§ 40.55 - Quality assurance plans for EBTs.  

Latest version.
  • (a) In order to be used in either screening or confirmation alcohol testing subject to this part, an EBT shall have a quality assurance plan (QAP) developed by the manufacturer.

    (1) The plan shall designate the method or methods to be used to perform external calibration checks of the device, using only calibration devices on the NHTSA “Conforming Products List of Calibrating Units for Breath Alcohol Tests.”

    (2) The plan shall specify the minimum intervals for performing external calibration checks of the device. Intervals shall be specified for different frequencies of use, environmental conditions (e.g., temperature, altitude, humidity), and contexts of operation (e.g., stationary or mobile use).

    (3) The plan shall specify the tolerances on an external calibration check within which the EBT is regarded to be in proper calibration.

    (4) The plan shall specify inspection, maintenance, and calibration requirements and intervals for the device.

    (5) For a plan to be regarded as valid, the manufacturer shall have submitted the plan to NHTSA for review and have received NHTSA approval of the plan.

    (b) The employer shall comply with the NHTSA-approved quality assurance plan for each EBT it uses for alcohol screening or confirmation testing subject to this part.

    (1) The employer shall ensure that external calibration checks of each EBT are performed as provided in the QAP.

    (2) The employer shall take an EBT out of service if any external calibration check results in a reading outside the tolerances for the EBT set forth in the QAP. The EBT shall not again be used for alcohol testing under this part until it has been serviced and has had an external calibration check resulting in a reading within the tolerances for the EBT.

    (3) The employer shall ensure that inspection, maintenance, and calibration of each EBT are performed by the manufacturer or a maintenance representative certified by the device's manufacturer or a state health agency or other appropriate state agency. The employer shall also ensure that each BAT or other individual who performs an external calibration check of an EBT used for alcohol testing subject to this part has demonstrated proficiency in conducting such a check of the model of EBT in question.

    (4) The employer shall maintain records of the external calibration checks of EBTs as provided in § 40.83.

    (c) When the employer is not using the EBT at an alcohol testing site, the employer shall store the EBT in a secure space.