Part 84 - Phasedown of Hydrofluorocarbons  

Subpart A - Production and Consumption Controls
§ 84.1 - Purpose and scope.
§ 84.3 - Definitions.
§ 84.5 - Prohibitions relating to regulated substances.
§ 84.7 - Phasedown schedule.
§ 84.9 - Allocation of calendar-year production allowances.
§ 84.11 - Allocation of calendar-year consumption allowances.
§ 84.13 - Allocation of application-specific allowances.
§ 84.15 - Set-aside of application-specific allowances, production allowances, and consumption allowances.
§ 84.17 - Availability of additional consumption allowances.
§ 84.19 - Transfers of allowances.
§ 84.21 - Sale or conveyance of regulated substances produced or imported with application-specific allowances.
§ 84.23 - Certification identification generation and tracking.
§ 84.25 - Required processes to import regulated substances as feedstocks or for destruction.
§ 84.27 - Controlling emissions of HFC-23.
§ 84.29 - Destruction of regulated substances.
§ 84.31 - Recordkeeping and reporting.
§ 84.33 - Auditing of recordkeeping and reporting.
§ 84.35 - Administrative consequences.
§ 84.37 - Incorporation by reference.
Subpart B - Restrictions on the Use of Hydrofluorocarbons
§ 84.50 - Purpose.
§ 84.52 - Definitions.
§ 84.54 - Restrictions on the use of hydrofluorocarbons.
§ 84.56 - Exemptions.
§ 84.58 - Labeling.
§ 84.60 - Reporting and recordkeeping.
§ 84.62 - Technology transitions petition requirements.
§ 84.64 - Global warming potentials.
Appendix A to Part 84 - xxx
Appendix A to Part 84 - xxx