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Code of Federal Regulations (Last Updated: November 8, 2024) |
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Title 42 - Public Health |
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Chapter IV - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Department of Health and Human Services |
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SubChapter B - Medicare Program |
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Part 413 - Principles of Reasonable Cost Reimbursement; Payment for End-Stage Renal Disease Services; Optional Prospectively Determined Payment Rates for Skilled Nursing Facilities |
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Subpart A - Introduction and General Rules |
§ 413.1 - Introduction.
§ 413.1 Introduction.
(a) Basis, scope, and applicability -
(1) Statutory basis -
(i) Basic provisions.
(A) Section 1815 of the Act requires that the Secretary make interim payments to providers and periodically determine the amount that should be paid under Part A of Medicare to each provider for the services it furnishes.
(B) Section 1814(b) of the Act (for Part A) and section 1833(a) (for Part B) provide for payment on the basis of the lesser of a provider's reasonable costs or customary charges.
(C) Section 1861(v) of the Act defines “reasonable cost”.
(ii) Additional provisions.
(A) Section 1138(b) of the Act specifies the conditions for Medicare payment for organ procurement costs.
(B) Section 1814(j) of the Act provides for exceptions to the “lower of costs or charges” provisions.
(C) Sections 1815(a) and 1833(e) of the Act provide the Secretary with authority to request information from providers to determine the amount of Medicare payment due providers.
(D) Section 1833(a)(4) and (i)(3) of the Act provide for payment of a blended amount for certain surgical services furnished in a hospital's outpatient department.
(E) Section 1833(n) of the Act provides for payment of a blended amount for outpatient hospital diagnostic procedures such as radiology.
(F) Section 1834(c)(1)(C) of the Act establishes the method for determining Medicare payment for screening mammograms performed by hospitals.
(G) Section 1834(g) of the Act provides that payment for critical access hospital (CAH) outpatient services is the reasonable costs of the CAH in providing these services, as determined in accordance with section 1861(v)(1)(A) of the Act and the applicable principles of cost reimbursement in this part and in part 415 of this chapter.
(H) Section 1881 of the Act authorizes payment for services furnished to ESRD patients.
(I) Section 1883 of the Act provides for payment for post-hospital SNF care furnished by a rural hospital that has swing-bed approval.
(J) Sections 1886(a) and (b) of the Act impose a ceiling on the rate of increase in hospital inpatient costs.
(K) Section 1886(h) of the Act provides for payment to a hospital for the services of interns and residents in approved teaching programs on the basis of a “per resident” amount.
(L) Section 1834(x) of the Act authorizes payment for services furnished by rural emergency hospitals (REHs) and establishes the payment methodology.
(2) Scope. This part sets forth regulations governing Medicare payment for services furnished to beneficiaries by -
(i) Hospitals and , critical access hospitals (CAHs), and rural emergency hospitals (REHs);
(ii) Skilled nursing facilities (SNFs);
(iii) Home health agencies (HHAs);
(iv) End-stage renal disease (ESRD) facilities;
(v) Organ procurement organizations (OPOs) and histocompatibility laboratories.
(3) Applicability. The payment principles and related policies set forth in this part are binding on CMS and its fiscal contractors, on the Provider Reimbursement Review Board, and on the entities listed in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
(b) Reasonable cost reimbursement. Except as provided under paragraphs (c) through (h) of this section, Medicare is generally required, under section 1814(b) of the Act (for services covered under Part A) and under section 1833(a)(2) of the Act (for services covered under Part B) to pay for services furnished by providers on the basis of reasonable costs as defined in section 1861(v) of the Act, or the provider's customary charges for those services, if lower. Regulations implementing section 1861(v) are found generally in this part beginning at § 413.5.
(c) Outpatient maintenance dialysis and related services. Section 1881 of the Act authorizes special rules for the coverage of and payment for services furnished to ESRD patients. Sections 413.170 and 413.174 implement various provisions of section 1881. In particular, § 413.170 establishes a prospective payment method for outpatient maintenance dialysis services that applies both to hospital-based and independent ESRD facilities, and under which Medicare pays for both home and infacility dialysis services furnished on or after August 1, 1983.
(d) Payment for inpatient hospital services.
(1) For cost reporting periods beginning before October 1, 1983, the amount paid for inpatient hospital services is determined on a reasonable cost basis.
(2) Payment to short-term general hospitals located in the 50 States and the District of Columbia for the operating costs of hospital inpatient services for cost reporting periods beginning on or after October 1, 1983, and for the capital-related costs of inpatient services for cost reporting periods beginning on or after October 1, 1991, are determined prospectively on a per discharge basis under part 412 of this chapter except as follows:
(i) Payment for the following is described in § 412.113 of this chapter:
(A) Capital related costs for cost reporting periods beginning before October 1991.
(B) Medical education costs.
(C) Organ acquisition costs as specified in part 413, subpart L.
(D) The costs of certain anesthesia services.
(ii) Payment to children's hospitals that are excluded from the prospective payment systems under subpart B of part 412 of this chapter, and hospitals outside the 50 States and the District of Columbia is on a reasonable cost basis, subject to the provisions of § 413.40.
(iii) Payment to hospitals subject to a State reimbursement control system is described in paragraph (e) of this section.
(iv) For cost reporting periods beginning before January 1, 2005, payment to psychiatric hospitals (as well as separate psychiatric units (distinct parts) of short-term general hospitals) that are excluded under subpart B of part 412 of this chapter from the prospective payment system is on a reasonable cost basis, subject to the provisions of § 413.40.
(v) For cost reporting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2005, payment to inpatient psychiatric facilities that meet the conditions of § 412.404 of this chapter, is made under the prospective payment system described in subpart N of part 412 of this chapter.
(vi) For cost reporting periods beginning before January 1, 2002, payment to rehabilitation hospitals (as well as separate rehabilitation units (distinct parts) of short-term general hospitals), that are excluded under subpart B of part 412 of this subchapter from the prospective payment systems is made on a reasonable cost basis, subject to the provisions of § 413.40.
(vii) For cost reporting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2002, payment to rehabilitation hospitals (as well as separate rehabilitation units (distinct parts) of short-term general hospitals) that meet the conditions of § 412.604 of this chapter is based on prospectively determined rates under subpart P of part 412 of this subchapter.
(viii) For cost reporting periods beginning before October 1, 2002, payment to long-term care hospitals that are excluded under subpart B of Part 412 of this subchapter from the prospective payment systems is on a reasonable cost basis, subject to the provisions of § 413.40.
(ix) For cost reporting periods beginning on or after October 1, 2002, payment to the long-term hospitals that meet the condition for payment of §§ 412.505 through 412.511 of this subchapter is based on prospectively determined rates under subpart O of Part 412 of this subchapter.
(e) State reimbursement control systems. Beginning October 1, 1983, Medicare reimbursement for inpatient hospital services may be made in accordance with a State reimbursement control system rather than under the Medicare reimbursement principles set forth in this part, if the State system is approved by CMS. Regulations implementing this alternative reimbursement authority are set forth in subpart C of part 403 of this chapter.
(f) Services of qualified nonphysician anesthetists. For cost reporting periods, or any part of a cost reporting period, beginning on or after January 1, 1989, costs incurred for the services of qualified nonphysician anesthetists are not paid on a reasonable cost basis unless the provisions of § 412.113(c)(2) of this chapter apply. These services are paid under the special rules set forth in § 405.553 of this chapter.
(g) Payment for services furnished in SNFs.
(1) Except as specified in paragraph (g)(2)(ii) of this section, the amount paid for services furnished in cost reporting periods beginning before July 1, 1998, is determined on a reasonable cost basis or, where applicable, in accordance with the prospectively determined payment rates for low-volume SNFs established under section 1888(d) of the Act, as set forth in subpart I of this part.
(2) The amount paid for services (other than those described in § 411.15(p)(2) of this chapter) -
(i) That are furnished in cost reporting periods beginning on or after July 1, 1998, to a resident who is in a covered Part A stay, is determined in accordance with the prospectively determined payment rates for SNFs established under section 1888(e) of the Act, as set forth in subpart J of this part.
(ii) That are furnished on or after July 1, 1998, to a resident who is not in a covered Part A stay, is determined in accordance with any applicable Part B fee schedule or, for a particular item or service to which no fee schedule applies, by using the existing payment methodology utilized under Part B for such item or service.
(h) Payment for services furnished by HHAs. The amount paid for home health services as defined in section 1861(m) of the Act (except durable medical equipment and the covered osteoporosis drug as provided for in that section) that are furnished beginning on or after October 1, 2000 to an eligible beneficiary under a home health plan of care is determined according to the prospectively determined payment rates for HHAs set forth in part 484, subpart E of this chapter.
[51 FR 34793, Sept. 30, 1986]