Part 101-44 - Donation of Surplus Personal Property  

§ 101-44.001-1 - Agricultural commodity.
§ 101-44.001-2 - [Reserved]
§ 101-44.001-3 - Donable property.
§ 101-44.001-4 - Donee.
§ 101-44.001-5 - [Reserved]
§ 101-44.001-6 - Local government.
§ 101-44.001-7 - [Reserved]
§ 101-44.001-8 - Motor vehicle.
§ 101-44.001-9 - No commercial value.
§ 101-44.001-10 - Public agency.
§ 101-44.001-11 - Public body.
§ 101-44.001-12 - Service educational activity.
§ 101-44.001-13 - State.
§ 101-44.001-14 - State agency.
§ 101-44.000 - Cross-reference to the Federal Management Regulation (FMR) (41 CFR chapter 102, parts 102-1 through 102-220).
§ 101-44.001 - Definitions of terms.
Subpart 101-44.1 - General Provisions
§§ 101-44.108-3--101-44.108-4 - [Reserved]
§ 101-44.101 - Withdrawal of donable property.
§ 101-44.102 - Responsibilities of holding agencies.
§ 101-44.103 - [Reserved]
§ 101-44.104 - Costs incurred incident to donation.
§ 101-44.105 - Assistance in major disaster relief.
§ 101-44.106 - [Reserved]
§ 101-44.107 - Donation of property withdrawn from sale.
§ 101-44.108 - Donation of special categories of property.
§ 101-44.109 - Donation screening period.
§ 101-44.110 - Transfer orders for surplus personal property.
§ 101-44.111 - Preparation and processing of transfer orders.
§ 101-44.112 - Approval or disapproval of transfer orders.
§ 101-44.113 - Rejection of property approved for transfer.
§ 101-44.114 - Pickup or shipment.
§ 101-44.115 - Overages and shortages.
§ 101-44.116 - Certification of screeners.
§ 101-44.117 - Recovery of property for Federal use.
§ 101-44.118 - Nondiscrimination.
§ 101-44.119 - [Reserved]
§ 101-44.108-1 - Medical materials and supplies and shelf-life items.
§ 101-44.108-2 - Donation of aircraft.
§ 101-44.108-5 - Bedding and upholstered furniture.
§ 101-44.108-6 - Tax-free alcohol or specially denatured alcohol.
§ 101-44.108-7 - Franked and penalty envelopes and paper with official letterhead.
§ 101-44.108-8 - [Reserved]
§ 101-44.108-9 - Donation of vessels.
§ 101-44.108-10 - [Reserved]
§ 101-44.002 - Requests for deviations.
Subpart 101-44.2 - Donations to Public Agencies and Eligible Nonprofit Tax-Exempt Activities
§ 101-44.200 - Scope of subpart.
§ 101-44.201 - Authority.
§ 101-44.202 - State agency plan of operation.
§ 101-44.203 - Allocation of donable property.
§ 101-44.204 - Certification and agreement by a State agency.
§ 101-44.205 - Property in the possession of a State agency.
§ 101-44.206 - Cooperative agreements.
§ 101-44.207 - Eligibility.
§ 101-44.208 - Property distributed to donees.
Subpart 101-44.3 - Donations of Foreign Excess Personal Property
§ 101-44.300 - Scope of subpart.
§ 101-44.301 - Holding agency responsibilities.
§ 101-44.302 - Donation screening.
§ 101-44.303 - Donation approval.
§ 101-44.304 - Shipment.
§ 101-44.305 - Costs incurred incident to donation.
§ 101-44.306 - Statistics and reports.
Subpart 101-44.4 - Donations to Service Educational Activities
§ 101-44.400 - What are the responsibilities of DOD, GSA, and State agencies in the Service Educational Activity (SEA) donation program?
§ 101-44.401 - How is property for SEAs allocated and distributed?
§ 101-44.402 - May SEAs acquire non-DOD property?
§ 101-44.403 - What if a provision in this subpart conflicts with another provision in this part 101-44?
§ 101-44.404 - Surveillance.
§ 101-44.405 - Reports.
Subpart 101-44.5 - Donations to Public Airports
§ 101-44.500 - General.
§ 101-44.501 - Agency authority.
§ 101-44.502 - Application.
§ 101-44.503 - Surveillance.
§ 101-44.504 - Reports.
Subpart 101-44.6 - Donations to the American National Red Cross
§ 101-44.600 - General.
§ 101-44.601 - Donation approval.
§ 101-44.602 - Cooperation of holding agencies.
§ 101-44.603 - Action by the Red Cross.
§ 101-44.604 - Transfer by holding agency.
§ 101-44.605 - Donable property determined unusable by the Red Cross.
Subpart 101-44.7 - Donations of Property to Public Bodies
§ 101-44.701-1 - General.
§ 101-44.701-2 - Reviewing authority.
§ 101-44.702-1 - Authority to donate.
§ 101-44.702-2 - Disposal costs.
§ 101-44.702-3 - Hazardous materials.
§ 101-44.700 - Scope of subpart.
§ 101-44.701 - Findings justifying donation to public bodies.
§ 101-44.702 - Donations to public bodies.
Subpart 101-44.9 - Miscellaneous Statutes
§ 101-44.900 - Scope of subpart.
§ 101-44.901 - Condemned or obsolete material.
§ 101-44.902 - Obsolete, condemned, or captured vessels.
§ 101-44.903 - Obsolete naval material.
§ 101-44.904 - Obsolete material and articles of historic interest.
§ 101-44.905 - Obsolete or other Coast Guard material.
Subpart 101-44.47 - Reports
§ 101-44.4701 - Reports.
Subpart 101-44.49 - Illustrations of Forms
§ 101-44.4902-3040-1 - Instructions for preparing GSA Form 3040.
§ 101-44.4901-123 - Standard Form 123, Transfer Order Surplus Personal Property.
§ 101-44.4902-3040 - GSA Form 3040, State Agency Monthly Donation Report of Surplus Personal Property.
§ 101-44.4901-123-1 - Instructions for preparing and processing Standard Form 123.
§ 101-44.4901-123-A - Standard Form 123-A, Transfer Order Surplus Personal Property (Continuation sheet).
§ 101-44.4900 - Scope of subpart.
§ 101-44.4901 - Standard forms.
§ 101-44.4902 - GSA forms.