§ 4.202 - General authority of administrative law judges.

Latest version.
  • Administrative law judges shall determine the heirs of Indians who die intestate possessed of trust property, except as otherwise provided in §§ 4.205(b) and 4.271; approve or disapprove wills of deceased Indians disposing of trust property; accept or reject full or partial renunciations of interest in both testate and intestate proceedings; allow or disallow creditors’ claims against estates of deceased Indians; and decree the distribution of trust property to heirs and devisees, including the partial distribution to known heirs or devisees where one or more potential heirs or devisees are missing but not presumed dead, after attributing to and setting aside for such missing person or persons the share or shares such person or persons would be entitled to if living. They shall determine the right of a tribe to take inherited interests and the fair market value of the interests taken in appropriate cases as provided by statute. They shall hold hearings and issue recommended decisions in matters referred to them by the Board in the Board's consideration of appeals from administrative actions of officials of the Bureau of Indian Affairs.