§ 4130.3-3 - Modification of permits or leases.  

Latest version.
  • § 4130.3-3 Modification of permits or leases.

    (a) Following consultation, cooperation, and coordination with the affected lessees or permittees and the state having lands or responsibility for managing resources within the area, the authorized officer may modify terms and conditions of the permit or lease when the active use or related management practices:

    (1) Do not meet management objectives specified in:

    (i) The land use plan;

    (ii) The pertinent allotment management plan or other activity plan; or

    (iii) An applicable decision issued under § 4160.3; or

    (2) Do not conform to the provisions of subpart 4180 of this part.

    (b) To the extent practical, during the preparation of reports that evaluate monitoring and other data that the authorized officer uses as a basis for making decisions to increase or decrease grazing use, or otherwise to change the terms and conditions of a permit or lease, the authorized officer will provide the following with an opportunity to review and offer input:

    (1) Affected permittees or lessees;

    (2) States having lands or responsibility for managing resources within the affected area; and

    (3) The interested public.

    [71 FR 39506, July 12, 2006]