for Ferroalloy Production Facilities
§ 60.260 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.261 - Definitions.
§ 60.262 - Standard for particulate matter.
§ 60.263 - Standard for carbon monoxide.
§ 60.264 - Emission monitoring.
§ 60.265 - Monitoring of operations.
§ 60.266 - Test methods and procedures.
Subpart Ba - Adoption and Submittal of State Plans for Designated Facilities
§ 60.20a - Applicability.
§ 60.21a - Definitions.
§ 60.22a - Publication of emission guidelines.
§ 60.23a - Adoption and submittal of State plans; public hearings.
§ 60.24a - Standards of performance and compliance schedules.
§ 60.25a - Emission inventories, source surveillance, reports.
§ 60.26a - Legal authority.
§ 60.27a - Actions by the Administrator.
§ 60.28a - Plan revisions by the State.
§ 60.29a - Plan revisions by the Administrator.
Subpart Ca - XXX
Subpart Cb - Emissions Guidelines and Compliance Times for Large Municipal Waste Combustors That are Constructed on or Before September 20, 1994
§ 60.30b - Scope and delegation of authority.
Table 1 to Subpart Cb of Part 60 - Nitrogen Oxides Guidelines for Designated Facilities
Table 2 to Subpart Cb of Part 60 - Nitrogen Oxides Limits for Existing Designated Facilities Included in an Emissions Averaging Plan at a Municipal Waste Combustor Plant b
Table 3 to Subpart Cb of Part 60 - Municipal Waste Combustor Operating Guidelines
§ 60.31b - Definitions.
§ 60.32b - Designated facilities.
§ 60.33b - Emission guidelines for municipal waste combustor metals, acid gases, organics, and nitrogen oxides.
§ 60.34b - Emission guidelines for municipal waste combustor operating practices.
§ 60.35b - Emission guidelines for municipal waste combustor operator training and certification.
§ 60.36b - Emission guidelines for municipal waste combustor fugitive ash emissions.
§ 60.37b - Emission guidelines for air curtain incinerators.
§ 60.38b - Compliance and performance testing.
§ 60.39b - Reporting and recordkeeping guidelines and compliance schedules.
Subpart Da - Standards of Performance for Electric Utility Steam Generating Units
§ 60.40a - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.40Da - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.50Da - Compliance determination procedures and methods.
§ 60.41a - Definitions.
§ 60.41Da - Definitions.
§ 60.51Da - Reporting requirements.
§ 60.42a - Standard for particulate matter.
§ 60.42Da - Standards for particulate matter (PM).
§ 60.52Da - Recordkeeping requirements.
§ 60.43a - Standard for sulfur dioxide.
§ 60.43Da - Standards for sulfur dioxide (SO2).
§ 60.44a - Standard for nitrogen oxides.
§ 60.44Da - Standards for nitrogen oxides (NO2).
§ 60.45a - Commercial demonstration permit.
§ 60.45Da - Alternative standards for combined nitrogen oxides (NOX) and carbon monoxide (CO).
§ 60.46a - Compliance provisions.
§ 60.46Da - [Reserved]
§ 60.47a - Emission monitoring.
§ 60.47Da - Commercial demonstration permit.
§ 60.48a - Compliance determination pro-cedures and methods.
§ 60.48Da - Compliance provisions.
§ 60.49a - Reporting requirements.
§ 60.49Da - Emission monitoring.
Subpart Cc - Emission Guidelines and Compliance Times for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills
§ 60.290 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.291 - Definitions.
§ 60.292 - Standards for particulate matter.
§ 60.293 - Standards for particulate matter from glass melting furnace with modified-processes.
§ 60.296 - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.30c - Scope.
§ 60.31c - Definitions.
§ 60.32c - Designated facilities.
§ 60.33c - Emission guidelines for municipal solid waste landfill emissions.
§§ 60.294--60.295 - [Reserved]
§ 60.34c - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.35c - Reporting and recordkeeping guidelines.
§ 60.36c - Compliance times.
Subpart Db - Standards of Performance for Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units
§ 60.40b - Applicability and delegation of authority.
§ 60.41b - Definitions.
§ 60.42b - Standard for sulfur dioxide (SO2).
§ 60.43b - Standard for particulate matter (PM).
§ 60.44b - Standard for nitrogen oxides (NO2).
§ 60.45b - Compliance and performance test methods and procedures for sulfur dioxide.
§ 60.46b - Compliance and performance test methods and procedures for particulate matter and nitrogen oxides.
§ 60.47b - Emission monitoring for sulfur dioxide.
§ 60.48b - Emission monitoring for particulate matter and nitrogen oxides.
§ 60.49b - Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
Subpart Ea - Standards of Performance for Municipal Waste Combustors for Which Construction Is Commenced After December 20, 1989 and On or Before September 20, 1994
§ 60.50a - Applicability and delegation of authority.
§ 60.51a - Definitions.
§ 60.52a - Standard for municipal waste combustor metals.
§ 60.53a - Standard for municipal waste combustor organics.
§ 60.54a - Standard for municipal waste combustor acid gases.
§ 60.55a - Standard for nitrogen oxides.
§ 60.56a - Standards for municipal waste combustor operating practices.
§ 60.57a - [Reserved]
§ 60.58a - Compliance and performance testing.
§ 60.59a - Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
Subpart Cd - Emissions Guidelines and Compliance Times for Sulfuric Acid Production Units
§ 60.30d - Designated facilities.
§ 60.31d - Emissions guidelines.
§ 60.32d - Compliance times.
Subpart Dc - Standards of Performance for Small Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units
§ 60.40c - Applicability and delegation of authority.
§ 60.41c - Definitions.
§ 60.42c - Standard for sulfur dioxide (SO2).
§ 60.43c - Standard for particulate matter (PM).
§ 60.44c - Compliance and performance test methods and procedures for sulfur dioxide.
§ 60.45c - Compliance and performance test methods and procedures for particulate matter.
§ 60.46c - Emission monitoring for sulfur dioxide.
§ 60.47c - Emission monitoring for particulate matter.
§ 60.48c - Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
Subpart Eb - Standards of Performance for Large Municipal Waste Combustors for Which Construction is Commenced After September 20, 1994 or for Which Modification or Reconstruction is Commenced After June 19, 1996
§ 60.50b - Applicability and delegation of authority.
§ 60.51b - Definitions.
§ 60.52b - Standards for municipal waste combustor metals, acid gases, organics, and nitrogen oxides.
§ 60.53b - Standards for municipal waste combustor operating practices.
§ 60.54b - Standards for municipal waste combustor operator training and certification.
§ 60.55b - Standards for municipal waste combustor fugitive ash emissions.
§ 60.56b - Standards for air curtain incinerators.
§ 60.57b - Siting requirements.
§ 60.58b - Compliance and performance testing.
§ 60.59b - Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
Subpart Ce - Emission Guidelines and Compliance Times for Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators
§ 60.30e - Scope.
Table 1 to Subpart Ce - Emission Limits for Small, Medium, and Large HMIWI
Table 2 to Subpart Ce - Emissions Limits for Small HMIWI Which Meet the Criteria Under § 60.33e(b)
Table 1A to Subpart Ce of Part 60 - Emissions Limits for Small, Medium, and Large HMIWI at Designated Facilities as Defined in § 60.32e(a)(1)
Table 2A to Subpart Ce of Part 60 - Emissions Limits for Small HMIWI Which Meet the Criteria Under § 60.33e(b)(1)
Table 1B to Subpart Ce of Part 60 - Emissions Limits for Small, Medium, and Large HMIWI at Designated Facilities as Defined in § 60.32e(a)(1) and (a)(2)
Table 2B to Subpart Ce of Part 60 - Emissions Limits for Small HMIWI Which Meet the Criteria Under § 60.33e(b)(2)
§ 60.31e - Definitions.
§ 60.32e - Designated facilities.
§ 60.33e - Emissions guidelines.
§ 60.34e - Operator training and qualification guidelines.
§ 60.35e - Waste management guidelines.
§ 60.36e - Inspection guidelines.
§ 60.37e - Compliance, performance testing, and monitoring guidelines.
§ 60.38e - Reporting and recordkeeping guidelines.
§ 60.39e - Compliance times.
Subpart Ec - Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources: Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators
§ 60.50c - Applicability and delegation of authority.
Table 1 to Subpart Ec - Emission Limits for Small, Medium, and Large HMIWI
Table 3 to Subpart Ec - Operating Parameters to be Monitored and Minimum Measurement and Recording Frequencies
Table 2 To Supbart Ec - Toxic Equivalency Factors
Table 2 of Subpart Ec of Part 60 - Toxic Equivalency Factors
Table 1 to Subpart Ec of Part 60 - Emission Limits for Small, Medium, and Large HMIWI
Table 2 of Subpart Ec to Part 60 - Toxic Equivalency Factors
Table 2 to Subpart Ec of Part 60 - Toxic Equivalency Factors
Table 3 to Subpart Ec of Part 60 - Operating Parameters To Be Monitored and Minimum Measurement and Recording Frequencies
Table 1A to Subpart Ec of Part 60 - Emissions Limits for Small, Medium, and Large HMIWI at Affected Facilities as Defined in § 60.50c(a)(1) and (2)
Table 1B to Subpart Ec of Part 60 - Emissions Limits for Small, Medium, and Large HMIWI at Affected Facilities as Defined in § 60.50c(a)(3) and (4)
§ 60.51c - Definitions.
§ 60.52c - Emission limits.
§ 60.53c - Operator training and qualification requirements.
§ 60.54c - Siting requirements.
§ 60.55c - Waste management plan.
§ 60.56c - Compliance and performance testing.
§ 60.57c - Monitoring requirements.
§ 60.58c - Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
Subpart Ga - Standards of Performance for Nitric Acid Plants for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After October 14, 2011
§ 60.70a - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.71a - Definitions.
§ 60.72a - Standards.
§ 60.73a - Emissions testing and monitoring.
§ 60.74a - Affirmative defense for violations of emission standards during malfunction.
§ 60.75a - Calculations.
§ 60.76a - Recordkeeping.
§ 60.77a - Reporting.
Subpart Cf - Emission Guidelines and Compliance Times for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills
§ 60.30f - Scope and delegated authorities.
§ 60.40f - Specifications for active collection systems.
§ 60.31f - Designated facilities.
§ 60.41f - Definitions.
§ 60.32f - Compliance times.
§ 60.33f - Emission Guidelines for municipal solid waste landfill emissions.
§ 60.34f - Operational standards for collection and control systems.
§ 60.35f - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.36f - Compliance provisions.
§ 60.37f - Monitoring of operations.
§ 60.38f - Reporting guidelines.
§ 60.39f - Recordkeeping guidelines.
Subpart Ja - Standards of Performance for Petroleum Refineries for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After May 14, 2007
§ 60.100a - Applicability, designation of affected facility, and reconstruction.
Table 1 to Subpart Ja of Part 60 - Molar Exhaust Volumes and Molar Heat Content of Fuel Gas Constituents
§ 60.101a - Definitions.
§ 60.102a - Emissions limitations.
§ 60.103a - Design, equipment, work practice or operational standards.
§ 60.104a - Performance tests.
§ 60.105a - Monitoring of emissions and operations for fluid catalytic cracking units (FCCU) and fluid coking units (FCU).
§ 60.106a - Monitoring of emissions and operations for sulfur recovery plants.
§ 60.107a - Monitoring of emissions and operations for fuel gas combustion devices and flares.
§ 60.108a - Recordkeeping and reporting requirements.
§ 60.109a - Delegation of authority.
Subpart Ka - Standards of Performance for Storage Vessels for Petroleum Liquids for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After May 18, 1978, and Prior to July 23, 1984
§ 60.110a - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.111a - Definitions.
§ 60.112a - Standard for volatile organic compounds (VOC).
§ 60.113a - Testing and procedures.
§ 60.114a - Alternative means of emission limitation.
§ 60.115a - Monitoring of operations.
Subpart Kb - Standards of Performance for Volatile Organic Liquid Storage Vessels (Including Petroleum Liquid Storage Vessels) for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After July 23, 1984, and On or Before October 4, 2023
§ 60.110b - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.111b - Definitions.
§ 60.112b - Standard for volatile organic compounds (VOC).
§ 60.113b - Testing and procedures.
§ 60.114b - Alternative means of emission limitation.
§ 60.115b - Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
§ 60.116b - Monitoring of operations.
§ 60.117b - Delegation of authority.
Subpart La - Standards of Performance for Secondary Lead Smelters for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After December 1, 2022
§ 60.120a - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.121a - Definitions.
§ 60.122a - Standard for particulate matter.
§ 60.123a - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.124a - Monitoring requirements.
§ 60.125a - Notification, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements.
Subpart Kc - Standards of Performance for Volatile Organic Liquid Storage Vessels (Including Petroleum Liquid Storage Vessels) for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After October 4, 2023
§ 60.110c - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.111c - Definitions.
§ 60.112c - Standard for volatile organic compounds (VOC).
§ 60.113c - Testing, monitoring, and inspection procedures.
§ 60.114c - Alternative means of emission limitation.
§ 60.115c - Recordkeeping requirements.
§ 60.116c - Reporting requirements.
§ 60.117c - Delegation of authority.
Subpart Na - Standards of Performance for Secondary Emissions from Basic Oxygen Process Steelmaking Facilities for Which Construction is Commenced After January 20, 1983
§ 60.140a - Applicability and designation of affected facilities.
§ 60.141a - Definitions.
§ 60.142a - Standards for particulate matter.
§ 60.143a - Monitoring of operations.
§ 60.144a - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.145a - Compliance provisions.
Subpart AAb - Standards of Performance for Steel Plants: Electric Arc Furnaces and Argon-Oxygen Decarbonization Vessels Constructed After May 16, 2022
§ 60.270b - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.271b - Definitions.
§ 60.272b - Standard for particulate matter.
§ 60.273b - Emission monitoring.
§ 60.274b - Monitoring of operations.
§ 60.275b - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.276b - Recordkeeping and reporting requirements.
Subpart BBa - Standards of Performance for Kraft Pulp Mill Affected Sources for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After May 23, 2013
§ 60.280a - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.281a - Definitions.
§ 60.282a - Standard for filterable particulate matter.
§ 60.283a - Standard for total reduced sulfur (TRS).
§ 60.284a - Monitoring of emissions and operations.
§ 60.285a - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.286a - Affirmative defense for violations of emission standards during malfunction.
§ 60.287a - Recordkeeping.
§ 60.288a - Reporting.
Subpart KKa - Standards of Performance for Lead Acid Battery Manufacturing Plants for Which Construction, Modification or Reconstruction Commenced After February 23, 2022
§ 60.370a - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.371a - Definitions.
§ 60.372a - Standards for lead.
§ 60.373a - Monitoring of emissions and operations.
§ 60.374a - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.375a - Recordkeeping and reporting requirements.
Subpart MMa - Standards of Performance for Automobile and Light Duty Truck Surface Coating Operations for which Construction, Modification or Reconstruction Commenced After May 18, 2022
§ 60.390a - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
Table 1 to Subpart MMa of Part 60 - Operating Limits for Capture Systems and Add-On Control Devices
Appendix A to Subpart MMa of Part 60 - Determination of Capture Efficiency of Automobile and Light-Duty Truck Spray Booth Emissions From Solvent-Borne Coatings Using Panel Testing
§ 60.391a - Definitions.
§ 60.392a - Standards for volatile organic compounds.
§ 60.393a - Performance test and compliance provisions.
§ 60.394a - Add-on control device operating limits and monitoring requirements.
§ 60.395a - Notifications, reports, and records.
§ 60.396a - Add-on control device destruction efficiency.
§ 60.397a - Emission capture system efficiency.
Subpart VVa - Standards of Performance for Equipment Leaks of VOC in the Synthetic Organic Chemicals Manufacturing Industry for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After November 7, 2006, and on or Before April 25, 2023
§ 60.480a - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.482-10a - Standards: Closed vent systems and control devices.
§ 60.481a - Definitions.
§ 60.482-1a - Standards: General.
§ 60.482-11a - Standards: Connectors in gas/vapor service and in light liquid service.
§ 60.483-1a - Alternative standards for valves - allowable percentage of valves leaking.
§ 60.482-2a - Standards: Pumps in light liquid service.
§ 60.483-2a - Alternative standards for valves - skip period leak detection and repair.
§ 60.482-3a - Standards: Compressors.
§ 60.484a - Equivalence of means of emission limitation.
§ 60.482-4a - Standards: Pressure relief devices in gas/vapor service.
§ 60.485a - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.482-5a - Standards: Sampling connection systems.
§ 60.486a - Recordkeeping requirements.
§ 60.482-6a - Standards: Open-ended valves or lines.
§ 60.487a - Reporting requirements.
§ 60.482-7a - Standards: Valves in gas/vapor service and in light liquid service.
§ 60.488a - Reconstruction.
§ 60.482-8a - Standards: Pumps, valves, and connectors in heavy liquid service and pressure relief devices in light liquid or heavy liquid service.
§ 60.489a - List of chemicals produced by affected facilities.
§ 60.482-9a - Standards: Delay of repair.
Subpart VVb - Standards of Performance for Equipment Leaks of VOC in the Synthetic Organic Chemicals Manufacturing Industry for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After April 25, 2023
§ 60.480b - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.482-10b - Standards: Closed vent systems and control devices.
§ 60.481b - Definitions.
§ 60.482-1b - Standards: General.
§ 60.482-11b - Standards: Connectors in gas/vapor service and in light liquid service.
§ 60.483-1b - Alternative standards for valves—allowable percentage of valves leaking.
§ 60.482-2b - Standards: Pumps in light liquid service.
§ 60.483-2b - Alternative standards for valves—skip period leak detection and repair.
§ 60.482-3b - Standards: Compressors.
§ 60.482-4b - Standards: Pressure relief devices in gas/vapor service.
§ 60.484b - Equivalence of means of emission limitation.
§ 60.482-5b - Standards: Sampling connection systems.
§ 60.485b - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.482-6b - Standards: Open-ended valves or lines.
§ 60.486b - Recordkeeping requirements.
§ 60.482-7b - Standards: Valves in gas/vapor service and in light liquid service.
§ 60.487b - Reporting requirements.
§ 60.482-8b - Standards: Pumps, valves, and connectors in heavy liquid service and pressure relief devices in light liquid or heavy liquid service.
§ 60.488b - Reconstruction.
§ 60.482-9b - Standards: Delay of repair.
§ 60.489b - List of chemicals produced by affected facilities.
Subpart XXa - Standards of Performance for Bulk Gasoline Terminals that Commenced Construction, Modification, or Reconstruction After June 10, 2022
§ 60.500a - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.501a - Definitions.
§ 60.502a - Standard for volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from bulk gasoline terminals.
§ 60.503a - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.504a - Monitoring requirements.
§ 60.505a - Recordkeeping and reporting.
Subpart GGGa - Standards of Performance for Equipment Leaks of VOC in Petroleum Refineries for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After November 7, 2006
§ 60.590a - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.591a - Definitions.
§ 60.592a - Standards.
§ 60.593a - Exceptions.
Subpart IIIa - Standards of Performance for Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Emissions From the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI) Air Oxidation Unit Processes for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After April 25, 2023
§ 60.610a - Am I subject to this subpart?
§ 60.620a - What are my requirements for closed vent systems?
Table 1 to Subpart IIIa of Part 60 - —Emission Limits and Standards for Vent Streams
Table 2 to Subpart IIIa of Part 60 - —Monitoring Requirements for Complying With 98 Weight-Percent Reduction of Total Organic Compounds Emissions or a Limit of 20 Parts Per Million by Volume
Table 3 to Subpart IIIa of Part 60 - —Operating Parameters, Operating Parameter Limits and Data Monitoring, Recordkeeping and Compliance Frequencies
Table 4 to Subpart IIIa of Part 60 - —Calibration and Quality Control Requirements for Continuous Parameter Monitoring System (CPMS)
§ 60.611a - What definitions must I know?
§ 60.612a - What standards and associated requirements must I meet?
§ 60.613a - What are my monitoring, installation, operation, and maintenance requirements?
§ 60.614a - What test methods and procedures must I use to determine compliance with the standards?
§ 60.615a - What records must I keep and what reports must I submit?
§ 60.616a - What do the terms associated with reconstruction mean for this subpart?
§ 60.617a - What are the chemicals that I must produce to be affected by subpart IIIa?
§ 60.618a - [Reserved]
§ 60.619a - What are my requirements if I use a flare to comply with this subpart?
Subpart NNNa - Standards of Performance for Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Emissions From Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI) Distillation Operations for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After April 25, 2023
§ 60.660a - Am I subject to this subpart?
§ 60.670a - What are my requirements for closed vent systems?
Table 1 to Subpart NNNa of Part 60 - —Emission Limits and Standards for Vent Streams
Table 2 to Subpart NNNa of Part 60 - —Monitoring Requirements for Complying With 98 Weight-Percent Reduction of Total Organic Compounds Emissions or a Limit of 20 Parts per Million by Volume
Table 3 to Subpart NNNa of Part 60 - —Operating Parameters, Operating Parameter Limits and Data Monitoring, Recordkeeping and Compliance Frequencies
Table 4 to Subpart NNNa of Part 60 - —Calibration and Quality Control Requirements for Continuous Parameter Monitoring System (CPMS)
§ 60.661a - What definitions must I know?
§ 60.662a - What standards and associated requirements must I meet?
§ 60.663a - What are my monitoring, installation, operation, and maintenance requirements?
§ 60.664a - What test methods and procedures must I use to determine compliance with the standards?
§ 60.665a - What records must I keep and what reports must I submit?
§ 60.666a - What do the terms associated with reconstruction mean for this subpart?
§ 60.667a - What are the chemicals that I must produce to be affected by subpart NNNa?
§ 60.668a - [Reserved]
§ 60.669a - What are my requirements if I use a flare to comply with this subpart?
Subpart RRRa - Standards of Performance for Volatile Organic Compound Emissions From Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI) Reactor Processes for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After April 25, 2023
§ 60.700a - Am I subject to this subpart?
§ 60.710a - What are my requirements for closed vent systems?
Table 1 to Subpart RRRa of Part 60 - —Emission Limits and Standards for Vent Streams
Table 2 to Subpart RRRa of Part 60 - —Monitoring Requirements for Complying With 98 Weight-Percent Reduction of Total Organic Compounds Emissions or a Limit of 20 Parts Per Million by Volume
Table 3 to Subpart RRRa of Part 60 - —Operating Parameters, Operating Parameter Limits and Data Monitoring, Recordkeeping and Compliance Frequencies
Table 4 to Subpart RRRa of Part 60 - —Calibration and Quality Control Requirements for Continuous Parameter Monitoring System (CPMS)
§ 60.701a - What definitions must I know?
§ 60.702a - What standards and associated requirements must I meet?
§ 60.703a - What are my monitoring, installation, operation, and maintenance requirements?
§ 60.704a - What test methods and procedures must I use to determine compliance with the standards?
§ 60.705a - What records must I keep and what reports must I submit?
§ 60.706a - What do the terms associated with reconstruction mean for this subpart?
§ 60.707a - What are the chemicals that I must produce to be affected by subpart RRRa?
§ 60.708a - [Reserved]
§ 60.709a - What are my requirements if I use a flare to comply with this subpart?
Subpart TTTa - Standards of Performance for Industrial Surface Coating: Surface Coating of Plastic Parts for Business Machines for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After June 21, 2022
§ 60.720a - Applicability and designation of affected facility.
§ 60.721a - Definitions.
§ 60.722a - Standards for volatile organic compounds.
§ 60.723a - Performance tests and compliance provisions.
§ 60.724a - Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
§ 60.725a - Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.726a - Delegation of authority.
Subpart - Operator Training and Qualification
Air Curtain Incinerators That Burn Only Wood Waste, Clean Lumber, and Yard Waste
Initial Compliance Requirements
Temporary-Use Incinerators and Air Curtain Incinerators Used in Disaster Recovery
Emission Limitations and Operating Limits
Continuous Compliance Requirements
Recordkeeping and Reporting
Title V Operating Permits
Performance Testing
Tables to Subpart EEEE of Part 60
Subpart - Preconstruction Siting Analysis
Waste Management Plan
Subpart - Applicability
Subpart OOOOa - Standards of Performance for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities for Which Construction, Modification or Reconstruction Commenced After September 18, 2015 and On or Before December 6, 2022
§ 60.5360a - What is the purpose of this subpart?
§ 60.5370a - When must I comply with this subpart?
§ 60.5380a - What GHG and VOC standards apply to centrifugal compressor affected facilities?
§ 60.5390a - What GHG and VOC standards apply to pneumatic controller affected facilities?
§ 60.5400a - What equipment leak GHG and VOC standards apply to affected facilities at an onshore natural gas processing plant?
§ 60.5410a - How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the standards for my well, centrifugal compressor, reciprocating compressor, pneumatic controller, pneumatic pump, storage vessel, collection of fugitive emissions components at a well site, collection of fugitive emissions components at a compressor station, and equipment leaks at onshore natural gas processing plants and sweetening unit affected facilities?
§ 60.5420a - What are my notification, reporting, and recordkeeping requirements?
§ 60.5430a - What definitions apply to this subpart?
Table 1 to Subpart OOOOa of Part 60 - —Required Minimum Initial SO2 Emission Reduction Efficiency (Zi)
Table 2 to Subpart OOOOa of Part 60 - —Required Minimum SO2 Emission Reduction Efficiency (Zc)
Table 3 to Subpart OOOOa of Part 60 - Applicability of General Provisions to Subpart OOOOa
§ 60.5401a - What are the exceptions to the equipment leak GHG and VOC standards for affected facilities at onshore natural gas processing plants?
§ 60.5411a - What additional requirements must I meet to determine initial compliance for my covers and closed vent systems routing emissions from centrifugal compressor wet seal fluid degassing systems, reciprocating compressors, pneumatic pumps and storage vessels?
§ 60.5421a - What are my additional recordkeeping requirements for my affected facility subject to GHG and VOC requirements for onshore natural gas processing plants?
§ 60.5371a - What standards apply to super-emitter events?
§ 60.5402a - What are the alternative means of emission limitations for GHG and VOC equipment leaks from onshore natural gas processing plants?
§ 60.5412a - What additional requirements must I meet for determining initial compliance with control devices used to comply with the emission standards for my centrifugal compressor, and storage vessel affected facilities?
§ 60.5422a - What are my additional reporting requirements for my affected facility subject to GHG and VOC requirements for onshore natural gas processing plants?
§ 60.5432a - How do I determine whether a well is a low pressure well using the low pressure well equation?
§ 60.5393a - What GHG and VOC standards apply to pneumatic pump affected facilities?
§ 60.5413a - What are the performance testing procedures for control devices used to demonstrate compliance at my centrifugal compressor and storage vessel affected facilities?
§ 60.5423a - What additional recordkeeping and reporting requirements apply to my sweetening unit affected facilities?
§§ 60.5433a--60.5439a - [Reserved]
§§ 60.5433a--60.5499a - [Reserved]
§ 60.5365a - Am I subject to this subpart?
§ 60.5375a - What GHG and VOC standards apply to well affected facilities?
§ 60.5385a - What GHG and VOC standards apply to reciprocating compressor affected facilities?
§ 60.5395a - What VOC standards apply to storage vessel affected facilities?
§ 60.5405a - What standards apply to sweetening unit affected facilities?
§ 60.5415a - How do I demonstrate continuous compliance with the standards for my well, centrifugal compressor, reciprocating compressor, pneumatic controller, pneumatic pump, storage vessel, collection of fugitive emissions components at a well site, and collection of fugitive emissions components at a compressor station affected facilities, equipment leaks at onshore natural gas processing plants and sweetening unit affected facilities?
§ 60.5425a - What parts of the General Provisions apply to me?
§ 60.5406a - What test methods and procedures must I use for my sweetening unit affected facilities?
§ 60.5416a - What are the initial and continuous cover and closed vent system inspection and monitoring requirements for my centrifugal compressor, reciprocating compressor, pneumatic pump, and storage vessel affected facilities?
§ 60.5397a - What fugitive emissions GHG and VOC standards apply to the affected facility which is the collection of fugitive emissions components at a well site and the affected facility which is the collection of fugitive emissions components at a compressor station?
§ 60.5407a - What are the requirements for monitoring of emissions and operations from my sweetening unit affected facilities?
§ 60.5417a - What are the continuous control device monitoring requirements for my centrifugal compressor and storage vessel affected facilities?
§ 60.5398a - What are the alternative means of emission limitations for GHG and VOC from well completions, reciprocating compressors, the collection of fugitive emissions components at a well site and the collection of fugitive emissions components at a compressor station?
§ 60.5408a - What is an optional procedure for measuring hydrogen sulfide in acid gas - Tutwiler Procedure?
§ 60.5399a - What alternative fugitive emissions standards apply to the affected facility which is the collection of fugitive emissions components at a well site and the affected facility which is the collection of fugitive emissions components at a compressor station: Equivalency with state, local, and tribal programs?
Subpart OOOOb - Standards of Performance for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities for Which Construction, Modification or Reconstruction Commenced After December 6, 2022
§ 60.5360b - What is the purpose of this subpart?
§ 60.5370b - When must I comply with this subpart?
§ 60.5380b - What GHG and VOC standards apply to centrifugal compressor affected facilities?
§ 60.5390b - What GHG and VOC standards apply to process controller affected facilities?
§ 60.5400b - What GHG and VOC standards apply to process unit equipment affected facilities?
§ 60.5410b - How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the standards for each of my affected facilities?
§ 60.5420b - What are my notification, reporting, and recordkeeping requirements?
§ 60.5430b - What definitions apply to this subpart?
Table 1 to Subpart OOOOb of Part 60 - —Alternative Technology Periodic Screening Frequency at Well Sites, Centralized Production Facilities, and Compressor Stations Subject to AVO Inspections With Quarterly OGI or EPA Method 21 Monitoring
Table 2 to Subpart OOOOb of Part 60 - —Alternative Technology Periodic Screening Frequency at Well Sites and Centralized Production Facilities Subject to AVO Inspections and/or Semiannual OGI or EPA Method 21 Monitoring
Table 3 to Subpart OOOOb of Part 60 - —Required Minimum Initial SO2 Emission Reduction Efficiency (Zi)
Table 4 to Subpart OOOOb of Part 60 - —Required Minimum SO2 Emission Reduction Efficiency (Zc)
Table 5 to Subpart OOOOb of Part 60 - —Applicability of General Provisions to Subpart OOOOb
§ 60.5371b - What GHG and VOC standards apply to super-emitter events?
§ 60.5401b - What are the alternative GHG and VOC standards for process unit equipment affected facilities?
§ 60.5411b - What additional requirements must I meet to determine initial compliance for my covers and closed vent systems?
§ 60.5421b - What are my additional recordkeeping requirements for process unit equipment affected facilities?
§ 60.5402b - What are the exceptions to the GHG and VOC standards for process unit equipment affected facilities?
§ 60.5412b - What additional requirements must I meet for determining initial compliance of my control devices?
§ 60.5422b - What are my additional reporting requirements for process unit equipment affected facilities?
§ 60.5432b - How do I determine whether a well is a low pressure well using the low pressure well equation?
§ 60.5393b - What GHG and VOC standards apply to pump affected facilities?
§ 60.5403b - What test methods and procedures must I use for my process unit equipment affected facilities?
§ 60.5413b - What are the performance testing procedures for control devices?
§ 60.5423b - What are my additional recordkeeping and reporting requirements for sweetening unit affected facilities?
§§ 60.5433b--60.5439b - [Reserved]
§ 60.5424b - What are my additional recordkeeping and reporting requirements if I comply with the alternative GHG and VOC standards for fugitive emissions components affected facilities and covers and closed vent systems?
§ 60.5365b - Am I subject to this subpart?
§ 60.5375b - What GHG and VOC standards apply to well completions at well affected facilities?
§ 60.5385b - What GHG and VOC standards apply to reciprocating compressor affected facilities?
§ 60.5395b - What GHG and VOC standards apply to storage vessel affected facilities?
§ 60.5405b - What standards apply to sweetening unit affected facilities?
§ 60.5415b - How do I demonstrate continuous compliance with the standards for each of my affected facilities?
§ 60.5425b - What parts of the General Provisions apply to me?
§ 60.5376b - What GHG and VOC standards apply to gas well liquids unloading operations at well affected facilities?
§ 60.5386b - What test methods and procedures must I use for my centrifugal compressor and reciprocating compressor affected facilities?
§ 60.5406b - What test methods and procedures must I use for my sweetening unit affected facilities?
§ 60.5416b - What are the initial and continuous cover and closed vent system inspection and monitoring requirements?
§ 60.5377b - What GHG and VOC standards apply to associated gas wells at well affected facilities?
§ 60.5397b - What GHG and VOC standards apply to fugitive emissions components affected facilities?
§ 60.5407b - What are the requirements for monitoring of emissions and operations from my sweetening unit affected facilities?
§ 60.5417b - What are the continuous monitoring requirements for my control devices?
§ 60.5398b - What alternative GHG and VOC standards apply to fugitive emissions components affected facilities and what inspection and monitoring requirements apply to covers and closed vent systems when using an alternative technology?
§ 60.5408b - What is an optional procedure for measuring hydrogen sulfide in acid gas—Tutwiler Procedure?
§ 60.5399b - What are the alternative means of emission limitations for GHG and VOC emissions from well completions, liquids unloading operations, centrifugal compressors, reciprocating compressors, fugitive emissions components, and process unit equipment affected facilities; and what are the alternative fugitive emissions standards based on State, local, and Tribal programs?
Subpart OOOOc - Emissions Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Existing Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities
Applicability of State or Tribal Plans
§ 60.5375c - What designated facilities must I address in my state or Tribal plan?
Model Rule—Definitions
§ 60.5430c - What definitions apply to this subpart?
§§ 60.5431c--60.5439c - [Reserved]
Model Rule—Increments of Progress
§ 60.5380c - What if I do not meet the final control plan increment of progress compliance date?
§ 60.5381c - How do I comply with the increment of progress for submittal of a final compliance control plan?
§ 60.5379c - What are my requirements for meeting increments of progress and achieving final compliance?
§ 60.5360c - What is the purpose of this subpart?
§ 60.5370c - What compliance schedule must I include in my state or Tribal plan?
§ 60.5361c - Which pollutants are regulated by this subpart?
§ 60.5371c - What requirements apply to revisions to my state or Tribal plan?
§ 60.5362c - Am I affected by this subpart?
§ 60.5372c - In lieu of a state or Tribal plan submittal, are there other acceptable option(s) for a state to meet its Clean Air Act section 111(d) obligations?
§ 60.5363c - What must I include in my state or Tribal plan?
§ 60.5373c - What authorities will not be delegated to state, local, or Tribal agencies?
§ 60.5364c - How do I apply to use my state standards as part of my state or Tribal plan submission?
§ 60.5374c - Does this subpart directly affect designated facility owners and operators in my state?
§ 60.5365c - How do I apply for a less stringent standard taking into consideration the remaining useful life of a designated facility and other factors?
§ 60.5366c - [Reserved]
§ 60.5367c - Is there an approval process for my state or Tribal plan?
§ 60.5368c - What if my state or Tribal plan is not approvable?
§ 60.5369c - Is there an approval process for a negative declaration letter?
Model Rule—Recordkeeping and Reporting
§ 60.5420c - What are my notification, reporting, and recordkeeping requirements?
§ 60.5421c - What are my additional recordkeeping requirements for process unit equipment designated facilities?
§ 60.5422c - What are my additional reporting requirements for process unit equipment designated facilities?
§ 60.5424c - What are my additional recordkeeping and reporting requirements if I comply with the alternative GHG standards for fugitive emissions components designated facilities and covers and closed vent systems?
§ 60.5425c - What parts of the General Provisions apply to me?
Model Rule—Test Methods and Performance Testing
§ 60.5405c - What test methods and procedures must I use for my centrifugal compressor and reciprocating compressor designated facilities?
§ 60.5406c - What test methods and procedures must I use for my process unit equipment designated facilities?
Model Rule—Applicability
§ 60.5385c - What is the purpose of this subpart?
§ 60.5386c - Am I subject to this subpart?
§ 60.5387c - When must I comply with this subpart?
Model Rule—Initial Compliance Requirements
§ 60.5410c - How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the standards for each of my designated facilities?
§ 60.5411c - What additional requirements must I meet to determine initial compliance for my covers and closed vent systems?
§ 60.5412c - What additional requirements must I meet for determining initial compliance of my control devices?
§ 60.5413c - What are the performance testing procedures for control devices?
Model Rule—Continuous Compliance Requirements
§ 60.5415c - How do I demonstrate continuous compliance with the standards for each of my designated facilities?
§ 60.5416c - What are the initial and continuous cover and closed vent system inspection and monitoring requirements?
§ 60.5417c - What are the continuous monitoring requirements for my control devices?
Use of Model Rule
§ 60.5376c - What is the “model rule” in this subpart?
§ 60.5377c - How does the model rule relate to the required elements of my state or Tribal plan?
§ 60.5378c - What are the principal components of the model rule?
Model Rule—Emission and Work Practice Standards
§ 60.5390c - What GHG standards apply to gas well liquids unloading operations at well designated facilities?
§ 60.5400c - What GHG standards apply to process unit equipment designated facilities?
§ 60.5391c - What GHG standards apply to associated gas wells at well designated facilities?
§ 60.5401c - What are the alternative GHG standards for process unit equipment designated facilities?
§ 60.5392c - What GHG standards apply to centrifugal compressor designated facilities?
§ 60.5402c - What are the exceptions to the GHG standards for process unit equipment designated facilities?
§ 60.5393c - What GHG standards apply to reciprocating compressor designated facilities?
§ 60.5394c - What GHG standards apply to process controller designated facilities?
§ 60.5395c - What GHG standards apply to pump designated facilities?
§ 60.5396c - What GHG standards apply to storage vessel designated facilities?
§ 60.5397c - What GHG standards apply to fugitive emissions components designated facilities?
§ 60.5388c - What standards apply to super-emitter events?
§ 60.5398c - What alternative GHG standards apply to fugitive emissions components designated facilities and what inspection and monitoring requirements apply to covers and closed vent systems when using an alternative technology?
Table 1 to Subpart OOOOc of Part 60 - —Designated Facility Presumptive Standards and Regulated Entity Compliance Dates
Table 2 to Subpart OOOOc of Part 60 - —Alternative Technology Periodic Screening Frequency at Well Sites, Centralized Production Facilities, and Compressor Stations Subject to AVO Inspections With Quarterly OGI or EPA Method 21 Monitoring
Table 3 to Subpart OOOOc of Part 60 - —Alternative Technology Periodic Screening Frequency at Well Sites and Centralized Production Facilities Subject to AVO Inspections and/or Semiannual OGI or EPA Method 21 Monitoring
Table 4 to Subpart OOOOc of Part 60 - —Applicability of General Provisions to Subpart OOOOc
Subpart TTTTa - Standards of Performance for Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Modified Coal-Fired Steam Electric Generating Units and New Construction and Reconstruction Stationary Combustion Turbine Electric Generating Units
Notification, Reports, and Records
§ 60.5550a - What notifications must I submit and when?
§ 60.5560a - What records must I maintain?
§ 60.5555a - What reports must I submit and when?
§ 60.5565a - In what form and how long must I keep my records?
§ 60.5508a - What is the purpose of this subpart?
§ 60.5509a - Am I subject to this subpart?
Monitoring and Compliance Determination Procedures
§ 60.5540a - How do I demonstrate compliance with my CO2 emissions standard and determine excess emissions?
§ 60.5535a - How do I monitor and collect data to demonstrate compliance?
Emission Standards
§ 60.5520a - What CO2 emissions standard must I meet?
§ 60.5515a - Which pollutants are regulated by this subpart?
§ 60.5525a - What are my general requirements for complying with this subpart?
Other Requirements and Information
§ 60.5570a - What parts of the general provisions apply to my affected EGU?
§ 60.5580a - What definitions apply to this subpart?
§ 60.5575a - Who implements and enforces this subpart?
Table 2 to Subpart TTTTa of Part 60 - —CO2 Emission Standards for Affected Steam Generating Units or IGCC That Commenced Modification After May 23, 2023
Table 3 to Subpart TTTTa of Part 60 - —Applicability of Subpart A of Part 60 (General Provisions) to Subpart TTTTa
Table 1 to Subpart TTTTa of Part 60 - —CO2 Emission Standards for Affected Stationary Combustion Turbines That Commenced Construction or Reconstruction After May 23, 2023 (Gross or Net Energy Output-Based Standards Applicable as Approved by the Administrator)
Subpart UUUUa - Emission Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Existing Electric Utility Generating Units
State Plan Requirements
§ 60.5740a - What must I include in my plan submittal?
§ 60.5750a - What schedules and compliance periods must I include in my plan?
§ 60.5760a - What is the procedure for revising my plan?
§ 60.5735a - What must I include in my federally enforceable State plan?
§ 60.5745a - What are the timing requirements for submitting my plan?
§ 60.5755a - What standards of performance must I include in my plan?
§ 60.5765a - What must I do to meet my plan obligations?
§ 60.5805a - What definitions apply to this subpart?
§ 60.5700a - What is the purpose of this subpart?
§ 60.5710a - Am I affected by this subpart?
§ 60.5720a - What if I do not submit a plan, my plan is incomplete, or my plan is not approvable?
§ 60.5730a - Is there an approval process for a negative declaration letter?
§ 60.5705a - Which pollutants are regulated by this subpart?
§ 60.5715a - What is the review and approval process for my plan?
§ 60.5725a - In lieu of a State plan submittal, are there other acceptable option(s) for a State to meet its CAA section 111(d) obligations?
Applicability of Plans to Designated Facilities
§ 60.5770a - Does this subpart directly affect EGU owners or operators in my State?
§ 60.5780a - What EGUs are excluded from being designated facilities?
§ 60.5775a - What designated facilities must I address in my State plan?
§ 60.5785a - What applicable monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements do I need to include in my plan for designated facilities?
Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements
§ 60.5790a - What are my recordkeeping requirements?
§ 60.5800a - How do I submit information required by these Emission Guidelines to the EPA?
§ 60.5795a - What are my reporting and notification requirements?
Subpart UUUUb - Emission Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Electric Utility Generating Units
§ 60.5880b - What definitions apply to this subpart?
Applicability of State Plans to Affected EGUs
§ 60.5840b - Does this subpart directly affect EGU owners or operators in my State?
§ 60.5850b - What EGUs are excluded from being affected EGUs?
§ 60.5845b - What affected EGUs must I address in my State plan?
§ 60.5700b - What is the purpose of this subpart?
§ 60.5710b - Am I affected by this subpart?
§ 60.5720b - What if I do not submit a State plan or my State plan is not approvable?
§ 60.5730b - Is there an approval process for a negative declaration letter?
§ 60.5705b - Which pollutants are regulated by this subpart?
§ 60.5715b - What is the review and approval process for my State plan?
§ 60.5725b - In lieu of a State plan submittal, are there other acceptable option(s) for a State to meet its CAA section 111(d) obligations?
State Plan Requirements
§ 60.5740b - What must I include in my federally enforceable State plan?
§ 60.5780b - What compliance dates and compliance periods must I include in my State plan?
§ 60.5790b - What is the procedure for revising my State plan?
§ 60.5775b - What standards of performance must I include in my State plan?
§ 60.5785b - What are the timing requirements for submitting my State plan?
§ 60.5795b - Commitment to review emission guidelines for coal-fired affected EGUs
Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements
§ 60.5860b - What applicable monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements do I need to include in my State plan for affected EGUs?
§ 60.5870b - What are my reporting and notification requirements?
§ 60.5865b - What are my recordkeeping requirements?
§ 60.5875b - How do I submit information required by these emission guidelines to the EPA?
§ 60.5876b - What are the recordkeeping and reporting requirements for EGUs that have committed to permanently cease operations by January 1, 2032?
Appendix A–1 to Part 60 Test Methods 1 through 2F
Appendix A-2 to Part 60 - Test Methods 2G through 3C
Appendix A–3 to Part 60 Test Methods 4 through 5I
Appendix A–4 to Part 60 Test Methods 6 through 10B
Appendix A-5 to Part 60 - Test Methods 11 through 15A
Appendix A-6 to Part 60 - Test Methods 16 through 18
Appendix A–7 to Part 60 Test Methods 19 through 25E
Appendix A–8 to Part 60 Test Methods 26 through 30B
Appendix B to Part 60 - —Performance Specifications
Appendix C to Part 60 - Determination of Emission Rate Change
Appendix D to Part 60 - Required Emission Inventory Information
Appendix E to Part 60
Appendix E to Part 60 - [Reserved]
Appendix F to Part 60 - —Quality Assurance Procedures
Appendix G to Part 60 - Provisions for an Alternative Method of Demonstrating Compliance With 40 CFR 60.43 for the Newton Power Station of Central Illinois Public Service Company
Appendix H to Part 60
Appendix H to Part 60 - [Reserved]
Appendix I to Part 60 - Owner's Manuals and Temporary Labels for Wood Heaters Subject to Subparts AAA and QQQQ of Part 60
Appendix J to Part 60 - [Reserved]
Appendix K to Part 60 - —Determination of Volatile Organic Compound and Greenhouse Gas Leaks Using Optical Gas Imaging