Part 3170 - Onshore Oil and Gas Production  

Subpart 3170 - Onshore Oil and Gas Production: General
§ 3170.1 - Authority.
§ 3170.2 - Scope.
§ 3170.3 - Definitions and acronyms.
§ 3170.4 - Prohibitions against by-pass and tampering.
§ 3170.5 - [Reserved]
§ 3170.6 - Variances.
§ 3170.7 - Required recordkeeping, records retention, and records submission.
§ 3170.8 - Appeal procedures.
§ 3170.9 - Enforcement.
Subpart 3173 - Requirements for Site Security and Production Handling
§ 3173.1 - Definitions and acronyms.
§ 3173.2 - Storage and sales facilities - seals.
§ 3173.3 - Oil measurement system components - seals.
§ 3173.4 - Federal seals.
§ 3173.5 - Removing production from tanks for sale and transportation by truck.
§ 3173.6 - Water-draining operations.
§ 3173.7 - Hot oiling, clean-up, and completion operations.
§ 3173.8 - Report of theft or mishandling of production.
§ 3173.9 - Required recordkeeping for inventory and seal records.
§ 3173.10 - Form 3160-5, Sundry Notices and Reports on Wells.
§ 3173.11 - Site facility diagram.
§ 3173.12 - Applying for a facility measurement point.
§ 3173.13 - Requirements for approved facility measurement points.
§ 3173.14 - Conditions for commingling and allocation approval (surface and downhole).
§ 3173.15 - Applying for a commingling and allocation approval.
§ 3173.16 - Existing commingling and allocation approvals.
§ 3173.17 - Relationship of a commingling and allocation approval to royalty-free use of production.
§ 3173.18 - Modification of a commingling and allocation approval.
§ 3173.19 - Effective date of a commingling and allocation approval.
§ 3173.20 - Terminating a commingling and allocation approval.
§ 3173.21 - Combining production downhole in certain circumstances.
§ 3173.22 - Requirements for off-lease measurement.
§ 3173.23 - Applying for off-lease measurement.
§ 3173.24 - Effective date of an off-lease measurement approval.
§ 3173.25 - Existing approved off-lease measurement.
§ 3173.26 - Relationship of off-lease measurement approval to royalty-free use of production.
§ 3173.27 - Termination of off-lease measurement approval.
§ 3173.28 - Instances not constituting off-lease measurement, for which no approval is required.
§ 3173.29 - Immediate assessments for certain violations.
Appendix A to Subpart 3173 - Examples of Site Facility Diagrams
Appendix A to Subpart 3173 of Part 3170 - Examples of Site Facility Diagrams
Subpart 3174 - Measurement of Oil
§ 3174.1 - Definitions and acronyms.
§ 3174.2 - General requirements.
§ 3174.3 - Incorporation by reference (IBR).
§ 3174.4 - Specific measurement performance requirements.
§ 3174.5 - Oil measurement by tank gauging - general requirements.
§ 3174.6 - Oil measurement by tank gauging - procedures.
§ 3174.7 - LACT system - general requirements.
§ 3174.8 - LACT system - components and operating requirements.
§ 3174.9 - Coriolis measurement systems (CMS) - general requirements and components.
§ 3174.10 - Coriolis meter for LACT and CMS measurement applications - operating requirements.
§ 3174.11 - Meter-proving requirements.
§ 3174.12 - Measurement tickets.
§ 3174.13 - Oil measurement by other methods.
§ 3174.14 - Determination of oil volumes by methods other than measurement.
§ 3174.15 - Immediate assessments.
Subpart 3175 - Measurement of Gas
§ 3175.10 - Definitions and acronyms.
§ 3175.20 - General requirements.
§ 3175.30 - Incorporation by reference.
§ 3175.31 - Specific performance requirements.
§ 3175.40 - Measurement equipment approved by standard or make and model.
§ 3175.41 - Flange-tapped orifice plates.
§ 3175.42 - Chart recorders.
§ 3175.43 - Transducers.
§ 3175.44 - Flow-computer software.
§ 3175.45 - Gas chromatographs.
§ 3175.46 - Isolating flow conditioners.
§ 3175.47 - Differential primary devices other than flange-tapped orifice plates.
§ 3175.48 - Linear measurement devices.
§ 3175.49 - Accounting systems.
§ 3175.60 - Timeframes for compliance.
§ 3175.61 - Grandfathering.
§ 3175.70 - Measurement location.
§ 3175.80 - Flange-tapped orifice plates (primary devices).
§ 3175.90 - Mechanical recorder (secondary device).
§ 3175.91 - Installation and operation of mechanical recorders.
§ 3175.92 - Verification and calibration of mechanical recorders.
§ 3175.93 - Integration statements.
§ 3175.94 - Volume determination.
§ 3175.100 - Electronic gas measurement (secondary and tertiary device).
§ 3175.101 - Installation and operation of electronic gas measurement systems.
§ 3175.102 - Verification and calibration of electronic gas measurement systems.
§ 3175.103 - Flow rate, volume, and average value calculation.
§ 3175.104 - Logs and records.
§ 3175.110 - Gas sampling and analysis.
§ 3175.111 - General sampling requirements.
§ 3175.112 - Sampling probe and tubing.
§ 3175.113 - Spot samples - general requirements.
§ 3175.114 - Spot samples - allowable methods.
§ 3175.115 - Spot samples - frequency.
§ 3175.116 - Composite sampling methods.
§ 3175.117 - On-line gas chromatographs.
§ 3175.118 - Gas chromatograph requirements.
§ 3175.119 - Components to analyze.
§ 3175.120 - Gas analysis report requirements.
§ 3175.121 - Effective date of a spot or composite gas sample.
§ 3175.125 - Calculation of heating value and volume
§ 3175.126 - Reporting of heating value and volume.
§ 3175.130 - Transducer testing protocol.
§ 3175.131 - General requirements for transducer testing.
§ 3175.132 - Testing of reference accuracy.
§ 3175.133 - Testing of influence effects.
§ 3175.134 - Transducer test reporting.
§ 3175.135 - Uncertainty determination.
§ 3175.140 - Flow-computer software testing.
§ 3175.141 - General requirements for flow-computer software testing.
§ 3175.142 - Required static tests.
§ 3175.143 - Required dynamic tests.
§ 3175.144 - Flow-computer software test reporting.
§ 3175.150 - Immediate assessments.
Appendix A to Subpart 3175 - Table of Atmospheric Pressures
Appendix A to Subpart 3175 of Part 3170 - Table of Atmospheric Pressures
Subpart 3178 - Royalty-Free Use of Lease Production
§ 3178.1 - Purpose.
§ 3178.2 - Scope.
§ 3178.3 - Production on which royalty is not due.
§ 3178.4 - Uses of oil or gas on a lease, unit, or communitized area that do not require prior written BLM approval for royalty-free treatment of volumes used.
§ 3178.5 - Uses of oil or gas on a lease, unit, or communitized area that require prior written BLM approval for royalty-free treatment of volumes used.
§ 3178.6 - Uses of oil or gas moved off the lease, unit, or communitized area that do not require prior written approval for royalty-free treatment of volumes used.
§ 3178.7 - Uses of oil or gas moved off the lease, unit, or communitized area that require prior written approval for royalty-free treatment of volumes used.
§ 3178.8 - Measurement or estimation of volumes of oil or gas that are used royalty-free.
§ 3178.9 - Requesting approval of royalty-free treatment when approval is required.
§ 3178.10 - Facility and equipment ownership.
Subpart 3179 - Waste Prevention and Resource Conservation
§ 3179.1 - Purpose.
§ 3179.2 - Scope.
§ 3179.3 - Definitions and acronyms.
§ 3179.4 - Determining when the loss of oil or gas is avoidable or unavoidable.
§ 3179.5 - When lost production is subject to royalty.
§ 3179.6 - Venting limitations.
§ 3179.7 - Gas capture requirement.
§ 3179.8 - Alternative capture requirement.
§ 3179.9 - Measuring and reporting volumes of gas vented and flared.
§ 3179.10 - Definitions and acronyms.
§ 3179.11 - Severability.
§ 3179.12 - Coordination with State regulatory authority.
§ 3179.30 - Incorporation by Reference (IBR).
§ 3179.40 - Reasonable precautions to prevent waste.
§ 3179.41 - Determining when the loss of oil or gas is avoidable or unavoidable.
§ 3179.42 - When lost production is subject to royalty.
§ 3179.43 - Data submission and notification requirements.
§ 3179.50 - Safety.
§ 3179.60 - Gas-well gas.
§ 3179.70 - Oil-well gas.
§ 3179.71 - Measurement of flared oil-well gas volume.
§ 3179.72 - Required reporting and recordkeeping of vented and flared gas volumes.
§ 3179.73 - Prior determinations regarding royalty-free flaring.
Measurement and Reporting Responsibilities
§ 3179.301 - Measuring and reporting volumes of gas vented and flared.
§ 3179.302 - Approved instruments and methods.
§ 3179.303 - Leak detection inspection requirements for natural gas wellhead equipment and other equipment.
§ 3179.304 - Repairing leaks.
§ 3179.305 - Leak detection inspection recordkeeping and reporting.
State or Tribal Variances
Additional Deference to Tribal Regulations
§ 3179.401 - Deference to tribal regulations.
Gas Flared or Vented from Equipment and During Well Maintenance Operations
§ 3179.90 - Oil storage tank vapors.
§ 3179.91 - Downhole well maintenance and liquids unloading.
§ 3179.92 - Size of production equipment.
Immediate Assessments
§ 3179.200 - Immediate assessments
Flaring and Venting Gas During Drilling and Production Operations
§ 3179.80 - Loss of well control while drilling.
§ 3179.81 - Well completion or recompletion flaring allowance.
§ 3179.82 - Subsequent well tests for an existing completion.
§ 3179.83 - Emergencies.
§ 3170.3170 - Subpt. 3179, Nt. Well drilling.
Other Venting or Flaring
§ 3179.201 - Oil-well gas.
§ 3179.202 - Requirements for pneumatic diaphragm pumps.
§ 3179.203 - Storage vessels.
§ 3179.204 - Downhole well maintenance and liquids unloading.
Authorized Flaring and Venting of Gas
§ 3179.103 - Emergencies.
§ 3179.104 - Downhole well maintenance and liquids unloading.
§ 3179.105 - Emergencies.
Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR)
§ 3179.100 - Leak detection and repair program.
§ 3179.101 - Repairing leaks.
§ 3179.102 - Required recordkeeping for leak detection and repair.
Subpart 3171 - Approval of Operations
§ 3171.1 - Authority.
§ 3171.2 - Purpose.
§ 3171.3 - Scope.
§ 3171.4 - Definitions.
§ 3171.5 - Application for Permit to Drill (APD).
§ 3171.6 - Components of a complete APD package.
§ 3171.7 - Drilling plan.
§ 3171.8 - Surface Use Plan of Operations.
§ 3171.9 - Bonding.
§ 3171.10 - Operator certification.
§ 3171.11 - Onsite inspection.
§ 3171.12 - APD posting and processing.
§ 3171.13 - Approval of APDs.
§ 3171.14 - Valid period of approved APD.
§ 3171.15 - Master Development Plans.
§ 3171.16 - Waiver from electronic submission requirements.
§ 3171.17 - General operating requirements—operator responsibilities.
§ 3171.18 - Rights-of-Way and Special Use Authorizations.
§ 3171.19 - Operating on lands with non-Federal surface and Federal oil and gas.
§ 3171.20 - Leases for Indian oil and gas.
§ 3171.21 - Subsequent operations and Sundry Notices.
§ 3171.22 - Well conversions.
§ 3171.23 - Variances.
§ 3171.24 - Waivers, exceptions, or modifications.
§ 3171.25 - Abandonment.
§ 3171.26 - Appeal procedures.
Appendix A to Subpart 3171 - Sample Format for Notice of Staking
Subpart 3172 - Drilling Operations on Federal and Indian Oil and Gas Leases
§ 3172.1 - Authority.
§ 3172.2 - Purpose.
§ 3172.3 - Scope.
§ 3172.4 - General.
§ 3172.5 - Definitions.
§ 3172.6 - Well control.
§ 3172.7 - Casing and cementing.
§ 3172.8 - Mud program.
§ 3172.9 - Drill stem testing.
§ 3172.10 - Special drilling operations.
§ 3172.11 - Surface use.
§ 3172.12 - Drilling abandonment.
§ 3172.13 - Variances from minimum standards.
Appendix A to Subpart 3172 - Diagrams of Choke Manifold Equipment
Subpart 3176 - Onshore Oil and Gas Production: Hydrogen Sulfide Operations
§ 3176.1 - Authority.
§ 3176.2 - Purpose.
§ 3176.3 - Scope.
§ 3176.4 - Definitions.
§ 3176.5 - Requirements.
§ 3176.6 - Applications, approvals, and reports.
§ 3176.7 - Public protection.
§ 3176.8 - Drilling/completion/workover requirements.
§ 3176.9 - Production requirements.
§ 3176.10 - Variances from requirements.
§ 3176.11 - Incorporation by reference.
Subpart 3177 - Onshore Oil and Gas Production: Disposal of Produced Water
§ 3177.1 - Authority.
§ 3177.2 - Purpose.
§ 3177.3 - Scope.
§ 3177.4 - Definitions.
§ 3177.5 - Requirements.
§ 3177.6 - Application and approval authority.
§ 3177.7 - Informational requirements for injection wells.
§ 3177.8 - Informational requirements for pits.
§ 3177.9 - Design requirements for pits.
§ 3177.10 - Construction and maintenance requirements for pits.
§ 3177.11 - Other disposal methods.
§ 3177.12 - Reporting requirements for disposal facilities.
§ 3177.13 - Variances from requirements or minimum standards.
Appendix A to Subpart 3177 - Examples of Acceptable Designs and Construction
Subparts 3171--3172 - XXX