§ 88.13 - Disenrollment.  

Latest version.
  • § 88.13 WTC Program Administrator's certification of health conditionsDisenrollment.

    (a) WTC-related health condition. The disenrollment of a WTC Health Program member may be initiated by the WTC Health Program in the following circumstances:

    (1) The WTC Program Administrator will review each physician determination, render a decision regarding certification, and notify the WTC responder, screening-eligible survivor, or certified-eligible survivor of the WTC Program Administrator's decision and the reason for the decision in writing.

    (2) If certification is denied, the WTC responder, screening-eligible survivor, or certified-eligible survivor may appeal the WTC Program Administrator's decision to deny certification, as provided under § 88.15.

    (b) Health condition medically associated with a WTC-related health condition.

    (1) The WTC Program Administrator will review each physician determination, render a decision regarding certification, and notify the WTC responder or certified-eligible survivor in writing of the WTC Program Administrator's decision and the reason for the decision.

    (i) In the course of review, the WTC Program Administrator may seek a recommendation about certification from a physician panel with appropriate expertise for the condition.

    (ii) [Reserved]

    (2) If certification is denied, the WTC responder or certified-eligible survivor may appeal the WTC Program Administrator's decision to deny certification, as provided under § 88.15.

    (c) Treatment pending certification. While certification is pending, authorization for treatment of a WTC-related health condition or a health condition medically associated with a WTC-related health condition shall be obtained from the WTC Program Administrator before treatment is provided, except for the provision of treatment for a medical emergency

    Health Program mistakenly enrolled an individual under § 88.4 (WTC responders) or § 88.8 (screening-eligible survivors) who did not provide sufficient proof of eligibility consistent with the required eligibility criteria; or

    (2) The WTC Health Program member's enrollment was based on incorrect or fraudulent information.

    (b) The disenrollment of a WTC Health Program member may be initiated by the enrollee for any reason.

    (c) A disenrolled WTC Health Program member will be notified in writing by the WTC Health Program of a disenrollment decision, provided an explanation, as appropriate, for the decision, and provided information on how to appeal the decision. A disenrolled WTC Health Program member disenrolled pursuant to paragraph (a) may appeal the disenrollment decision in accordance with § 88.14.

    (d) A disenrolled WTC Health Program member who has been disenrolled in accordance with paragraphs (a) or (b) of this section may seek to re-enroll in the WTC Health Program using the application and enrollment procedures, provided that the application is supported by new information.