Part 2560 - Alaska Occupancy and Use  

Subpart 2561 - Native Allotments
§ 2561.1 - Applications.
§ 2561.0-2 - Objectives.
§ 2561.2 - Proof of use and occupancy.
§ 2561.0-3 - Authority.
§ 2561.3 - Effect of allotment.
§ 2561.0-5 - Definitions.
§ 2561.0-8 - Lands subject to allotment.
Subpart 2562 - Trade and Manufacturing Sites
§ 2562.1 - Initiation of claim.
§ 2562.2 - Qualifications of applicant.
§ 2562.0-3 - Authority.
§ 2562.3 - Applications.
§ 2562.4 - Survey.
§ 2562.5 - Publication and posting.
§ 2562.6 - Form of entry.
§ 2562.7 - Patent.
Subpart 2563 - Homesites or Headquarters
§ 2563.1 - Purchase of tracts not exceeding 5 acres, on showing as to employment or business (Act of March 3, 1927).
§ 2563.0-2 - Purpose.
§ 2563.2 - Purchase of tracts not exceeding 5 acres, without showing as to employment or business (Act of May 26, 1934).
§ 2563.0-3 - Authority.
§ 2563.0-7 - Cross references.
§ 2563.1-1 - Application.
§ 2563.1-2 - Approval.
§ 2563.2-1 - Procedures for initiating claim.
Subpart 2564 - Native Townsites
§ 2564.1 - Application for restricted deed.
§ 2564.2 - No payment, publication or proof required on entry for native towns.
§ 2564.0-3 - Authority.
§ 2564.3 - Native towns occupied partly by white occupants.
§ 2564.0-4 - Responsibility.
§ 2564.4 - Provisions to be inserted in restricted deeds.
§ 2564.5 - Sale of land for which restricted deed was issued.
§ 2564.6 - Application for unrestricted deed.
§ 2564.7 - Determination of competency or noncompetency; issuance of unrestricted deed.
Subpart 2565 - Non-native Townsites
§ 2565.1 - General requirements.
§ 2565.2 - Application; fees; contests and protests.
§ 2565.0-3 - Authority.
§ 2565.3 - Subdivision.
§ 2565.4 - Deeds.
§ 2565.5 - Sale of the land.
§ 2565.6 - Rights-of-way.
§ 2565.0-7 - Cross reference.
§ 2565.7 - Final report of trustee; disposition of unexpended moneys and unsold lots.
§ 2565.8 - Records to be kept by trustee.
§ 2565.9 - Disposition of records on completion of trust.
Subpart 2566 - Alaska Railroad Townsites
§ 2566.1 - General procedures.
§ 2566.2 - Public sale.
§ 2566.0-3 - Authority.
§ 2566.0-7 - Cross references.
Subpart 2568 - Alaska Native Allotments For Certain Veterans
Alternative Allotments
§ 2568.110 - If I qualify for Federal land in one of the categories BLM cannot convey, is there any other way for me to receive an allotment?
§ 2568.111 - What if BLM decides that I qualify for land that is in the category of Federal land that BLM cannot convey?
§ 2568.112 - What do I do if BLM notifies me that I am eligible to choose an alternative allotment?
§ 2568.113 - Do I have to prove that I used and occupied the land I've chosen as an alternative allotment?
§ 2568.114 - How do I apply for an alternative allotment if the CSU manager determines my application is inconsistent with a CSU?
§ 2568.115 - When must I apply for an alternative allotment if the CSU manager determines my application is inconsistent with a CSU?
Available Lands—Conservation System Units (CSU)
Available Lands—General
Applying for an Allotment
§ 2568.70 - If I am qualified for an allotment, when can I apply?
§ 2568.71 - Where do I file my application?
§ 2568.72 - When does BLM consider my application to be filed too late?
§ 2568.73 - Do I need to fill out a special application form?
§ 2568.74 - What else must I file with my application?
§ 2568.75 - Must I include a Certificate of Indian Blood as well as a Department of Defense verification of qualifying military service when I file my application with BLM?
§ 2568.76 - Do I need to pay any fees when I file my application?
§ 2568.77 - [Reserved]
§ 2568.78 - Will my application segregate the land for which I am applying from other applications or land actions?
§ 2568.79 - Are there any rules about the number and size of parcels?
§ 2568.80 - Does the parcel have to be surveyed before I can receive title to it?
§ 2568.81 - If BLM finds errors in my application, will BLM give me a chance to correct them?
§ 2568.82 - If BLM decides that I have not submitted enough information to show qualifying use and occupancy, will it reject my application or give me a chance to submit more information?
§ 2568.10 - What Alaska Native allotment benefits are available to certain Alaska Native veterans?
Regulatory Authority
§ 2568.20 - What is the legal authority for these allotments?
§ 2568.21 - Do other regulations directly apply to these regulations?
Available Lands - General
§ 2568.90 - If I qualify for an allotment, what land may BLM convey to me?
§ 2568.91 - Is there land owned by the Federal government that BLM cannot convey to me even if I qualify?
§ 2568.92 - [Reserved]
§ 2568.93 - Is there a limit to how much water frontage my allotment can include?
§ 2568.94 - Can I receive an allotment of land that is valuable for minerals?
§ 2568.95 - Will BLM try to reacquire land that has been conveyed out of Federal ownership so it can convey that land to a Native veteran?
§ 2568.30 - What terms do I need to know to understand these regulations?
§ 2568.120 - What can I do if I disagree with any of the decisions that are made about my allotment application?
§ 2568.121 - If an agency determines my allotment is inconsistent with the purposes of a CSU, what can I do if I disagree?
§ 2568.122 - What then does the CSU manager do with my request for reconsideration?
§ 2568.123 - Can I appeal the CSU Manager's reconsidered decision if I disagree with it?
Personal Representatives
§ 2568.60 - May the personal representatives of eligible deceased veterans apply on their behalf?
§ 2568.61 - What are the requirements for a personal representative?
§ 2568.62 - Under what circumstances does BLM accept the appointment of a personal representative?
§ 2568.63 - Under what circumstances does BLM reject the appointment of a personal representative?
§ 2568.64 - Are there different requirements for giving an allotment to the estate of a deceased veteran?
Who Is Qualified for an Allotment
§ 2568.50 - What qualifications do I need to be eligible for an allotment?
Information Collection
§ 2568.40 - Does BLM have the authority to ask me for the information required in these regulations?
Available Lands - Conservation System Units (CSU)
§ 2568.100 - What is a CSU?
§ 2568.101 - If the land I used and occupied is within a CSU other than a National Wilderness or any part of a National Forest, can I receive a title to it?
§ 2568.102 - Is the process by which the managing agency decides whether my allotment is not inconsistent with the CSU the same as other such determination processes?
§ 2568.103 - By what process does the managing agency of a CSU decide if my allotment would be consistent with the CSU?
§ 2568.104 - How will a CSU manager determine if my allotment is consistent with the CSU?
§ 2568.105 - In what situations could a CSU manager likely find an allotment to be consistent with the CSU?
§ 2568.106 - In what situations could a CSU manager generally find an allotment to be inconsistent with the purposes of a CSU?
Subpart 2569 - Alaska Native Vietnam-Era Veterans Land Allotments
General Provisions
§ 2569.100 - What is the purpose of this subpart?
§ 2569.101 - What is the legal authority for this subpart?
§ 2569.201 - What terms do I need to know to understand this subpart?
Processing the Application
§ 2569.501 - What will the BLM do with my application after it is received?
§ 2569.502 - What if more than one Eligible Individual applies for the same lands?
§ 2569.503 - What if my application includes lands that are not available Federal lands?
§ 2569.504 - Once I file, can I change my land selection?
§ 2569.505 - Does the selection need to be surveyed before I can receive title to it?
§ 2569.506 - How will the BLM convey the land?
§ 2569.507 - What should I do if the Eligible Individual dies or becomes incapacitated during the application process?
§ 2569.801 - What can I do if I disagree with any of the Decisions that are made about my allotment application?
Applying for an Allotment
§ 2569.401 - When can I apply for an allotment under this subpart?
§ 2569.402 - Do I need to fill out a special application form?
§ 2569.403 - How do I obtain a copy of the application form?
§ 2569.404 - What must I file with my application form?
§ 2569.405 - What are the special provisions that apply to selections that include State or Native corporation selected land?
§ 2569.406 - What are the rules about the number of parcels and size of the parcel for my selection?
§ 2569.407 - Is there a limit to how much water frontage my selection can include?
§ 2569.408 - Do I need to pay any fees when I file my application?
§ 2569.409 - Where do I file my application?
§ 2569.410 - What will the BLM do if it finds an error in my application?
§ 2569.411 - When is my application considered received by the BLM?
§ 2569.412 - Where can I go for help with filling out an application?
§ 2569.413 - How will I receive Notices and Decisions?
§ 2569.414 - May I request an extension of time to respond to Notices?
Available Federal Lands - General
§ 2569.601 - What lands are available for selection?
§ 2569.602 - How will the BLM certify that the land is free of known contaminants?
§ 2569.603 - Are lands that contain minerals available?
§ 2569.604 - What happens if new lands become available?
Who Is Qualified for an Allotment
§ 2569.301 - How will the BLM let me know if I am an Eligible Individual?
§ 2569.302 - What if I believe I am an Eligible Individual, but I was not notified by the BLM?
§ 2569.303 - Who may apply for an allotment under this subpart on behalf of another person?
National Wildlife Refuge System
§ 2569.701 - If Congress makes lands available within a National Wildlife Refuge, what additional rules apply?