§ 60.2025 - What if my chemical recovery unit is not listed in 60.2020(n)?  

Latest version.
  • Link to an amendment published at 76 FR 15451, Mar. 21, 2011.

    This amendment was delayed indefinitely at 76 FR 28661, May 18, 2011.

    (a) If your chemical recovery unit is not listed in §60.2020(n), you can petition the Administrator to add your unit to the list. The petition must contain the six items in paragraphs (a)(1) through (6) of this section.

    (1) A description of the source of the materials being burned.

    (2) A description of the composition of the materials being burned, highlighting the chemical constituents in these materials that are recovered.

    (3) A description (including a process flow diagram) of the process in which the materials are burned, highlighting the type, design, and operation of the equipment used in this process.

    (4) A description (including a process flow diagram) of the chemical constituent recovery process, highlighting the type, design, and operation of the equipment used in this process.

    (5) A description of the commercial markets for the recovered chemical constituents and their use.

    (6) The composition of the recovered chemical constituents and the composition of these chemical constituents as they are bought and sold in commercial markets.

    (b) Until the Administrator approves your petition, the incineration unit is covered by this subpart.

    (c) If a petition is approved, the Administrator will amend §60.2020(n) to add the unit to the list of chemical recovery units.