Part 257 - Criteria for Classification of Solid Waste Disposal Facilities and Practices  

Subpart A - Classification of Solid Waste Disposal Facilities and Practices
§ 257.1 - Scope and purpose.
§ 257.2 - Definitions.
§ 257.3 - Criteria for classification of solid waste disposal facilities and practices.
§ 257.4 - Effective date.
§ 257.3-1 - Floodplains.
§ 257.3-2 - Endangered species.
§ 257.3-3 - Surface water.
§ 257.3-4 - Ground water.
§ 257.3-5 - Application to land used for the production of food-chain crops (interim final).
§ 257.3-6 - Disease.
§ 257.3-7 - Air.
§ 257.3-8 - Safety.
Subpart B - Disposal Standards for the Receipt of Very Small Quantity Generator (VSQG) Wastes at Non-Municipal Non-Hazardous Waste Disposal Units
§ 257.5 - Disposal standards for owners/operators of non-municipal non-hazardous waste disposal units that receive Very Small Quantity Generator (VSQG) waste.
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
§ 257.21 - Applicability.
§ 257.22 - Ground-water monitoring systems.
§ 257.23 - Ground-water sampling and analysis requirements.
§ 257.24 - Detection monitoring program.
§ 257.25 - Assessment monitoring program.
§ 257.26 - Assessment of corrective measures.
§ 257.27 - Selection of remedy.
§ 257.28 - Implementation of the corrective action program.
§ 257.29 - [Reserved]
Recordkeeping Requirements
§ 257.30 - Recordkeeping requirements.
Location Restrictions
§ 257.7 - [Reserved]
§ 257.8 - Floodplains.
§ 257.9 - Wetlands.
§§ 257.10--257.12 - [Reserved]
§ 257.13 - Deadline for making demonstrations.
Subpart C - XXX
Subpart D - Standards for the Disposal of Coal Combustion Residuals in Landfills and Surface Impoundments
§ 257.50 - Scope and purpose.
§ 257.51 - Effective date of this subpart.
§ 257.52 - Applicability of other regulations.
§ 257.53 - Definitions.
Closure and Post-Closure Care
§ 257.100 - Inactive CCR surface impoundments.
§ 257.101 - Closure or retrofit of CCR units.
§ 257.102 - Criteria for conducting the closure or retrofit of CCR units.
§ 257.103 - Alternative closure requirements.
§ 257.104 - Post-closure care requirements.
Design Criteria
§ 257.70 - Design criteria for new CCR landfills and any lateral expansion of a CCR landfill.
§ 257.71 - Liner design criteria for existing CCR surface impoundments.
§ 257.72 - Liner design criteria for new CCR surface impoundments and any lateral expansion of a CCR surface impoundment.
§ 257.73 - Structural integrity criteria for existing CCR surface impoundments.
§ 257.74 - Structural integrity criteria for new CCR surface impoundments and any lateral expansion of a CCR surface impoundment.
§ 257.75 - xxx
Recordkeeping, Notification, and Posting of Information to the Internet
§ 257.105 - Recordkeeping requirements.
§ 257.106 - Notification requirements.
§ 257.107 - Publicly accessible Internet site requirements.
Operating Criteria
§ 257.80 - Air criteria.
§ 257.81 - Run-on and run-off controls for CCR landfills.
§ 257.82 - Hydrologic and hydraulic capacity requirements for CCR surface impoundments.
§ 257.83 - Inspection requirements for CCR surface impoundments.
§ 257.84 - Inspection requirements for CCR landfills.
Location Restrictions
§ 257.60 - Placement above the uppermost aquifer.
§ 257.61 - Wetlands.
§ 257.62 - Fault areas.
§ 257.63 - Seismic impact zones.
§ 257.64 - Unstable areas.
Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action
§ 257.90 - Applicability.
§ 257.91 - Groundwater monitoring systems.
§ 257.92 - [Reserved]
§ 257.93 - Groundwater sampling and analysis requirements.
§ 257.94 - Detection monitoring program.
§ 257.95 - Assessment monitoring program.
§ 257.96 - Assessment of corrective measures.
§ 257.97 - Selection of remedy.
§ 257.98 - Implementation of the corrective action program.
Appendix I to Part 257 - Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs)
Appendix II to Part 257
Appendix IV to Part 257 - Constituents for Assessment Monitoring
Appendix III to Part 257 - Constituents for Detection Monitoring