§ 79.4 - Availability of funding.  

Latest version.
  • § 79.4 Availability of funding.

    (a) Allocation.

    (1) For the amount made available for the SRL program, the Administrator will allocate the available funds to States each fiscal year based upon the percentage of the total number of severe repetitive loss properties located within that State. Ten percent of the total funds made available in any fiscal year will be made available to States and Indian tribal applicants that have at least 1 SRL property and that receive little or no allocation.

    (2) For the amount made available for the FMA program, the Administrator will allocate the available funds each fiscal year. Funds will be distributed based upon the number of NFIP policies, repetitive loss structures, and any other such criteria as the Administrator may determine are in the best interests of the NFIF.

    (i) A maximum of 7.5 percent of the amount made available in any fiscal year may be allocated for FMA planning grants nationally. A planning grant will not be awarded to a State or community more than once every 5 years, and an individual planning grant will not exceed $150,000 to any State agency applicant, or $50,000 to any community subapplicant. The total planning grant made in any fiscal year to any State, including all communities located in the State, will not exceed $300,000.

    (ii) The total amount of FMA project grant funds provided during any 5-year period will not exceed $10,000,000 to any State agency(s) or $3,300,000 to any community. The total amount of project grant funds provided to any State, including all communities located in the State will not exceed $20,000,000 during any 5-year period. The Administrator may waive the limits of this subsection for any 5-year period when a major disaster or emergency is declared pursuant to the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act for flood conditions.

    (b) Redistribution. Funds allocated to States who choose not to participate in either the FMA or SRL program in any given year will be reallocated to participating States and Indian tribal applicants. Any funds allocated to a State, and the communities within the State, which have not been obligated within the timeframes established by the Administrator, shall be redistributed by the Administrator to other States and communities to carry out eligible activities in accordance with this part.

    (c) Cost Share. All mitigation activities approved under the grant will be subject to the following cost-share provisions:

    (1) FEMA may contribute up to 75 percent of the eligible cost of activities for grants approved for funding; or

    (2) FEMA may contribute up to 90 percent of the cost of the eligible activities for each severe repetitive loss property for which grant amounts are provided if the applicant has an approved Mitigation Plan meeting the repetitive loss requirements identified in § 201.4(c)(3)(v) or § 201.7(c)(3)(vi) of this chapter, as applicable, at the time the project application is submitted;

    (3) For the FMA program only, of the non-Federal contribution, not more than one half will be provided from in-kind contributions.

    [72 FR 61738, Oct. 31, 2007, as amended at 74 FR 47481, Sept. 16, 2009]