Part 600 - Fuel Economy and Greenhouse Gas Exhaust Emissions of Motor Vehicles  

Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 600.001 - General applicability.
§ 600.002 - Definitions.
§ 600.003 - Abbreviations.
§ 600.005 - Maintenance of records and rights of entry.
§ 600.006 - Data and information requirements for fuel economy data vehicles.
§ 600.007 - Vehicle acceptability.
§ 600.008 - Review of fuel economy, CO2; emissions, and carbon-related exhaust emission data, testing by the Administrator.
§ 600.010-08 - Vehicle test requirements and minimum data requirements.
§ 600.009 - Hearing on acceptance of test data.
§ 600.010 - Vehicle test requirements and minimum data requirements.
§ 600.011 - Incorporation by reference.
§ 600.010-86 - Vehicle test requirements and minimum data requirements.
§ 600.001-08 - General applicability.
§ 600.001-12 - General applicability.
§ 600.001-86 - General applicability.
§ 600.001-93 - General applicability.
§ 600.011-93 - Reference materials.
§ 600.002-08 - Definitions.
§ 600.002-85 - Definitions.
§ 600.002-93 - Definitions.
§ 600.003-77 - Abbreviations.
§ 600.004-77 - Section numbering, construction.
§ 600.005-81 - Maintenance of records and rights of entry.
§ 600.006-08 - Data and information requirements for fuel economy data vehicles.
§ 600.006-86 - Data and information requirements for fuel economy vehicles.
§ 600.006-87 - Data and information requirements for fuel economy vehicles.
§ 600.006-89 - Data and information requirements for fuel economy vehicles.
§ 600.007-08 - Vehicle acceptability.
§ 600.007-80 - Vehicle acceptability.
§ 600.008-01 - Review of fuel economy data, testing by the Administrator.
§ 600.008-08 - Review of fuel economy and carbon-related exhaust emission data, testing by the Administrator.
§ 600.008-77 - Review of fuel economy data, testing by the Administrator.
§ 600.009-85 - Hearing on acceptance of test data.
Subpart B - Fuel Economy and Carbon-Related Exhaust Emission Test Procedures
§ 600.110-08 - Equipment calibration.
§ 600.110-78 - Equipment calibration.
§ 600.101 - Testing overview.
§ 600.117 - Interim provisions.
§ 600.101-08 - General applicability.
§ 600.111-08 - Test procedures.
§ 600.101-12 - General applicability.
§ 600.111-80 - Test procedures.
§ 600.101-86 - General applicability.
§ 600.101-93 - General applicability.
§ 600.111-93 - Test procedures.
§ 600.112-08 - Exhaust sample analysis.
§ 600.102-78 - Definitions.
§ 600.112-78 - Exhaust sample analysis.
§ 600.113-08 - Fuel economy calculations for FTP, HFET, US06, SC03 and cold temperature FTP tests.
§ 600.113-12 - Fuel economy, CO2 emissions, and carbon-related exhaust emission calculations for FTP, HFET, US06, SC03 and cold temperature FTP tests.
§ 600.103-78 - Abbreviations.
§ 600.113-78 - Fuel economy calculations.
§ 600.113-88 - Fuel economy calculations.
§ 600.113-93 - Fuel economy calculations.
§ 600.114-08 - Vehicle-specific 5-cycle fuel economy and carbon-related exhaust emission calculations.
§ 600.114-12 - Vehicle-specific 5-cycle fuel economy and carbon-related exhaust emission calculations.
§ 600.104-78 - Section numbering, construction.
§ 600.115-08 - Criteria for determining the fuel economy label calculation method for 2011 and later model year vehicles.
§ 600.115-11 - Criteria for determining the fuel economy label calculation method.
§ 600.105-78 - Recordkeeping.
§ 600.106-08 - Equipment requirements.
§ 600.116-12 - Special procedures related to electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles.
§ 600.106-78 - Equipment requirements.
§ 600.107-08 - Fuel specifications.
§ 600.107-78 - Fuel specifications.
§ 600.107-93 - Fuel specifications.
§ 600.108-08 - Analytical gases.
§ 600.108-78 - Analytical gases.
§ 600.109-08 - EPA driving cycles.
§ 600.109-78 - EPA driving cycles.
Subpart C - Procedures for Calculating Fuel Economy and Carbon-Related Exhaust Emission Values
§ 600.210-08 - Calculation of fuel economy values for labeling.
§ 600.210-12 - Calculation of fuel economy and CO2 emission values for labeling.
§ 600.201-08 - General applicability.
§ 600.211-08 - Sample calculation of fuel economy values for labeling.
§ 600.201-12 - General applicability.
§ 600.201-86 - General applicability.
§ 600.201-93 - General applicability.
§ 600.202-77 - Definitions.
§ 600.203-77 - Abbreviations.
§ 600.204-77 - Section numbering, construction.
§ 600.205-77 - Recordkeeping.
§ 600.206-08 - Calculation and use of FTP-based and HFET-based fuel economy values for vehicle configurations.
§ 600.206-12 - Calculation and use of FTP-based and HFET-based fuel economy, CO2 emissions, and carbon-related exhaust emission values for vehicle configurations.
§ 600.206-86 - Calculation and use of fuel economy values for gasoline-fueled, diesel, and electric vehicle configurations.
§ 600.206-93 - Calculation and use of fuel economy values for gasoline-fueled, diesel-fueled, electric, alcohol-fueled, natural gas-fueled, alcohol dual fuel, and natural gas dual fuel vehicle configurations.
§ 600.207-08 - Calculation and use of vehicle-specific 5-cycle-based fuel economy values for vehicle configurations.
§ 600.207-12 - Calculation and use of vehicle-specific 5-cycle-based fuel economy and CO2 emission values for vehicle configurations.
§ 600.207-86 - Calculation of fuel economy values for a model type.
§ 600.207-93 - Calculation of fuel economy values for a model type.
§ 600.208-08 - Calculation of FTP-based and HFET-based fuel economy values for a model type.
§ 600.208-12 - Calculation of FTP-based and HFET-based fuel economy, CO2 emissions, and carbon-related exhaust emissions for a model type.
§ 600.208-77 - Sample calculation.
§ 600.209-08 - Calculation of vehicle-specific 5-cycle fuel economy values for a model type.
§ 600.209-12 - Calculation of vehicle-specific 5-cycle fuel economy and CO2 emission values for a model type.
§ 600.209-85 - Calculation of fuel economy values for labeling.
§ 600.209-95 - Calculation of fuel economy values for labeling.
Subpart D - Fuel Economy Labeling
§ 600.310-12 - Fuel economy label format requirements - electric vehicles.
§ 600.310-86 - Labeling of high altitude vehicles.
§ 600.301 - Labeling requirements.
§ 600.301-08 - General applicability.
§ 600.311-08 - Range of fuel economy for comparable automobiles.
§ 600.301-12 - General applicability.
§ 600.311-12 - Determination of values for fuel economy labels.
§ 600.301-86 - General applicability.
§ 600.311-86 - Range of fuel economy for comparable automobiles.
§ 600.301-95 - General applicability.
§ 600.302-08 - Fuel economy label format requirements.
§ 600.312-08 - Labeling, reporting, and recordkeeping; Administrator reviews.
§ 600.302-12 - Fuel economy label - general provisions.
§ 600.302-77 - Definitions.
§ 600.312-86 - Labeling, reporting, and recordkeeping; Administrator reviews.
§ 600.313-01 - Timetable for data and information submittal and review.
§ 600.313-08 - Timetable for data and information submittal and review.
§ 600.303-12 - Fuel economy label - special requirements for flexible-fuel vehicles.
§ 600.303-77 - Abbreviations.
§ 600.313-86 - Timetable for data and information submittal and review.
§ 600.314-01 - Updating label values, annual fuel cost, Gas Guzzler Tax, and range of fuel economies for comparable automobiles.
§ 600.314-08 - Updating label values, annual fuel cost, Gas Guzzler Tax, and range of fuel economy for comparable automobiles.
§ 600.304-12 - Fuel economy label - special requirements for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.
§ 600.304-77 - Section numbering, construction.
§ 600.314-86 - Updating label values, annual fuel cost, Gas Guzzler Tax, and range of fuel economies for comparable automobiles.
§ 600.315-08 - Classes of comparable automobiles.
§ 600.305-77 - Recordkeeping.
§ 600.315-82 - Classes of comparable automobiles.
§ 600.306-08 - Labeling requirements.
§ 600.316-08 - Multistage manufacture.
§ 600.306-12 - Fuel economy label - special requirements for compressed natural gas vehicles.
§ 600.316-78 - Multistage manufacture.
§ 600.306-86 - Labeling requirements.
§ 600.307-08 - Fuel economy label format requirements.
§ 600.307-86 - Fuel economy label format requirements.
§ 600.307-95 - Fuel economy label format requirements.
§ 600.308-12 - Fuel economy label format requirements - plug-in hybrid electric vehicles.
Subpart E - Dealer Availability of Fuel Economy Information
§ 600.401-77 - General applicability.
§ 600.402-77 - Definitions.
§ 600.403-77 - Abbreviations.
§ 600.404-77 - Section numbering, construction.
§ 600.405-08 - Dealer requirements.
§ 600.405-77 - Dealer requirements.
§ 600.406-77 - [Reserved]
§ 600.407-08 - Booklets displayed by dealers.
§ 600.407-77 - Booklets displayed by dealers.
Subpart F - Procedures for Determining Manufacturer's Average Fuel Economy and Manufacturer's Average Carbon-Related Exhaust Emissions
§ 600.510-08 - Calculation of average fuel economy.
§ 600.510-12 - Calculation of average fuel economy and average carbon-related exhaust emissions.
§ 600.510-86 - Calculation of average fuel economy.
§ 600.510-93 - Calculation of average fuel economy.
§ 600.502 - Definitions.
Appendixes IV--VII - [Reserved]
Appendix V to Part 600 - [Reserved]
Appendix IV to Part 600 - [Reserved]
Appendix VIII to Part 600 - Fuel Economy Label Formats
§ 600.511-08 - Determination of domestic production.
§ 600.501-12 - General applicability.
§ 600.511-80 - Determination of domestic production.
§ 600.501-85 - General applicability.
§ 600.501-86 - General applicability.
§ 600.501-93 - General applicability.
§ 600.512-01 - Model year report.
§ 600.512-08 - Model year report.
§ 600.512-12 - Model year report.
§ 600.502-81 - Definitions.
§ 600.512-86 - Model year report.
§ 600.513-08 - Gas Guzzler Tax.
§ 600.503-78 - Abbreviations.
§ 600.513-81 - Gas Guzzler Tax.
§ 600.513-91 - Gas Guzzler Tax.
§ 600.514-12 - Reports to the Environmental Protection Agency.
§ 600.504-78 - Section numbering, construction.
§ 600.505-78 - Recordkeeping.
§ 600.507-08 - Running change data requirements.
§ 600.507-12 - Running change data requirements.
§ 600.507-86 - Running change data requirements.
§ 600.509-08 - Voluntary submission of additional data.
§ 600.509-12 - Voluntary submission of additional data.
§ 600.509-86 - Voluntary submission of additional data.
Appendix I to Part 600 - Highway Fuel Economy Driving Schedule
Appendix II to Part 600 - Sample Fuel Economy Calculations
Appendix VI to Part 600 - Sample Fuel Economy Labels and Style Guidelines for 2013 and Later Model Years
Appendix III to Part 600 - Sample Fuel Economy Label Calculation
Appendix VII to Part 600
Appendix VII to Part 600 - [Reserved]
Appendixes IV-V to Part 600 - [Reserved]
Appendixes IV-V to Part 600 - [Reserved]