Part 3100 - Oil and Gas Leasing  

Subpart 3100 - Onshore Oil and Gas Leasing: General
§ 3100.1 - Helium.
§ 3100.2 - Drainage.
§ 3100.0-3 - Authority.
§ 3100.3 - Authority.
§ 3100.4 - Public availability of information.
§ 3100.0-5 - Definitions.
§ 3100.5 - Definitions.
§ 3100.0-9 - Information collection.
§ 3100.9 - Information collection.
§ 3100.10 - Helium.
§ 3100.31 - Enforceability.
§ 3100.32 - Effect of option on acreage.
§ 3100.33 - Option statements.
§ 3100.40 - Public availability of information.
§ 3100.21 - Compensation for drainage.
§ 3100.22 - Drilling and production or payment of compensatory royalty.
§ 3100.2-1 - Compensation for drainage.
§ 3100.2-2 - Drilling and production or payment of compensatory royalty.
§ 3100.3-1 - Enforceability.
§ 3100.3-2 - Effect of option on acreage.
§ 3100.3-3 - Option statements.
Subpart 3101 - Issuance of Leases
§ 3101.1 - Lease terms and conditions.
§ 3101.2 - Acreage limitations.
§ 3101.3 - Leases within unit areas.
§ 3101.4 - Lands covered by application to close lands to mineral leasing.
§ 3101.5 - National Wildlife Refuge System lands.
§ 3101.6 - Recreation and public purposes lands.
§ 3101.7 - Federal lands administered by an agency outside of the Department of the Interior.
§ 3101.8 - State's or charitable organization's ownership of surface overlying Federally-owned minerals.
Acreage Limitations
§ 3101.21 - Public domain lands.
§ 3101.22 - Acquired lands.
§ 3101.23 - Excepted acreage.
§ 3101.24 - Excess acreage.
§ 3101.25 - Computation.
§ 3101.30 - Leases within unit areas, joinder evidence required.
§ 3101.40 - Terminated leases.
Federal Lands Administered by an Agency Other Than the Bureau of Land Management
§ 3101.51 - General requirements.
§ 3101.52 - Action by the Bureau of Land Management.
§ 3101.53 - Appeals.
§ 3101.60 - State's or charitable organization's ownership of surface overlying federally owned minerals.
Lease Terms and Conditions
§ 3101.11 - Lease form.
§ 3101.12 - Surface use rights.
§ 3101.13 - Stipulations and information notices.
§ 3101.14 - Modification, waiver, or exception.
§ 3101.1-1 - Lease form.
§ 3101.1-2 - Surface use rights.
§ 3101.1-3 - Stipulations and information notices.
§ 3101.1-4 - Modification or waiver of lease terms and stipulations.
§ 3101.2-1 - Public domain lands.
§ 3101.2-2 - Acquired lands.
§ 3101.2-3 - Excepted acreage.
§ 3101.2-4 - Excess acreage.
§ 3101.2-5 - Computation.
§ 3101.2-6 - Showing required.
§ 3101.3-1 - Joinder evidence required.
§ 3101.3-2 - Separate leases to issue.
§ 3101.5-1 - Wildlife refuge lands.
§ 3101.5-2 - Coordination lands.
§ 3101.5-3 - Alaska wildlife areas.
§ 3101.5-4 - Stipulations.
§ 3101.7-1 - General requirements.
§ 3101.7-2 - Action by the Bureau of Land Management.
§ 3101.7-3 - Appeals.
Subpart 3102 - Qualifications of Lessees
§ 3102.1 - Who may hold leases.
§ 3102.2 - Aliens.
§ 3102.3 - Minors.
§ 3102.4 - Signature.
§ 3102.5 - Compliance, certification of compliance and evidence.
§ 3102.10 - Who may hold leases.
§ 3102.20 - Non-U.S. Citizens.
§ 3102.30 - Minors.
§ 3102.40 - Signature.
Compliance, Certification of Compliance and Evidence
§ 3102.51 - Compliance.
§ 3102.52 - Certification of compliance.
§ 3102.53 - Evidence of compliance.
§ 3102.5-1 - Compliance.
§ 3102.5-2 - Certification of compliance.
§ 3102.5-3 - Evidence of compliance.
Subpart 3103 - Fees, Rentals and Royalty
§ 3103.1 - Fiscal terms.
§ 3103.2 - Rentals.
§ 3103.3 - Royalties.
§ 3103.4 - Production incentives.
§ 3103.31 - Royalty on production.
§ 3103.32 - Minimum royalties.
§ 3103.11 - Form of remittance.
§ 3103.12 - Where remittance is submitted.
§ 3103.21 - Rental requirements.
§ 3103.22 - Annual rental payments.
Production Incentives
§ 3103.41 - Royalty reductions.
§ 3103.42 - Suspension of operations and/or production.
§ 3103.1-1 - Form of remittance.
§ 3103.1-2 - Where submitted.
§ 3103.2-1 - Rental requirements.
§ 3103.2-2 - Annual rental payments.
§ 3103.3-1 - Royalty on production.
§ 3103.3-2 - Minimum royalties.
§ 3103.4-1 - Royalty reductions.
§ 3103.4-2 - Stripper well royalty reductions.
§ 3103.4-3 - Heavy oil royalty reductions.
§ 3103.4-4 - Suspension of operations and/or production.
Subpart 3104 - Bonds
§ 3104.1 - Bond amounts.
§ 3104.2 - Lease bond.
§ 3104.3 - Statewide and nationwide bonds.
§ 3104.4 - Unit operator's bond.
§ 3104.5 - Increased amount of bonds.
§ 3104.6 - Where filed and number of copies.
§ 3104.7 - Default.
§ 3104.8 - Termination of period of liability.
§ 3104.10 - Bond obligations.
§ 3104.20 - Lease bond.
§ 3104.30 - Statewide bonds.
§ 3104.40 - Surface owner protection bond.
§ 3104.50 - Increased amount of bonds.
§ 3104.60 - Where filed and number of copies.
§ 3104.70 - Default.
§ 3104.80 - Termination of period of liability.
§ 3104.90 - Unit Operator and nationwide bonds held prior to June 22, 2024.
Subpart 3105 - Cooperative Conservation Provisions
§ 3105.1 - Cooperative or unit agreement.
§ 3105.2 - Communitization or drilling agreements.
§ 3105.3 - Operating, drilling or development contracts.
§ 3105.4 - Combination for joint operations or for transportation of oil.
§ 3105.5 - Subsurface storage of oil and gas.
§ 3105.6 - Consolidation of leases.
§ 3105.10 - Cooperative or unit agreement.
Communitization Agreements
§ 3105.21 - Where filed.
§ 3105.22 - Purpose.
§ 3105.23 - Requirements.
§ 3105.24 - Communitization agreement terms.
Operating, Drilling, or Development Contracts
§ 3105.31 - Where filed.
§ 3105.32 - Purpose.
§ 3105.33 - Requirements.
Subsurface Storage of Oil and Gas
§ 3105.41 - Where filed.
§ 3105.42 - Purpose.
§ 3105.43 - Requirements.
§ 3105.44 - Extension of lease term.
§ 3105.50 - Consolidation of leases.
§ 3105.2-1 - Where filed.
§ 3105.2-2 - Purpose.
§ 3105.2-3 - Requirements.
§ 3105.3-1 - Where filed.
§ 3105.3-2 - Purpose.
§ 3105.3-3 - Requirements.
§ 3105.4-1 - Where filed.
§ 3105.4-2 - Purpose.
§ 3105.4-3 - Requirements.
§ 3105.4-4 - Rights-of-way.
§ 3105.5-1 - Where filed.
§ 3105.5-2 - Purpose.
§ 3105.5-3 - Requirements.
§ 3105.5-4 - Extension of lease term.
Subpart 3106 - Transfers by Assignment, Sublease or Otherwise
§ 3106.1 - Transfers, general.
§ 3106.2 - Qualifications of transferees.
§ 3106.3 - Fees.
§ 3106.4 - Forms.
§ 3106.5 - Description of lands.
§ 3106.6 - Bonds.
§ 3106.7 - Approval of transfer.
§ 3106.8 - Other types of transfers.
§ 3106.10 - Transfers, general.
§ 3106.20 - Qualifications of assignees and transferees.
§ 3106.30 - Fees.
§ 3106.41 - Transfers of record title and of operating rights (subleases).
§ 3106.42 - Transfers of other interests, including royalty interests and production payments.
§ 3106.43 - Mass transfers.
§ 3106.50 - Description of lands.
§ 3106.60 - Bond requirements.
§ 3106.71 - Failure to qualify.
§ 3106.72 - Continuing obligation of an assignor or transferor.
§ 3106.73 - Lease account status.
§ 3106.74 - Effective date of transfer.
§ 3106.75 - Effect of transfer.
§ 3106.76 - Obligations of assignee or transferee.
Other Types of Transfers
§ 3106.81 - Heirs and devisees.
§ 3106.82 - Change of name.
§ 3106.83 - Corporate mergers and dissolution of corporations, partnerships, and trusts.
§ 3106.84 - Sheriff's sale/deed.
§ 3106.4-1 - Transfers of record title and of operating rights (subleases).
§ 3106.4-2 - Transfers of other interests, including royalty interests and production payments.
§ 3106.4-3 - Mass transfers.
§ 3106.6-1 - Lease bond.
§ 3106.6-2 - Statewide/nationwide bond.
§ 3106.7-1 - Failure to qualify.
§ 3106.7-2 - If I transfer my lease, what is my continuing obligation?
§ 3106.7-3 - Lease account status.
§ 3106.7-4 - Effective date of transfer.
§ 3106.7-5 - Effect of transfer.
§ 3106.7-6 - If I acquire a lease by an assignment or transfer, what obligations do I agree to assume?
§ 3106.8-1 - Heirs and devisees.
§ 3106.8-2 - Change of name.
§ 3106.8-3 - Corporate merger.
Subpart 3107 - Continuation, Extension or Renewal
§ 3107.1 - Extension by drilling.
§ 3107.2 - Production.
§ 3107.3 - Extension for terms of cooperative or unit plan.
§ 3107.4 - Extension by elimination.
§ 3107.5 - Extension of leases segregated by assignment.
§ 3107.6 - Extension of reinstated leases.
§ 3107.7 - Exchange leases: 20-year term.
§ 3107.8 - Renewal leases.
§ 3107.9 - Other types.
§ 3107.10 - Extension by drilling.
§ 3107.21 - Continuation by production.
§ 3107.22 - Cessation of production.
§ 3107.23 - Leases capable of production.
Extension of Leases Within Agreements
§ 3107.31 - Leases committed to an agreement.
§ 3107.32 - Segregation of leases committed in part.
§ 3107.40 - Extension by elimination.
Other Extension Types
§ 3107.71 - Payment of compensatory royalty.
§ 3107.72 - Subsurface storage of oil and gas.
Extension of Leases Segregated by Assignment
§ 3107.51 - Extension after discovery on other segregated portions.
§ 3107.52 - Undeveloped parts of leases in their extended term.
§ 3107.53 - Undeveloped parts of producing leases.
§ 3107.60 - Extension of reinstated leases.
§ 3107.2-1 - Continuation by production.
§ 3107.2-2 - Cessation of production.
§ 3107.2-3 - Leases capable of production.
§ 3107.3-1 - Leases committed to plan.
§ 3107.3-2 - Segregation of leases committed in part.
§ 3107.3-3 - 20-year lease or any renewal thereof.
§ 3107.5-1 - Extension after discovery on other segregated portions.
§ 3107.5-2 - Undeveloped parts of leases in their extended term.
§ 3107.5-3 - Undeveloped parts of producing leases.
§ 3107.8-1 - Requirements.
§ 3107.8-2 - Application.
§ 3107.8-3 - Approval.
§ 3107.9-1 - Payment of compensatory royalty.
§ 3107.9-2 - Subsurface storage of oil and gas.
Subpart 3108 - Relinquishment, Termination, Cancellation
§ 3108.1 - As a lessee, may I relinquish my lease?
§ 3108.2 - Termination by operation of law and reinstatement.
§ 3108.3 - Cancellation.
§ 3108.4 - Bona fide purchasers.
§ 3108.5 - Waiver or suspension of lease rights.
§ 3108.10 - Relinquishment.
Termination by Operation of Law and Reinstatement
§ 3108.21 - Automatic termination.
§ 3108.22 - Reinstatement at existing rental and royalty rates: Class I reinstatements.
§ 3108.23 - Reinstatement at higher rental and royalty rates: Class II reinstatements.
§ 3108.30 - Cancellation.
§ 3108.40 - Bona fide purchasers.
§ 3108.50 - Waiver or suspension of lease rights.
§ 3108.2-1 - Automatic termination.
§ 3108.2-2 - Reinstatement at existing rental and royalty rates: Class I reinstatements.
§ 3108.2-3 - Reinstatement at higher rental and royalty rates: Class II reinstatements.
§ 3108.2-4 - Conversion of unpatented oil placer mining claims: Class III reinstatements.
Subpart 3109 - Leasing Under Special Acts
§ 3109.1 - Rights-of-way.
§ 3109.2 - Units of the National Park System.
§ 3109.3 - Shasta and Trinity Units of the Whiskeytown-Shasta-Trinity National Recreation Area.
§ 3109.11 - Generally.
§ 3109.12 - Application.
§ 3109.13 - Notice.
§ 3109.14 - Award of lease or compensatory royalty agreement.
§ 3109.15 - Compensatory royalty agreement or lease.
§ 3109.20 - Units of the National Park System.
§ 3109.30 - Shasta and Trinity Units of the Whiskeytown-Shasta-Trinity National Recreation Area.
§ 3109.1-1 - Generally.
§ 3109.1-2 - Application.
§ 3109.1-3 - Notice.
§ 3109.1-4 - Award of lease or compensatory royalty agreement.
§ 3109.1-5 - Compensatory royalty agreement or lease.
§ 3109.2-1 - Authority to lease. [Reserved]
§ 3109.2-2 - Area subject to lease. [Reserved]