§ 433.147 - Cooperation in establishing the identity of a child's parents and in obtaining medical support and payments and in identifying and providing information to assist in pursuing third parties who may be liable to pay.  

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  • § 433.147 Cooperation in establishing paternity the identity of a child's parents and in obtaining medical support and payments and in identifying and providing information to assist in pursuing third parties who may be liable to pay.

    (a) Scope of requirement. The agency must require the individual who assigns his or her rights to cooperate in - in—

    (1) Establishing paternity Except as exempt under § 433.145(a)(2), establishing the identity of a child born out of wedlock 's parents and obtaining medical support and payments for himself or herself and any other person for whom the individual can legally assign rights, except that individuals described in section 1902(l)(1)(A) of the Act (poverty level pregnant women) are exempt from these requirements involving paternity and obtaining medical support and payments from, or derived from, the father of the child born out of wedlock; and

    (2) Identifying and providing information to assist the Medicaid agency in pursuing third parties who may be liable to pay for care and services under the plan.

    (b) Essentials of cooperation. As part of a cooperation, the agency may require an individual to - to—

    (1) Appear at a State or local office designated by the agency to provide information or evidence relevant to the case;

    (2) Appear as a witness at a court or other proceeding;

    (3) Provide information, or attest to lack of information, under penalty of perjury;

    (4) Pay to the agency any support or medical care funds received that are covered by the assignment of rights; and

    (5) Take any other reasonable steps to assist in establishing paternity and securing medical support and payments, and in identifying and providing information to assist the State in pursuing any liable third party.

    (c) Waiver of cooperation for good cause. The agency must waive the requirements in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section if it determines that the individual has good cause for refusing to cooperate.

    (1) With respect to establishing paternity For establishing the identity of a child born out of wedlock 's parents or obtaining medical care support and payments, or identifying or providing information to assist the State in pursuing any liable third party for a child for whom the individual can legally assign rights, the agency must find the that cooperation is against the best interests of the child, in accordance with factors specified for the Child Support Enforcement Program at 45 CFR part 232. If the State title IV-A agency has made a finding that good cause for refusal to cooperate does or does not exist, the Medicaid agency must adopt that finding as its own for this purpose.

    (2) With respect to obtaining medical care support and payments for an individual and identifying and providing information to assist in pursuing liable third parties in any case not covered by paragraph (c)(1) of this section, the agency must find that cooperation is against the best interests of the individual or the person to whom Medicaid is being furnished because it is anticipated that cooperation will result in reprisal against, and cause physical or emotional harm to, the individual or other person.

    (d) Procedures for waiving cooperation. With respect to establishing paternity, obtaining medical care support and payments, or identifying and providing information to assist the State in pursuing liable third parties for a child for whom the individual can legally assign rights, the agency must use the procedures specified for the Child Support Enforcement Program at 45 CFR part 232. With respect to obtaining medical care support and payments or to identifying and providing information to assist the State in pursuing liable third parties for any other individual, the agency must adopt procedures similar to those specified in 45 CFR part 232, excluding those procedures applicable only to children.

    [45 FR 8984, Feb. 11, 1980, as amended at 55 FR 48606, Nov. 21, 1990; 58 FR 4907, Jan. 19, 1993; 81 FR 86450, Nov. 30, 2016]