Part 82 - Methods for Conducting Dose Reconstruction Under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act of 2000  

Subpart A - Introduction
§ 82.0 - Background information on this part.
§ 82.1 - What is the purpose of this part?
§ 82.2 - What are the basics of dose reconstruction?
§ 82.3 - What Are the Requirements for Dose Reconstruction Under EEOICPA?
§ 82.4 - How Will DOL Use the Results of the NIOSH Dose Reconstructions?
Subpart B - Definitions
§ 82.5 - Definition of terms used in this part.
Subpart C - Dose Reconstruction Process
§ 82.10 - Overview of the dose reconstruction process.
§ 82.11 - For which claims under EEOICPA will NIOSH conduct a dose reconstruction?
§ 82.12 - Will it be possible to conduct dose reconstructions for all claims?
§ 82.13 - What sources of information may be used for dose reconstructions?
§ 82.14 - What types of information could be used in dose reconstructions?
§ 82.15 - How will NIOSH evaluate the completeness and adequacy of individual monitoring data?
§ 82.16 - How will NIOSH add to monitoring data to remedy limitations of individual monitoring and missed dose?
§ 82.17 - What types of information could be used to supplement or substitute for individual monitoring data?
§ 82.18 - How will NIOSH calculate internal dose to the primary cancer site(s)?
§ 82.19 - How will NIOSH address uncertainty about dose levels?
Subpart D - Reporting and Review of Dose Reconstruction Results
§ 82.25 - When will NIOSH report dose reconstruction results, and to whom?
§ 82.26 - How will NIOSH report dose reconstruction results?
§ 82.27 - How can claimants obtain reviews of their NIOSH dose reconstruction results by NIOSH?
§ 82.28 - Who can review NIOSH dose reconstruction files on individual claimants?
Subpart E - Updating the Scientific Elements Underlying Dose Reconstructions
§ 82.30 - How will NIOSH inform the public of any plans to change scientific elements underlying the dose reconstruction process to maintain methods reasonably current with scientific progress?
§ 82.31 - How can the public recommend changes to scientific elements underlying the dose reconstruction process?
§ 82.32 - How will NIOSH make changes in scientific elements underlying the dose reconstruction process, based on scientific progress?
§ 82.33 - How will NIOSH inform the public of changes to the scientific elements underlying the dose reconstruction process?