Part 102-3 - Federal Advisory Committee Management  

Subpart A - What Policies Apply to Advisory Committees Established Within the Executive Branch?
Appendix A to Subpart A of Part 102-3 - —Key Points and Principles
§ 102-3.5 - What does this part cover and how does it apply?
§ 102-3.10 - What is the purpose of the Federal Advisory Committee Act?
§ 102-3.15 - Who are the intended users of this part?
§ 102-3.20 - How does this part meet the needs of its audience?
§ 102-3.25 - What definitions apply to this part?
§ 102-3.30 - What policies govern the use of advisory committees?
§ 102-3.35 - What policies govern the use of subcommittees?
§ 102-3.40 - What types of committees or groups are not covered by the Act and this part?
§§ 102-3.15--102-3.20 - [Reserved]
Subpart B - How Are Advisory Committees Established, Renewed, Reestablished, Merged, and Terminated?
Appendix A to Subpart B of Part 102-3 - —Key Points and Principles
§ 102-3.45 - What does this subpart cover and how does it apply?
§ 102-3.50 - What are the authorities for establishing advisory committees?
§ 102-3.55 - What rules apply to the duration of an advisory committee?
§ 102-3.60 - What procedures are required to establish, renew, reestablish, or merge a discretionary advisory committee?
§ 102-3.65 - What are the public notification requirements for discretionary advisory committees?
§ 102-3.70 - What are the charter filing requirements?
§ 102-3.75 - What information must be included in the charter of an advisory committee?
§ 102-3.80 - How are charter amendments accomplished?
§ 102-3.85 - [Reserved]
Subpart C - How Are Advisory Committees Managed?
Appendix A to Subpart C of Part 102-3 - —Key Points and Principles
§ 102-3.90 - What does this subpart cover and how does it apply?
§ 102-3.95 - What principles apply to the management of advisory committees?
§ 102-3.100 - What are the responsibilities and functions of GSA?
§ 102-3.105 - What are the responsibilities of an agency head?
§ 102-3.110 - What are the responsibilities of a chairperson of an independent Presidential advisory committee?
§ 102-3.115 - What are the responsibilities and functions of an agency CMO?
§ 102-3.120 - What are the responsibilities and functions of a DFO?
§ 102-3.125 - What is required to be included in an agency's administrative guidelines to implement an advisory committee?
§ 102-3.130 - What policies apply to the appointment, and compensation or reimbursement of advisory committee members?
Subpart D - Advisory Committee Meeting and Recordkeeping Procedures
Appendix A to Subpart D of Part 102-3 - —Key Points and Principles
§ 102-3.135 - What does this subpart cover and how does it apply?
§ 102-3.140 - What policies apply to advisory committee meetings?
§ 102-3.145 - What policies apply to subcommittee meetings?
§ 102-3.150 - How are advisory committee meetings announced to the public?
§ 102-3.155 - How are advisory committee meetings closed to the public?
§ 102-3.160 - What activities of an advisory committee are not subject to the notice and open meeting requirements of the Act?
§ 102-3.165 - How are advisory committee meetings documented?
§ 102-3.170 - How does an interested party obtain access to advisory committee records?
§ 102-3.175 - What are the reporting and recordkeeping requirements for an advisory committee?
Subpart E - How Does This Subpart Apply to Advice or Recommendations Provided to Agencies by the National Academy of Sciences or the National Academy of Public Administration?
Appendix A to Subpart E of Part 102-3 - —Key Points and Principles
§ 102-3.180 - What does this subpart cover and how does it apply?
§ 102-3.185 - What does this subpart require agencies to do?
Subpart F - Severability
§ 102-3.190 - What portions of this part are severable?