Part 2880 - Rights-of-Way Under the Mineral Leasing Act  

Subpart 2880 - Oil and Natural Gas Pipelines and Related Facilities: General
§ 2880.0-3 - Authority.
§ 2880.0-5 - Definitions.
§ 2880.0-7 - Scope.
§ 2880.0-9 - Information collection.
Subpart 2881 - General Information
§ 2881.1 - Nature of interest.
§ 2881.2 - What is the objective of BLM's right-of-way program?
§ 2881.3 - Unauthorized use, occupancy or development.
§ 2881.5 - What acronyms and terms are used in the regulations in this part?
§ 2881.7 - Scope.
§ 2881.8 - Severability.
§ 2881.9 - Severability.
§ 2881.10 - How do I appeal a BLM decision issued under the regulations in this part?
§ 2881.11 - When do I need a grant from BLM for an oil and gas pipeline?
§ 2881.12 - When do I need a TUP for an oil and gas pipeline?
§ 2881.1-1 - Nature of right-of-way interest.
§ 2881.1-2 - Nature of temporary use permit interest.
§ 2881.1-3 - Reservation of rights to the United States.
Subpart 2882 - Lands Available for MLA Grants and TUPs
§ 2882.1 - Preapplication activity.
§ 2882.2 - Requirements for applications for right-of-way grants and temporary use permits.
§ 2882.3 - Application processing.
§ 2882.4 - Interagency agreements.
§ 2882.10 - What lands are available for grants or TUPs?
§ 2882.2-1 - Applicant qualifications.
§ 2882.2-2 - Application filing.
§ 2882.2-3 - Application content.
Subpart 2883 - Qualifications for Holding MLA Grants and TUPs
§ 2883.1 - General requirements.
§ 2883.2 - Holder activity.
§ 2883.3 - Construction procedures.
§ 2883.4 - Operation and maintenance.
§ 2883.5 - Immediate temporary suspension of activities.
§ 2883.6 - Suspension and termination of right-of-way grants and temporary use permits.
§ 2883.7 - Change in Federal jurisdiction or disposal of lands.
§ 2883.8 - Restoration of Federal lands.
§ 2883.10 - Who may hold a grant or TUP?
§ 2883.11 - Who may not hold a grant or TUP?
§ 2883.12 - How do I prove I am qualified to hold a grant or TUP?
§ 2883.13 - What happens if BLM issues me a grant or TUP and later determines that I am not qualified to hold it?
§ 2883.14 - What happens to my grant or TUP if I die?
§ 2883.1-1 - Cost reimbursement.
§ 2883.1-2 - Rental payments.
§ 2883.1-3 - Bonding.
§ 2883.1-4 - Liability.
§ 2883.1-5 - Common carriers.
§ 2883.1-6 - Export.
§ 2883.6-1 - Suspension and termination of right-of-way grants.
§ 2883.6-2 - Suspension and termination of temporary permits.
Subpart 2884 - Applying for MLA Grants or TUPs
§ 2804.1 - Appeals procedure.
§ 2884.10 - What should I do before I file my application?
§ 2884.11 - What information must I submit in my application?
§ 2884.12 - What are the fee categories for cost recovery?
§ 2884.13 - When will the BLM waive cost recovery fees?
§ 2884.14 - When does the BLM reevaluate the cost recovery fees?
§ 2884.15 - What is a Master Agreement (Cost Recovery Category 5) and what information must I provide to the BLM when I request one?
§ 2884.16 - What provisions do Master Agreements contain and what are their limitations?
§ 2884.17 - How will the BLM manage my Category 6 project?
§ 2884.18 - What if there are two or more competing applications for the same pipeline?
§ 2884.19 - Where do I file my application for a grant or TUP?
§ 2884.20 - What are the public notification requirements for my application?
§ 2884.21 - How will BLM process my application?
§ 2884.22 - Can BLM ask me for additional information?
§ 2884.23 - Under what circumstances may BLM deny my application?
§ 2884.24 - What fees must I pay if the BLM denies my application, or if I withdraw my application or relinquish my grant or TUP?
§ 2884.25 - What activities may I conduct on BLM lands covered by my application for a grant or TUP while BLM is processing my application?
§ 2884.26 - When will BLM issue a grant or TUP when the lands are managed by two or more Federal agencies?
§ 2884.27 - What additional requirements are necessary for grants for pipelines 24 or more inches in diameter?
§ 2884.30 - Showing of good cause.
Subpart 2885 - Terms and Conditions of MLA Grants and TUPs
§ 2885.10 - When is a grant or TUP effective?
§ 2885.11 - What terms and conditions must I comply with?
§ 2885.12 - What rights does a grant or TUP provide?
§ 2885.13 - What rights does the United States retain?
§ 2885.14 - What happens if I need a right-of-way wider than 50 feet plus the ground occupied by the pipeline and related facilities?
§ 2885.15 - How will BLM charge me rent?
§ 2885.16 - When do I pay rent?
§ 2885.17 - What happens if I do not pay rents and fees or if I pay the rents or fees late?
§ 2885.18 - When must I make estimated rent payments to BLM?
§ 2885.19 - What is the rent for a linear right-of-way grant?
§ 2885.20 - How will the BLM calculate my rent for linear rights-of-way the Per Acre Rent Schedule covers?
§ 2885.21 - How must I make rental payments for a linear grant or TUP?
§ 2885.22 - How may I make rental payments when land encumbered by my term or perpetual linear grant is being transferred out of Federal ownership?
§ 2885.23 - How will BLM calculate rent for communication uses ancillary to a linear grant, TUP, or other use authorization?
§ 2885.24 - If I hold a grant or TUP, what cost recovery fees must I pay?
§ 2885.25 - When do I pay monitoring fees?
Subpart 2886 - Operations on MLA Grants and TUPs
§ 2886.10 - When can I start activities under my grant or TUP?
§ 2886.11 - Who regulates activities within my right-of-way or TUP area?
§ 2886.12 - When must I contact BLM during operations?
§ 2886.13 - If I hold a grant or TUP, for what am I liable?
§ 2886.14 - As grant or TUP holders, what liabilities do state, tribal, and local governments have?
§ 2886.15 - How is grant or TUP administration affected if the BLM land my grant or TUP encumbers is transferred to another Federal agency or out of Federal ownership?
§ 2886.16 - Under what conditions may BLM order an immediate temporary suspension of my activities?
§ 2886.17 - Under what conditions may BLM suspend or terminate my grant or TUP?
§ 2886.18 - How will I know that BLM intends to suspend or terminate my grant or TUP?
§ 2886.19 - When my grant or TUP terminates, what happens to any facilities on it?
Subpart 2887 - Amending, Assigning, or Renewing MLA Grants and TUPs
§ 2887.0-3 - Authority.
§ 2887.10 - When must I amend my application, seek an amendment of my grant or TUP, or obtain a new grant or TUP?
§ 2887.11 - May I assign or make other changes to my grant or TUP?
§ 2887.12 - How do I renew my grant?
Subpart 2888 - Trespass
§ 2888.10 - What is trespass?
§ 2888.11 - May I receive a grant if I am or have been in trespass?