Part 102-41 - Disposition of Seized, Forfeited, Voluntarily Abandoned, and Unclaimed Personal Property  

Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 102-41.25 - Who retains custody and is responsible for the reporting, care, and handling of property covered by this part?
§ 102-41.30 - What is GSA's role in the disposition of property covered by this part?
§ 102-41.35 - Do we report to GSA all seized personal property subject to judicial forfeiture as well as forfeited, voluntarily abandoned, or unclaimed personal property not retained for official use?
§ 102-41.5 - What does this part cover?
§ 102-41.10 - To whom do “we”, “you”, and their variants refer?
§ 102-41.15 - How do we request a deviation from these requirements and who can approve it?
§ 102-41.20 - What definitions apply to this part?
Subpart B - Seized or Forfeited Personal Property
§ 102-41.40 - How is personal property forfeited?
§ 102-41.45 - May we place seized personal property into official use before the forfeiture process is completed?
§ 102-41.50 - May we retain forfeited personal property for official use?
§ 102-41.55 - Where do we send the reports for seized or forfeited personal property?
§ 102-41.60 - Are there special requirements in reporting seized or forfeited personal property to GSA?
§ 102-41.65 - What happens to forfeited personal property that is transferred or retained for official use?
§ 102-41.70 - Are transfers of forfeited personal property reimbursable?
§ 102-41.75 - May we retain the proceeds from the sale of forfeited personal property?
Subpart C - Voluntarily Abandoned Personal Property
§ 102-41.80 - When is personal property voluntarily abandoned?
§ 102-41.85 - What choices do I have for retaining or disposing of voluntarily abandoned personal property?
§ 102-41.90 - What happens to voluntarily abandoned personal property retained for official use?
§ 102-41.95 - Where do we send the reports for voluntarily abandoned personal property?
§ 102-41.100 - What information do we provide when reporting voluntarily abandoned personal property to GSA?
§ 102-41.105 - What happens to voluntarily abandoned personal property when reported to GSA?
§ 102-41.110 - Are transfers of voluntarily abandoned personal property reimbursable?
§ 102-41.115 - May we retain the proceeds received from the sale of voluntarily abandoned personal property?
Subpart D - Unclaimed Personal Property
§ 102-41.120 - How long must we hold unclaimed personal property before disposition?
§ 102-41.125 - What choices do I have for retaining or disposing of unclaimed personal property?
§ 102-41.130 - What must we do when we retain unclaimed personal property for official use?
§ 102-41.135 - How much reimbursement do we pay the former owner when he or she files a claim for unclaimed personal property that we no longer have?
§ 102-41.140 - When do we report to GSA unclaimed personal property not retained for official use?
§ 102-41.145 - Where do we send the reports for unclaimed personal property?
§ 102-41.150 - What special information do we provide on reports of unclaimed personal property?
§ 102-41.155 - Is unclaimed personal property available for transfer to another Federal agency?
§ 102-41.160 - May we retain the reimbursement from transfers of unclaimed personal property?
§ 102-41.165 - May we require reimbursement for the costs incurred in the transfer of unclaimed personal property?
§ 102-41.170 - Is unclaimed personal property available for donation?
§ 102-41.175 - May we sell unclaimed personal property?
§ 102-41.180 - May we retain the proceeds from the sale of unclaimed personal property?
Subpart E - Personal Property Requiring Special Handling
Drug Paraphernalia
§ 102-41.210 - What are some examples of drug paraphernalia?
§ 102-41.215 - Do we report to GSA all forfeited, voluntarily abandoned, or unclaimed drug paraphernalia not required for official use?
§ 102-41.220 - Is drug paraphernalia forfeited under 21 U.S.C. 863 available for transfer to other Federal agencies or donation through a State Agency for Surplus Property (SASP)?
§ 102-41.225 - Are there special provisions to reporting and transferring drug paraphernalia forfeited under 21 U.S.C. 863?
§ 102-41.230 - May SASPs pick up or store donated drug paraphernalia in their distribution centers?
§ 102-41.235 - May we sell forfeited drug paraphernalia?
Forfeited Distilled Spirits, Wine, and Beer
§ 102-41.205 - Do we report all forfeited distilled spirits, wine, and beer to GSA for disposal?
§ 102-41.190 - May we retain forfeited, voluntarily abandoned, or unclaimed firearms for official use?
§ 102-41.195 - How do we dispose of forfeited, voluntarily abandoned, or unclaimed firearms not retained for official use?
§ 102-41.200 - Are there special disposal provisions for firearms that are seized and forfeited for a violation of the National Firearms Act?
§ 102-41.185 - Are there certain types of forfeited, voluntarily abandoned, or unclaimed property that must be handled differently than other property addressed in this part?