§ 60-250.26 - Complaint procedures.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Place and time for filing. Any applicant for employment with a contractor or any employee of a contractor may, personally or by an authorized representative, file a written complaint with the Veteran's Employment Service of the Department of Labor through the Local Veteran's Employment Representative (LVER) or his designee at the local State employment office, alleging a violation of the Act or the regulations in this part. Local Veteran's Employment Representatives (LVERs) will assist veterans in preparing complaints and will promptly refer such complaints to the Director. The LVERs will keep a record of all complaints received and forwarded. LVERs will be informed of the progress and results of the veterans’ complaint investigations. The State employment services shall cooperate with the Director in the investigation of any complaint. Such complaint is to be filed not later than 180 days from the date of the alleged violation unless the time for filing is extended by the Director for good cause shown.

    (b) Referral to contractor. When a complaint is filed by an employee of a contractor and the contractor has an applicable internal review procedure, the complaint shall be referred to the contractor for processing under that procedure. The complaint and all actions taken thereunder shall be kept confidential by the contractor. If there has not been a resolution of the complaint under that procedure satisfactory to the complainant within 60 days of the referral, the LVER will refer the complaint to the Department of Labor which will proceed as provided in this section.

    (c) Contents of complaints. Complaints must be signed by the complainants or their authorized representatives and must contain the following information: (1) Name and address (including telephone number) of the complainant, (2) name and address of the contractor or subcontractor who committed the alleged violation, (3) a description of the act or acts considered to be a violation, (4) a copy of the veteran's form DD-214, and, where applicable, VAL-5 or similar VA certification indicating the percent of disability, updated within 1 year prior to the date the complaint is filed, and (5) other pertinent information available which will assist in the investigation and resolution of the complaint, including the name of any known Federal agency with which the employer has contracted.

    (d) Incomplete information. Where a complaint contains incomplete information, the Director shall seek the needed information from the complainant. If the information is not furnished to the agency or the Director within 60 days of the date of such request, the case may be closed.

    (e) Investigations. The Department of Labor shall institute a prompt investigation of each complaint, and shall be responsible for developing a complete case record. A complete case record consists of the following: (1) Name and address of each person interviewed, (2) a summary of his or her statement, (3) copies or summaries of pertinent documents, (4) a narrative summary of the evidence disclosed in the investigation as it related to each charge, and (5) recommended findings and resolution.

    (f) [Reserved]

    (g) Resolution of matters. (1) If the complaint investigation shows no violation of the Act or regulations in this part, or if the Director decides not to initiate administrative or legal proceedings against the contractor, the complainant shall be so notified. Within 30 days, the complainant may request review by the Director of such a finding or decision.

    (2) Where an investigation indicates that the contractor has not complied with the requirements of the Act or this part, efforts shall be made to secure compliance through conciliation and persuasion within a reasonable time. Before the contractor or subcontractor can be found to be in compliance, it must make a specific commitment, in writing, to take corrective action to meet the requirements of the Act and this part. The commitment must indicate the precise action to be taken and dates for completion. The time period allowed should be no longer than the minimum period necessary to effect such changes. Upon approval of such commitment by the Director, the contractor may be considered in compliance on condition that the commitments are kept.

    (3) Where the complaint investigation indicates a violation of the Act or regulations in this part (and the complaint has not been resolved by informal means), the Director shall afford the contractor an opportunity for a hearing in accordance with § 60-250.29.