Part 98 - Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting  

Subpart A - General Provision
§ 98.1 - Purpose and scope.
§ 98.2 - Who must report?
§ 98.3 - What are the general monitoring, reporting, recordkeeping and verification requirements of this part?
§ 98.4 - Authorization and responsibilities of the designated representative.
§ 98.5 - How is the report submitted?
§ 98.6 - Definitions.
§ 98.7 - What standardized methods are incorporated by reference into this part?
§ 98.8 - What are the compliance and enforcement provisions of this part?
§ 98.9 - Addresses.
Table A-1 to Subpart A of Part 98 - —Global Warming Potentials
Table A-2 to Subpart A of Part 98 - Units of Measure Conversions
Table A-3 to Subpart A of Part 98 - —Source Category List for § 98.2(a)(1)
Table A-4 to Subpart A of Part 98 - —Source Category List for § 98.2(a)(2)
Table A-5 to Subpart A of Part 98 - Supplier Category List for § 98.2(a)(4)
Table A-6 to Subpart A of Part 98 - Data Elements That Are Inputs to Emission Equations and for Which the Reporting Deadline Is March 31, 2013
Table A-7 to Subpart A of Part 98 - Data Elements That Are Inputs to Emission Equations and for Which the Reporting Deadline Is March 31, 2015
Subpart AA - Pulp and Paper Manufacturing
§ 98.270 - Definition of source category.
§ 98.271 - Reporting threshold.
§ 98.272 - GHGs to report.
§ 98.273 - Calculating GHG emissions.
§ 98.274 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.
§ 98.275 - Procedures for estimating missing data.
§ 98.276 - Data reporting requirements.
§ 98.277 - Records that must be retained.
§ 98.278 - Definitions.
Table AA-1 to Subpart AA of Part 98 - Kraft Pulping Liquor Emissions Factors for Biomass-Based CO2, CH4, and N2O
Table AA-2 to Subpart AA of Part 98 - Kraft Lime Kiln and Calciner Emissions Factors for CH4 and N2O
Subpart B - XXX
Subpart BB - Silicon Carbide Production
§ 98.280 - Definition of the source category.
§ 98.281 - Reporting threshold.
§ 98.282 - GHGs to report.
§ 98.283 - Calculating GHG emissions.
§ 98.284 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.
§ 98.285 - Procedures for estimating missing data.
§ 98.286 - Data reporting requirements.
§ 98.287 - Records that must be retained.
§ 98.288 - Definitions.
Subpart C - General Stationary Fuel Combustion Sources
§ 98.30 - Definition of the source category.
§ 98.31 - Reporting threshold.
§ 98.32 - GHGs to report.
§ 98.33 - Calculating GHG emissions.
§ 98.34 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.
§ 98.35 - Procedures for estimating missing data.
§ 98.36 - Data reporting requirements.
§ 98.37 - Records that must be retained.
§ 98.38 - Definitions.
Table C-1 to Subpart C of Part 98 - Default CO2 Emission Factors and High Heat Values for Various Types of Fuel
Table C-2 to Subpart C of Part 98 - —Default CH4 and N2O Emission Factors for Various Types of Fuel
Subpart CC - Soda Ash Manufacturing
§ 98.290 - Definition of the source category.
§ 98.291 - Reporting threshold.
§ 98.292 - GHGs to report.
§ 98.293 - Calculating GHG emissions.
§ 98.294 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.
§ 98.295 - Procedures for estimating missing data.
§ 98.296 - Data reporting requirements.
§ 98.297 - Records that must be retained.
§ 98.298 - Definitions.
Subpart D - Electricity Generation
§ 98.40 - Definition of the source category.
§ 98.41 - Reporting threshold.
§ 98.42 - GHGs to report.
§ 98.43 - Calculating GHG emissions.
§ 98.44 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.
§ 98.45 - Procedures for estimating missing data.
§ 98.46 - Data reporting requirements.
§ 98.47 - Records that must be retained.
§ 98.48 - Definitions.
Subpart DD - Electrical Transmission and Distribution Equipment Use
§ 98.300 - Definition of the source category.
§ 98.301 - Reporting threshold.
§ 98.302 - GHGs to report.
§ 98.303 - Calculating GHG emissions.
§ 98.304 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.
§ 98.305 - Procedures for estimating missing data.
§ 98.306 - Data reporting requirements.
§ 98.307 - Records that must be retained.
§ 98.308 - Definitions.
Default Emission Factors (1-Uij) for Gas Utilization Rates (Uij) and By-Product Formation Rates (Bijk) for LCD Manufacturing
Subpart E - Adipic Acid Production
§ 98.50 - Definition of source category.
§ 98.51 - Reporting threshold.
§ 98.52 - GHGs to report.
§ 98.53 - Calculating GHG emissions.
§ 98.54 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.
§ 98.55 - Procedures for estimating missing data.
§ 98.56 - Data reporting requirements.
§ 98.57 - Records that must be retained.
§ 98.58 - Definitions.
Subpart EE - Titanium Dioxide Production
§ 98.310 - Definition of the source category.
§ 98.311 - Reporting threshold.
§ 98.312 - GHGs to report.
§ 98.313 - Calculating GHG emissions.
§ 98.314 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.
§ 98.315 - Procedures for estimating missing data.
§ 98.316 - Data reporting requirements.
§ 98.317 - Records that must be retained.
§ 98.318 - Definitions.
Subpart F - Aluminum Production
§ 98.60 - Definition of the source category.
§ 98.61 - Reporting threshold.
§ 98.62 - GHGs to report.
§ 98.63 - Calculating GHG emissions.
§ 98.64 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.
§ 98.65 - Procedures for estimating missing data.
§ 98.66 - Data reporting requirements.
§ 98.67 - Records that must be retained.
§ 98.68 - Definitions.
Table F-1 to Subpart F of Part 98 - Slope and Overvoltage Coefficients for the Calculation of PFC Emissions From Aluminum Production
Table F-2 to Subpart F of Part 98 - Default Data Sources for Parameters Used for CO2 Emissions
Subpart FF - Underground Coal Mines
§ 98.320 - Definition of the source category.
§ 98.321 - Reporting threshold.
§ 98.322 - GHGs to report.
§ 98.323 - Calculating GHG emissions.
§ 98.324 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.
§ 98.325 - Procedures for estimating missing data.
§ 98.326 - Data reporting requirements.
§ 98.327 - Records that must be retained.
§ 98.328 - Definitions.
Subpart G - Ammonia Manufacturing
§ 98.70 - Definition of source category.
§ 98.71 - Reporting threshold.
§ 98.72 - GHGs to report.
§ 98.73 - Calculating GHG emissions.
§ 98.74 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.
§ 98.75 - Procedures for estimating missing data.
§ 98.76 - Data reporting requirements.
§ 98.77 - Records that must be retained.
§ 98.78 - Definitions.
Subpart GG - Zinc Production
§ 98.330 - Definition of the source category.
§ 98.331 - Reporting threshold.
§ 98.332 - GHGs to report.
§ 98.333 - Calculating GHG emissions.
§ 98.334 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.
§ 98.335 - Procedures for estimating missing data.
§ 98.336 - Data reporting requirements.
§ 98.337 - Records that must be retained.
§ 98.338 - Definitions.
Subpart H - Cement Production
§ 98.80 - Definition of the source category.
§ 98.81 - Reporting threshold.
§ 98.82 - GHGs to report.
§ 98.83 - Calculating GHG emissions.
§ 98.84 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.
§ 98.85 - Procedures for estimating missing data.
§ 98.86 - Data reporting requirements.
§ 98.87 - Records that must be retained.
§ 98.88 - Definitions.
Subpart HH - Municipal Solid Waste Landfills
§ 98.340 - Definition of the source category.
§ 98.341 - Reporting threshold.
§ 98.342 - GHGs to report.
§ 98.343 - Calculating GHG emissions.
§ 98.344 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.
§ 98.345 - Procedures for estimating missing data.
§ 98.346 - Data reporting requirements.
§ 98.347 - Records that must be retained.
§ 98.348 - Definitions.
Table HH-1 to Subpart HH of Part 98 - —Emissions Factors, Oxidation Factors and Methods
Table HH-2 to Subpart HH of Part 98 - U.S. Per Capita Waste Disposal Rates
Table HH-3 to Subpart HH of Part 98 - —Landfill Gas Collection Efficiencies
Table HH-4 to Subpart HH of Part 98 - —Landfill Methane Oxidation Fractions
Subpart I - Electronics Manufacturing
§ 98.90 - Definition of the source category.
§ 98.91 - Reporting threshold.
§ 98.92 - GHGs to report.
§ 98.93 - Calculating GHG emissions.
§ 98.94 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.
§ 98.95 - Procedures for estimating missing data.
§ 98.96 - Data reporting requirements.
§ 98.97 - Records that must be retained.
§ 98.98 - Definitions.
Table I-1 to Subpart I - Default Emission Factors for Threshold Applicability Determination
Table I-2 to Subpart I - Examples of Fluorinated GHGs and Fluorinated Heat Transfer Fluids Used by the Electronics Industry
Table I-4 to Subpart I - Table I-4 to Subpart I of Part 98-Default Emission Factors (1-Uij) for Gas Utilization Rates (Uij) and By-Product Formation Rates (Bijk) for Semiconductor Manufacturing for 300 mm Wafer Size
Table I-5 to Subpart I - Table I-5 to Subpart I of Part 98-Table I-5 to Subpart I of Part 98 - Default Emission Factors (1-Uij) for Gas Utilization Rates (Uij) and By-Product Formation Rates (Bijk) for MEMS Manufacturing
Table I-6 to Subpart I - Table I-6 to Subpart I of Part 98-Table I-6 to Subpart I of Part 98 - Default Emission Factors (1-Uij) for Gas Utilization Rates (Uij) and By-Product Formation Rates (Bijk) for LCD Manufacturing
Table I-7 to Subpart I - Table I-7 to Subpart I of Part 98-Table I-7 to Subpart I of Part 98 - Default Emission Factors (1-Uij) for Gas Utilization Rates (Uij) and By-Product Formation Rates (Bijk) for PV Manufacturing
Table I-8 to Subpart I - Table I-8 to Subpart I of Part 98-Table I-8 to Subpart I of Part 98 - Default Emission Factors (1-UN2O j) for N2O Utilization (UN2O j)
Table 1-3 to Subpart I of Part 98 - Default Emission Factors (1-Uij) for Gas Utilization Rates (Uij) and By-Product Formation Rates (Bijk) for Semiconductor Manufacturing for 150 mm and 200 mm Wafer Sizes
Table I-1 to Subpart I of Part 98 - —Default Emission Factors for Threshold Applicability Determination
Table I-10 to Subpart I of Part 98 - Maximum Field Detection Limits Applicable to Fluorinated GHG Concentration Measurements for Stack Systems
Table I-11 to Subpart I of Part 98 - —Default Emission Factors (1-Uij) for Gas Utilization Rates (Uij) and By-Product Formation Rates (Bijk) for Semiconductor Manufacturing for Use With the Stack Test Method (150 mm and 200 mm Wafers)
Table I-12 to Subpart I of Part 98 - —Default Emission Factors (1-Uij) for Gas Utilization Rates (Uij) and By-Product Formation Rates (Bijk) for Semiconductor Manufacturing for Use With the Stack Test Method (300 mm and 450 mm Wafers)
Table I-13 to Subpart I of Part 98 - Default Emission Factors (1-Uij) for Gas Utilization Rates (Uij) and By-Product Formation Rates (Bijk) for LCD Manufacturing for Use With the Stack Test Method
Table I-14 to Subpart I of Part 98 - Default Emission Factors (1-Uij) for Gas Utilization Rates (Uij) and By-Product Formation Rates (Bijk) for PV Manufacturing for Use With the Stack Test Method
Table I-15 to Subpart I of Part 98 - Default Emission Factors (1-Uij) for Gas Utilization Rates (Uij) and By-Product Formation Rates (Bijk) for MEMS Manufacturing for Use With the Stack Test Method
Table I-16 to Subpart I of Part 98 - —Default Emission Destruction or Removal Efficiency (DRE) Factors for Electronics Manufacturing
Table I-17 to Subpart I of Part 98 - —Expected and Possible By-Products for Electronics Manufacturing
Table I-2 to Subpart I of Part 98 - —Examples of Fluorinated GHGs Used by the Electronics Industry
Table I-3 to Subpart I of Part 98 - —Default Emission Factors (1-Uij) for Gas Utilization Rates (Uij) and By-Product Formation Rates (Bijk) for Semiconductor Manufacturing for 150 mm and 200 mm Wafer Sizes
Table I-4 to Subpart I of Part 98 - — Default Emission Factors (1-Uij) for Gas Utilization Rates (Uij) and By-Product Formation Rates (Bijk) for Semiconductor Manufacturing for 300 mm and 450 mm Wafer Size
Table I-5 to Subpart I of Part 98 - Default Emission Factors (1-Uij) for Gas Utilization Rates (Uij) and By-Product Formation Rates (Bijk) for MEMS Manufacturing
Table I-6 to Subpart I of Part 98 - Default Emission Factors (1-Uij) for Gas Utilization Rates (Uij) and By-Product Formation Rates (Bijk) for LCD Manufacturing
Table I-8 to Subpart I of Part 98 - — Default Emission Factors (1-UN2O,j) for N2O Utilization (UN2O,j)
Table I-9 to Subpart I of Part 98 - Methods and Procedures for Conducting Emissions Test for Stack Systems
Table I-18 to Subpart I of Part 98 - XXX
Table I-19 to Subpart I of Part 98 - XXX
Table I-20 to Subpart I of Part 98 - XXX
Table I-21 to Subpart I of Part 98 - XXX
Table I-7 To Subpart I of Part 98 - Default Emission Factors (1-Uij) for Gas Utilization Rates (Uij) and By-Product Formation Rates (Bijk) for PV Manufacturing
Appendix A to Subpart I of Part 98 - Alternative Procedures for Measuring Point-of-Use Abatement Device Destruction or Removal Efficiency
Subpart II - Industrial Wastewater Treatment
§ 98.350 - Definition of source category.
§ 98.351 - Reporting threshold.
§ 98.352 - GHGs to report.
§ 98.353 - Calculating GHG emissions.
§ 98.354 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.
§ 98.355 - Procedures for estimating missing data.
§ 98.356 - Data reporting requirements.
§ 98.357 - Records that must be retained.
§ 98.358 - Definitions.
Table II-2 to Subpart II - Collection Efficiencies of Anaerobic Processes
Table II-1 to Subpart II of Part 98 - Emission Factors
Table II-2 to Subpart II of Part 98 - Collection Efficiencies of Anaerobic Processes
Subpart J - XXX
Subpart JJ - Manure Management
§ 98.360 - Definition of the source category.
§ 98.361 - Reporting threshold.
§ 98.362 - GHGs to report.
§ 98.363 - Calculating GHG emissions.
§ 98.364 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.
§ 98.365 - Procedures for estimating missing data.
§ 98.366 - Data reporting requirements.
§ 98.367 - Records that must be retained.
§ 98.368 - Definitions.
Table JJ-1 to Subpart JJ of Part 98 - Animal Population Threshold Level Below Which Facilities Are Not Required To Report Emissions Under Subpart JJ
Table JJ-2 to Subpart JJ of Part 98 - Waste Characteristics Data
Table JJ-3 to Subpart JJ of Part 98 - State-Specific Volatile Solids (VS) and Nitrogen (N) Excretion Rates for Cattle
Table JJ-4 to Subpart JJ of Part 98 - Volatile Solids and Nitrogen Removal through Solids Separation
Table JJ-6 to Subpart JJ of Part 98 - Collection Efficiencies of Anaerobic Digesters
Table JJ-7 to Subpart JJ of Part 98 - Nitrous Oxide Emission Factors (kg N2O-N/kg Kjdl N)
Subpart K - Ferroalloy Production
§ 98.110 - Definition of the source category.
§ 98.111 - Reporting threshold.
§ 98.112 - GHGs to report.
§ 98.113 - Calculating GHG emissions.
§ 98.114 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.
§ 98.115 - Procedures for estimating missing data.
§ 98.116 - Data reporting requirements.
§ 98.117 - Records that must be retained.
§ 98.118 - Definitions.
Table K-1 to Subpart K of Part 98 - Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) CH4 Emission Factors
Subpart KK - XXX
Subpart L - Fluorinated Gas Production
§ 98.120 - Definition of the source category.
§ 98.121 - Reporting threshold.
§ 98.122 - GHGs to report.
§ 98.123 - Calculating GHG emissions.
§ 98.124 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.
§ 98.125 - Procedures for estimating missing data.
§ 98.126 - Data reporting requirements.
§ 98.127 - Records that must be retained.
§ 98.128 - Definitions.
Table L-1 to Subpart L of Part 98 - Ranges of Effective Destruction Efficiency
Appendix A to Subpart L of Part 98 - Mass Balance Method for Fluorinated Gas Production
Subpart LL - Suppliers of Coal-based Liquid Fuels
§ 98.380 - Definition of the source category.
§ 98.381 - Reporting threshold.
§ 98.382 - GHGs to report.
§ 98.383 - Calculating GHG emissions.
§ 98.384 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.
§ 98.385 - Procedures for estimating missing data.
§ 98.386 - Data reporting requirements.
§ 98.387 - Records that must be retained.
§ 98.388 - Definitions.
Subpart M - XXX
Subpart MM - Suppliers of Petroleum Products
§ 98.390 - Definition of the source category.
§ 98.391 - Reporting threshold.
§ 98.392 - GHGs To report.
§ 98.393 - Calculating GHG emissions.
§ 98.394 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.
§ 98.395 - Procedures for estimating missing data.
§ 98.396 - Data reporting requirements.
§ 98.397 - Records that must be retained.
§ 98.398 - Definitions.
Table MM-1 to Subpart MM of Part 98 - Default Factors for Petroleum Products and Natural Gas Liquids
Table MM-2 to Subpart MM of Part 98 - Default Factors for Biomass-Based Fuels and Biomass
Subpart N - Glass Production
§ 98.140 - Definition of the source category.
§ 98.141 - Reporting threshold.
§ 98.142 - GHGs to report.
§ 98.143 - Calculating GHG emissions.
§ 98.144 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.
§ 98.145 - Procedures for estimating missing data.
§ 98.146 - Data reporting requirements.
§ 98.147 - Records that must be retained.
§ 98.148 - Definitions.
Table N-1 to Subpart N of Part 98 - CO2 Emission Factors for Carbonate-Based Raw Materials
Subpart NN - Suppliers of Natural Gas and Natural Gas Liquids
§ 98.400 - Definition of the source category.
§ 98.401 - Reporting threshold.
§ 98.402 - GHGs to report.
§ 98.403 - Calculating GHG emissions.
§ 98.404 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.
§ 98.405 - Procedures for estimating missing data.
§ 98.406 - Data reporting requirements.
§ 98.407 - Records that must be retained.
§ 98.408 - Definitions.
Table NN-1 to Subpart HH of Part 98 - Default Factors for Calculation Methodology 1 of This Subpart
Table NN-2 to Subpart HH of Part 98 - Lookup Default Values for Calculation Methodology 2 of This Subpart
Table NN-1 to Subpart NN of Part 98 - Default Factors for Calculation Methodology 1 of This Subpart
Table NN-2 to Subpart NN of Part 98 - Default Factors for Calculation Methodology 2 of This Subpart
Subpart O - HCFC-22 Production and HFC-23 Destruction
§ 98.150 - Definition of the source category.
§ 98.151 - Reporting threshold.
§ 98.152 - GHGs to report.
§ 98.153 - Calculating GHG emissions.
§ 98.154 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.
§ 98.155 - Procedures for estimating missing data.
§ 98.156 - Data reporting requirements.
§ 98.157 - Records that must be retained.
§ 98.158 - Definitions.
Table O-1 to Subpart O of Part 98 - Emission Factors for Equipment Leaks
Subpart OO - Suppliers of Industrial Greenhouse Gases
§ 98.410 - Definition of the source category.
§ 98.411 - Reporting threshold.
§ 98.412 - GHGs to report.
§ 98.413 - Calculating GHG emissions.
§ 98.414 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.
§ 98.415 - Procedures for estimating missing data.
§ 98.416 - Data reporting requirements.
§ 98.417 - Records that must be retained.
§ 98.418 - Definitions.
Subpart P - Hydrogen Production
§ 98.160 - Definition of the source category.
§ 98.161 - Reporting threshold.
§ 98.162 - GHGs to report.
§ 98.163 - Calculating GHG emissions.
§ 98.164 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.
§ 98.165 - Procedures for estimating missing data.
§ 98.166 - Data reporting requirements.
§ 98.167 - Records that must be retained.
§ 98.168 - Definitions.
Subpart PP - Suppliers of Carbon Dioxide
§ 98.420 - Definition of the source category.
§ 98.421 - Reporting threshold.
§ 98.422 - GHGs to report.
§ 98.423 - Calculating CO2 supply.
§ 98.424 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.
§ 98.425 - Procedures for estimating missing data.
§ 98.426 - Data reporting requirements.
§ 98.427 - Records that must be retained.
§ 98.428 - Definitions.
Subpart Q - Iron and Steel Production
§ 98.170 - Definition of the source category.
§ 98.171 - Reporting threshold.
§ 98.172 - GHGs to report.
§ 98.173 - Calculating GHG emissions.
§ 98.174 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.
§ 98.175 - Procedures for estimating missing data.
§ 98.176 - Data reporting requirements.
§ 98.177 - Records that must be retained.
§ 98.178 - Definitions.
Subpart QQ - Importers and Exporters of Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases Contained in Pre-Charged Equipment or Closed-Cell Foams
§ 98.430 - Definition of the source category.
§ 98.431 - Reporting threshold.
§ 98.432 - GHGs to report.
§ 98.433 - Calculating GHG contained in pre-charged equipment or closed-cell foams.
§ 98.434 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.
§ 98.435 - Procedures for estimating missing data.
§ 98.436 - Data reporting requirements.
§ 98.437 - Records that must be retained.
§ 98.438 - Definitions.
Subpart R - Lead Production
§ 98.180 - Definition of the source category.
§ 98.181 - Reporting threshold.
§ 98.182 - GHGs to report.
§ 98.183 - Calculating GHG emissions.
§ 98.184 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.
§ 98.185 - Procedures for estimating missing data.
§ 98.186 - Data reporting procedures.
§ 98.187 - Records that must be retained.
§ 98.188 - Definitions.
Subpart RR - Geologic Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide
§ 98.440 - Definition of the source category.
§ 98.441 - Reporting threshold.
§ 98.442 - GHGs to report.
§ 98.443 - Calculating CO2 geologic sequestration.
§ 98.444 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.
§ 98.445 - Procedures for estimating missing data.
§ 98.446 - Data reporting requirements.
§ 98.447 - Records that must be retained.
§ 98.448 - Geologic sequestration monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV) plan.
§ 98.449 - Definitions.
Subpart S - Lime Manufacturing
§ 98.190 - Definition of the source category.
§ 98.191 - Reporting threshold.
§ 98.192 - GHGs to report.
§ 98.193 - Calculating GHG emissions.
§ 98.194 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.
§ 98.195 - Procedures for estimating missing data.
§ 98.196 - Data reporting requirements.
§ 98.197 - Records that must be retained.
§ 98.198 - Definitions.
Table S-1 to Subpart S of Part 98 - Basic Parameters for the Calculation of Emission Factors for Lime Production
Subpart SS - Electrical Equipment Manufacture or Refurbishment
§ 98.450 - Definition of the source category.
§ 98.451 - Reporting threshold.
§ 98.452 - GHGs to report.
§ 98.453 - Calculating GHG emissions.
§ 98.454 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.
§ 98.455 - Procedures for estimating missing data.
§ 98.456 - Data reporting requirements.
§ 98.457 - Records that must be retained.
§ 98.458 - Definitions.
Subpart T - Magnesium Production
§ 98.200 - Definition of source category.
§ 98.201 - Reporting threshold.
§ 98.202 - GHGs to report.
§ 98.203 - Calculating GHG emissions.
§ 98.204 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.
§ 98.205 - Procedures for estimating missing data.
§ 98.206 - Data reporting requirements.
§ 98.207 - Records that must be retained.
§ 98.208 - Definitions.
Subpart TT - Industrial Waste Landfills
§ 98.460 - Definition of the source category.
§ 98.461 - Reporting threshold.
§ 98.462 - GHGs to report.
§ 98.463 - Calculating GHG emissions.
§ 98.464 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.
§ 98.465 - Procedures for estimating missing data.
§ 98.466 - Data reporting requirements.
§ 98.467 - Records that must be retained.
§ 98.468 - Definitions.
Table TT-1 to Subpart TT - Default DOC and Decay Rate Values for Industrial Waste Landfills
Table TT-1 to Subpart TT of Part 98 - Default DOC and Decay Rate Values for Industrial Waste Landfills
Subpart U - Miscellaneous Uses of Carbonate
§ 98.210 - Definition of the source category.
§ 98.211 - Reporting threshold.
§ 98.212 - GHGs to report.
§ 98.213 - Calculating GHG emissions.
§ 98.214 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.
§ 98.215 - Procedures for estimating missing data.
§ 98.216 - Data reporting requirements.
§ 98.217 - Records that must be retained.
§ 98.218 - Definitions.
Table U-1 to Subpart U of Part 98 - CO2 Emission Factors for Common Carbonates
Subpart UU - Injection of Carbon Dioxide
§ 98.470 - Definition of the source category.
§ 98.471 - Reporting threshold.
§ 98.472 - GHGs to report.
§ 98.473 - Calculating CO2 received.
§ 98.474 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.
§ 98.475 - Procedures for estimating missing data.
§ 98.476 - Data reporting requirements.
§ 98.477 - Records that must be retained.
§ 98.478 - Definitions.
Subpart V - Nitric Acid Production
§ 98.220 - Definition of source category.
§ 98.221 - Reporting threshold.
§ 98.222 - GHGs to report.
§ 98.223 - Calculating GHG emissions.
§ 98.224 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.
§ 98.225 - Procedures for estimating missing data.
§ 98.226 - Data reporting requirements.
§ 98.227 - Records that must be retained.
§ 98.228 - Definitions.
Subpart W - Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems
§ 98.230 - Definition of the source category.
§ 98.231 - Reporting threshold.
§ 98.232 - GHGs to report.
§ 98.233 - Calculating GHG emissions.
§ 98.234 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.
§ 98.235 - Procedures for estimating missing data.
§ 98.236 - Data reporting requirements.
§ 98.237 - Records that must be retained.
§ 98.238 - Definitions.
Table W-2 of Subpart W - Default Total Hydrocarbon Emission Factors for Onshore Natural Gas Processing
Table W-3 of Subpart W - Default Total Hydrocarbon Emission Factors for Onshore Natural Gas Transmission Compression
Table W-4 of Subpart W - Default Total Hydrocarbon Emission Factors for Underground Natural Gas Storage
Table W-5 of Subpart W - Default Methane Emission Factors for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Storage
Table W-6 of Subpart W - Default Methane Emission Factors for LNG Import and Export Equipment
Table W-7 of Subpart W - Default Methane Emission Factors for Natural Gas Distribution
Table W-1A of Subpart W - Default Whole Gas Emission Factors for Onshore Petroleum and Natural Gas Production
Table W-2 of Subpart W of Part 98 - Default Total Hydrocarbon Emission Factors for Onshore Natural Gas Processing
Table W-3 of Subpart W of Part 98 - Default Total Hydrocarbon Emission Factors for Onshore Natural Gas Transmission Compression
Table W-4 of Subpart W of Part 98 - Default Total Hydrocarbon Emission Factors for Underground Natural Gas Storage
Table W-5 of Subpart W of Part 98 - Default Methane Emission Factors for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Storage
Table W-6 of Subpart W of Part 98 - Default Methane Emission Factors for LNG Import and Export Equipment
Table W-7 of Subpart W of Part 98 - Default Methane Emission Factors for Natural Gas Distribution
Table W-2 to Subpart W of Part 98 - —Default Total Hydrocarbon Emission Factors for Onshore Natural Gas Processing
Table W-3 to Subpart W of Part 98 - —XXX
Table W-4 to Subpart W of Part 98 - —XXX
Table W-5 to Subpart W of Part 98 - —XXX
Table W-6 to Subpart W of Part 98 - —XXX
Table W-7 to Subpart W of Part 98 - —Default Methane Emission Factors for Natural Gas Distribution
Table W-1 to Subpart W of Part 98 - —XXX
Table A-1A to Subpart W of Part 98 - Default Whole Gas Emission Factors for Onshore Petroleum and Natural Gas Production
Table W-1A of Subpart W of Part 98 - Default Whole Gas Emission Factors for Onshore Petroleum and Natural Gas Production
Table W-1D of Subpart W of Part 98 - Designation Of Eastern And Western U.S.
Table W-1A to Subpart W of Part 98 - —Default Whole Gas Emission Factors for Onshore Petroleum and Natural Gas Production Facilities and Onshore Petroleum and Natural Gas Gathering and Boosting Facilities
Table W-3A to Subpart W of Part 98 - —Default Total Hydrocarbon Leaker Emission Factors for Onshore Natural Gas Transmission Compression
Table W-4A to Subpart W of Part 98 - —Default Total Hydrocarbon Leaker Emission Factors for Underground Natural Gas Storage
Table W-5A to Subpart W of Part 98 - —Default Methane Leaker Emission Factors for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Storage
Table W-6A to Subpart W of Part 98 - —Default Methane Leaker Emission Factors for LNG Import and Export Equipment
Table W-1B to Subpart W of Part 98 - —Default Average Component Counts for Major Onshore Natural Gas Production Equipment and Onshore Petroleum and Natural Gas Gathering and Boosting Equipment
Table W-3B to Subpart W of Part 98 - —Default Total Hydrocarbon Population Emission Factors for Onshore Natural Gas Transmission Compression
Table W-4B to Subpart W of Part 98 - —Default Total Hydrocarbon Population Emission Factors for Underground Natural Gas Storage
Table W-5B to Subpart W of Part 98 - —Default Methane Population Emission Factors for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Storage
Table W-6B to Subpart W of Part 98 - —Default Methane Population Emission Factors for LNG Import and Export Equipment
Table W-1C to Subpart W of Part 98 - —Default Average Component Counts For Major Crude Oil Production Equipment
Table W-1D to Subpart W of Part 98 - —Designation Of Eastern And Western U.S.
Table W-1E to Subpart W of Part 98 - —Default Whole Gas Leaker Emission Factors for Onshore Petroleum and Natural Gas Production and Onshore Petroleum and Natural Gas Gathering and Boosting
Subpart X - Petrochemical Production
§ 98.240 - Definition of the source category.
§ 98.241 - Reporting threshold.
§ 98.242 - GHGs to report.
§ 98.243 - Calculating GHG emissions.
§ 98.244 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.
§ 98.245 - Procedures for estimating missing data.
§ 98.246 - Data reporting requirements.
§ 98.247 - Records that must be retained.
§ 98.248 - Definitions.
Subpart Y - Petroleum Refineries
§ 98.250 - Definition of source category.
§ 98.251 - Reporting threshold.
§ 98.252 - GHGs to report.
§ 98.253 - Calculating GHG emissions.
§ 98.254 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.
§ 98.255 - Procedures for estimating missing data.
§ 98.256 - Data reporting requirements.
§ 98.257 - Records that must be retained.
§ 98.258 - Definitions.
Subpart Z - Phosphoric Acid Production
§ 98.260 - Definition of the source category.
§ 98.261 - Reporting threshold.
§ 98.262 - GHGs to report.
§ 98.263 - Calculating GHG emissions.
§ 98.264 - Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.
§ 98.265 - Procedures for estimating missing data.
§ 98.266 - Data reporting requirements.
§ 98.267 - Records that must be retained.
§ 98.268 - Definitions.
Table Z-1 to Subpart Z of Part 98 - Default Chemical Composition of Phosphate Rock by Origin