§ 3179.401 - Deference to tribal regulations.

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  • § 3179.401 State or tribal requests for variances from the requirements of this subpartDeference to tribal regulations.


    (1) At the request of a State (for Federal land) or a tribe (for Indian lands), the BLM State Director may grant a variance from any provision(s) of this Subpart that would apply to all Federal leases, units, or communitized areas within a State or to all tribal leases, units, or communitized areas within that tribe's lands, or to specific fields or basins within the State or that tribe's lands, if the BLM finds that the variance would meet the criteria in paragraph (b) of this section.

    (2) A State or tribal variance request must:

    (i) Identify the provision(s) of this subpart from which the State or tribe is requesting the variance;

    (ii) Identify the State, local, or tribal regulation(s) or rule(s) that would be applied in place of the provision(s) of this subpart;

    (iii) Explain why the variance is needed; and

    (iv) Demonstrate how the State, local, or tribal regulation(s) or rule(s) would perform at least equally well in terms of reducing waste of oil and gas, reducing environmental impacts from venting and or flaring of gas, and ensuring the safe and responsible production of oil and gas, compared to the particular provision(s) from which the State or tribe is requesting the variance.

    (b) The BLM State Director, after considering all relevant factors, may approve the request for a variance, or approve it with one or more conditions, only if the BLM determines that the State, local or tribal regulation(s) or rule(s) would perform at least equally well in terms of reducing waste of oil and gas, reducing environmental impacts from venting and/or flaring of gas, and ensuring the safe and responsible production of oil and gas, compared to the particular provision(s) from which the State or tribe is requesting the variance, and would be consistent with the terms of the affected Federal or Indian leases and applicable statutes. The decision to grant or deny the variance will be in writing and is within the BLM's discretion. The decision on a variance request is not subject to administrative appeals under 43 CFR part 4.

    (c) A variance from any particular requirement of this rule does not constitute a variance from provisions of other regulations, laws, or orders.

    (d) The BLM reserves the right to rescind a variance or modify any condition of approval.

    (e) If the BLM approves a variance under this section, the State or tribe that requested the variance must notify the BLM in writing in a timely manner of any substantive amendments, revisions, or other changes to the State, local or tribal regulation(s) or rule(s) to be applied under the variance.

    (f) If the BLM approves a variance under this section, the State, local or tribal regulation(s) or rule(s) to be applied under the variance can be enforced by the BLM as if the regulation(s) or rule(s) were provided for in this Subpart. The State, locality, or tribes' own authority to enforce its regulation(s) or rule(s) to be applied under the variance would not be affected by the BLM's approval of a variance

    A tribe that has rules, regulations, or orders that are applicable to any of the matters addressed in this subpart may seek approval from the BLM to have such rules, regulations, or orders apply in place of any or all of the provisions of this subpart with respect to lands and minerals over which that tribe has jurisdiction.

    (b) The BLM will approve a tribe's request under paragraph (a) to the extent that it is consistent with the BLM's trust responsibility.

    (c) The deference to tribal rules, regulations, or orders provided for in this section is supplemental to, and does not limit, the deference to tribal rules, regulations, or orders provided for in § 3179.201.