Part 799 - Identification of Specific Chemical Substance and Mixture Testing Requirements  

Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 799.1 - Scope and purpose.
§ 799.2 - Applicability.
§ 799.3 - Definitions.
§ 799.5 - Submission of information.
§ 799.10 - Test standards.
§ 799.11 - Availability of test guidelines.
§ 799.12 - Test results.
§ 799.17 - Effects of non-compliance.
§ 799.18 - Chemicals subject of test rules or consent orders for which the testing reimbursement period has passed.
§ 799.19 - Chemical imports and exports.
Subpart B - Specific Chemical Test Rules
§ 799.1053 - Trichlorobenzenes.
§ 799.1560 - Diethylene glycol butyl ether and diethylene glycol butyl ether acetate.
§ 799.1575 - Diethylenetriamine (DETA).
§ 799.1645 - 2-Ethylhexanol.
§ 799.1700 - Fluoroalkenes.
§ 799.2155 - Commercial hexane.
§ 799.2325 - Isopropanol.
§ 799.2475 - 2-Mercaptobenzothiazole.
§ 799.2700 - Methyl ethyl ketoxime.
§ 799.3300 - Unsubstituted phenylenediamines.
§ 799.4360 - Tributyl phosphate.
§ 799.4440 - Triethylene glycol monomethyl ether.
Subpart C - Testing Consent Orders
§ 799.5000 - Testing consent orders for substances and mixtures with Chemical Abstract Service Registry Numbers.
§ 799.5025 - Testing consent orders for mixtures without Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Numbers.
Subpart D - Multichemical Test Rules
§ 799.5055 - Hazardous waste constituents subject to testing.
§ 799.5075 - Drinking water contaminants subject to testing.
§ 799.5085 - Chemical testing requirements for first group of high production volume chemicals (HPV1).
§ 799.5087 - Chemical testing requirements for second group of high production volume chemicals (HPV2).
§ 799.5089 - Chemical testing requirements for third group of high production volume chemicals (HPV3).
§ 799.5115 - Chemical testing requirements for certain chemicals of interest to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
Subpart E - Product Properties Test Guidelines
§ 799.6755 - TSCA partition coefficient (n-octanol/water), shake flask method.
§ 799.6756 - TSCA partition coefficient (n-octanol/water), generator column method.
§ 799.6784 - TSCA water solubility: Column elution method; shake flask method.
§ 799.6786 - TSCA water solubility: Generator column method.
Subparts F--G - XXX
Subpart H - Health Effects Test Guidelines
§ 799.9110 - TSCA acute oral toxicity.
§ 799.9120 - TSCA acute dermal toxicity.
§ 799.9130 - TSCA acute inhalation toxicity.
§ 799.9135 - TSCA acute inhalation toxicity with histopathology.
§ 799.9305 - TSCA Repeated dose 28-day oral toxicity study in rodents.
§ 799.9310 - TSCA 90-day oral toxicity in rodents.
§ 799.9325 - TSCA 90-day dermal toxicity.
§ 799.9346 - TSCA 90-day inhalation toxicity.
§ 799.9355 - TSCA reproduction/developmental toxicity screening test.
§ 799.9365 - TSCA combined repeated dose toxicity study with the reproduction/developmental toxicity screening test.
§ 799.9370 - TSCA prenatal developmental toxicity.
§ 799.9380 - TSCA reproduction and fertility effects.
§ 799.9410 - TSCA chronic toxicity.
§ 799.9420 - TSCA carcinogenicity.
§ 799.9430 - TSCA combined chronic toxicity/carcinogenicity.
§ 799.9510 - TSCA bacterial reverse mutation test.
§ 799.9530 - TSCA in vitro mammalian cell gene mutation test.
§ 799.9537 - TSCA in vitro mammalian chromosome aberration test.
§ 799.9538 - TSCA mammalian bone marrow chromosomal aberration test.
§ 799.9539 - TSCA mammalian erythrocyte micronucleus test.
§ 799.9620 - TSCA neurotoxicity screening battery.
§ 799.9630 - TSCA developmental neurotoxicity.
§ 799.9748 - TSCA metabolism and pharmacokinetics
§ 799.9780 - TSCA immunotoxicity.